Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/550

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PEERAGES CLAIMED. Jme tIe-Ellen-Jane, io. in 1050, to Frederick Wollaston, Ksq. reason of his having heen onmnioned to parliament in the of Slienteu flail, co. Leiccoter (formerly major in the inniekilirn reigns of the tsoo first Euwanns, and having sat under all dragoons). iv. Jane-Cassandra, m. in 1032, to William Conner, Eeq. (of or some of those suunmonveo and the barony fell into the family of Conner, of tlallyhrirlccn, co Cork), and has a abeyance on the death nf Thomas, the eon of Otho; and son and 0 (tan., I William. 1 Cassandra. IlALFOUR OF I3URLEIGIJ AND KILWINNINU, BARIIN1ES. Co I ,,, not—The lala lioiscr.r ltsrrr or ltoacsr.r, in use rounly of Clael,seannan, ltq. claim contissoed by los 000, Atrvaaoen-lirs.u horse. o minor. hi0550T Bern’, of Kennel, Ihe eloinsanl (ace limos’s Lootcd Ge’ 1v). was llso heir of else tssoly of Sir SIts hod Balfour, erralod to, and eitting in, parliament, Ioorp. Euwanu I. The first Lord Balfear of llisrrigls and Lor,1 Kilsrimnng, and. no such Lorot, Ronr.srr no Scorns, son and heir of Sir Robert de claiosrst lo be entitled 10 11w Isonosirs ond dignities of Lord Scales. of Newselles, in the county of Norfolk, was atmsunned llalfonr of Boricigh and Lord Kllwinnhsg. Tue case (for use sedigree and oilier dclails ccc himeers Doom aol ca’l Relives Pcorup) was concluded before llsc Cominiller for Privileges of Robert, first Lord de Scales, to Thomas, the seventh t.ord, hue house of Lords, on the Slat July, 1 000, wlsess use Coesmitlrc who died iii 34g0, leavieg by Emma his wife, daughter of rcsolrcd hint Sir. Cohort Bruce, so far as the ‘odigrecseas John Wolesrbsrough, Esq., an only child, concerned, had made ossl Isis ci gIrl to else claim of hialfour of lltsrleigli, and would be rnlillcsl so the honour