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PEERAGES CLAIMED. tamed, and that consequently the dignity is at tlsis nsesnent nuebscurcd by any penal enactment. The claimant rests his Richard E’setaco’o will was dated 21 Aug. 3702, and proved ease on the fellowtng grosmds: 1. The previous sanction of the Englisls privy esuneit lsad 30 Sept. in the samo year. Ills second son, not been obtained before time introduction of the act Burroweo, of Ardenads, en. Kildasw, and had issue, into the Irish parliament. Thts initiatory proceeding, under Poyning’s Law, then tn full force, seas tndtspensable. II. Jonmes, 3rd Viscount lialtinglass, against wlsom tlse act was specially directed, had died lhree years ysomOssealy. Tho will of Charlea Enstaoe was dated 58 Apsil, 5712. His III. There is no record of the attainder to Iso fcnnd in the 2nd eon, whose descendants became eventually representatives archives of the privy council, London. IV. The pardon and pronotse of indemnhy granted by the of Croydon, of the on. Wiskiow, and dytng 16 Nov. 176s, parliansent of JAMES I., to all who Isad opposed the woes, by his only eon, government of ELIZABETH, destroyed the attainder, even if such attainder were effectual. V. The title was borne and recognised by two visconuts lung army; who sit. Alice, dan. of Oliver M’Casssland, Enq. of subsequent to the passing of the statute. In 1839, the late Rev. Charles Eustaee petitioned the crown 13 Dec. 1672), and left at his decease, (will proved in 1801,) that his right to the Viscsnntcy of Baltinglass might be acknswledged; bts petition was referred by the Queen to her majesty’s Attorney-General far Ireland, who, having investigated the case, usade an elaborate report thereon to use Government, concluding thus: E.els’aet_fsaas the .Alleraey-Geeerol’o Rspsrt. “Iam of opinion that the petitioner has shown sufficient evidence of his right to tlse dignity of Viscount of Ballinglass, in ease the attainder of James, the 3rd viscount, created by the Act of Queen ELIZABETH, were reversed. SLezirer BeAux.” Snbsoqnent reference was made by the crown to tlte Attorney- General for Englassd, who gave in a report fully confirming that of tlse AltornoyGencral of Ireland. tCClmt Of tc igitit. SIB RnwAan EusTAca, Knt., lord-deputy of Ireland to Richard, flake of York, was father uf Six RowLAND EusTAer, Kal. of llarristown, lord-treasurer of Ireland, by patent, dated 23 3tay, 1454, who had a grant of tise manor sf Portlester, and was raised to tlse peerage sf Ilsat kingdosn, as BARON or POBTLR5TER, by patent bearing the same date, with rensainder to the heirs malt of his body. lie as. 1st, Etiaaboth, don. of John Bruno; and 2ndly, 3iargaroi, doss, of Jcnics Dartois, and widow of John Bawdall, of Newioun; by the fsrnsor he Isaci its issue; by the latter ho had daus., Isis to- heirs. Rowland, Lard Portlester, sI. 19 Dec. 1496, and sras buried in the abbey of Baltinglass. which he lsad founded. lIe was a. by his nephow, Sm TnoamAs KusTacE, who wa created Baron of Kilcullen, in the es. of Kildare, by patent, dated 13 Sept. 1545, and Yss000aT BAL-rmNnLasa, 29 June, 1542. ole settled bts estates by fcolfmneut, as Thomas Eustaeo, of I[arristown, doted 1 April, 1520. His lordship so. Margaret, don. of Paler Talbot, of Malahidc, and dying on the last day of July, 3 IlowaRn VI., The eldest eon of General Charles Enstace was was a. by his eldest son, Sia ROWLAND Roamer, 2nd Viscount Bahtiaglass, Baron Klldore, heir male and rnprosentitivo of the Viscounts BALTuNGLASS, Purtlester, and Kilenllen, aged 35 years in 1540, who had livery of his lands 3 EnwARn VI. lie so. Joan, dau. of James Barler, Cassamsdro, dasm. of John Stamanord, Ksq. of Holly Boyle, cc. Lord Dunboyne, and had, wills other issue, Jaura, his heir, Cork, eon of Eaton Stannord, Req., recorder of Dublin, and and WILLIAa5, of Noas. Slim lordship ii. on the last day of by that lady (who is deceased) left, at his decease, in Jon. Sforeh, 30 ELIZABETn, and was a. by his eldest son, Jasers EusTaca, 3rd Viscount Baltiuglass; who, having 1850, rebelled against the authority of Queen ELIZABETn, in 1503, was attainted, it is alleged, by on act of the parliament held in Ireland under the government of Sir John Perrott, Nut., assno 1086, by whiels his titles and estates become forfoitod. His lordship so. Piano, dan. of Henry Travers, but hod no issue His widow so. Zndly, Gerald Aylmer, Esq. sf Lyons, and ii. his wife, 20 Nov. leN. Lord Baltinglass, with lois brother Richard, fled to Spain, and bath ml. there. His next brother and heir, Tne Ilnx. W5LLIA5I EusTart, so. Margaret, don. of Ashe, of Great Pus-naught, or Faruace, in the to. of Kildore, asod Isad, with a dau (Jane, the wife of Capt. Archibald), a son and heir, RsonAnu Euev-s.cR, who so. Ridoabeth Bigland, a Yorksbire lady, and had two sons, via, James, an officer in the army, ci. seam.; and RscmAP.n BoRneo, settled at Noos, en. Kildare, and marrying Mary, don, of Sir William Pnrstsr, hod iasue, I. John, who ci. at an advanced age, unto mm. CnABLE5. isa. Williassi, sf very old and mssno, 1251 m. Elioabot]s. as. Airs, ro. to Alexander Greydon, Eeq.; living in I 680. Cnanooo EnoTAce, Esq. so. Eitoabotb, dau. of Captain 5. ItmenaRn, of Naae, wlsose lute is extinct. Ii. Jones. ass. Alexander, in lsoly orders, ii. s. p.; seill proved us 1779, probate to isis neplmew Charles, son af his brother Jahms. of the family, Jones Enenee, Esq., of Noae, so. in 1736, Eliaobeth, dams. CnonLro F.usvaee, Hsq. of Bimbhin, a llcsmt.-gon. in the Strabane, in the cc. of Tyrane, (marriage licence dated s. CnaisLEs, the late cLAiMANT, of whom presenily. is. Oliver Enslaee, iT. a. p.; a cornet of horse. siT. Itenry gssseoee, liesmt.-gen. in thse arstsy ; so. I lestriotla, dan. of Cosnil dAlton; and ci. Oct. 1844, leaving issue, I henry, of Corhahly, Queen’s County. 2 Charlos-Edward, an officer in else 46t1s roghsoent. 3 John-Rowland. 1 Rosalie, as. lb July, 1053, to usc Sharqaoas Itleel-Parac— clime, of Rome, and Stonlcpuieiamse, ‘l’ Wilhiam-Commwahlis Hnstoee (Sir), K. C- ii., C. B., of Saudford blall, Essex, liesst.-genoral in the xrosy, colonel of site Chassessrs Britanniqnes, in use Ponisssula ; so. 1st, Catherine— Frances, don. and hvir of time let Lord Talbot, of Mololsidc, by whom he had issue, I Alexander-Talbot Enstace-Halpas. I Pranees-Cathorine-Rliaabrth Eimstaee, vs. 1st, 10 Robert King, Esq.; and lndly, to time Rev. Samuel Lloyd. 2 Alicia-Idargoret-Slaria Enstace, d. stsmssm. iii 1810. Sir William Eustaee, mus. 2ndly, Caraline-ltargaret, don. of John King, Eeq., of Grosvenor-pinto, and by that lady isad ties sans, Jolmn—Tlsasnos, amid Robert—I lenry. lIe os. Srmll3-, Emuma, 2nd don. and co-heir of limo late Adsssirol Sis’ Ehiab Ilarrey, G.C.B., by whom Iso Imad a doss., Emmo-Lonioa, Otto Captain Forniby. Sir Win mf. 9 Feb. 1055. v. Alexander Emsitaoc, roplain usf dragooos, killed at Vimssicra. vi. Jolun-Roucland Eostaoe (Sir), 1(11., of htahhasnev, co. Eli— dare, majar-general in lime army, lsiglm-elseriff of site eo. of Kildaro to 1850. Sir John Eustace received time honour of lmiglmllsoed for military services ; he ci. 9 Aug 1964. 5. Ehunaboth Eastaee, is. to Ihso ltev. Ilsary Jolmasoo, aad left issue. ti Alicia Eustace, es. 1st, to Niclsolas, Lord Trhunlestown; amid Sadly, to Lieist-General Sir Ryan Lloyd, K.C.II., by whom site sad a sen, Ryan, late captain royal dragoons; aad lisa dons., Alicia, sum. 1st, Is Vl’illiam Oakeley, Keq. of Oakeley, es. Salop; and indly, to Henry J. Sheldon, Bsq., of Bralles, co. Was-wick; and Louisa, sus. to the hate Sir W’olssan WilIommghby Dixie, Ban. Lady Trimlestown ci. 25 Nov. 1060. sms. Anno-Stario Emsataee, as. to Robert Slmearman, Ksq. of Grange, co. Kilkenny, and had issue The Rev. CHARLES Eusaoa, of Roberlatown, in the co of amsd claimant of their bonours. Mr. Enstaeo us. s. CHARLrS-STANNABD EuSTAeE, Esq. of Hobertstown, co. Kildare, formerly a captain in the army; sss. 1st, Lamsra, doss. of Christopher Tourer, Esq. of Would Hall, Rssex, whsielm lady ci. in 1043; he as. Sudhy, 12 Sept. 1064, Raseita-Plslllipa, youngest don. of the late Lient.-Col. Cameron, SIlls Ihghlanders, of Ban-y-groig, near Swansea, ossd granddasm. of Liesot.-Gou. Sir Alan Cameron, K.C.B., KR., ldtb Highs- landers. i. Alicia-Catherine, am. in 1827, Robert Robertson, Req., advocate (of time Scotch bar), and has issue, I Robert-Jamoean-Essetaco, captain Ohtlm rifles sa. 9 April, 1863, the Lady Katharine, 4th duo. of Williamn, 4th earl of flartmouth, and has Iwo dana. S Chorles-EnslaoO. I Ahheia-Trimloatawn, so. in 1849, to James Jameson, Eaq. of Ais’flcld hlonse, eo. Dublin. mm. Ehioobeth-Anoe, ,ss. in hO2S, to henry Leader, Ksq. of Stoical Leader, es. Cork, and has a son, 1 llenry-Euafaeo, I6tlm lancers. iii. Catherine - Slania, us. ha 3826, Adm. Sir AlexanderD.-Y. Arbutisnoll, RN., heir male of the Ron. AlexandorAnb’stbnstt, of Knox Castle, Smmd sea of Robrnt, 1st Viseounl Arbullsnott (see thai fills), and has a dais., 4L2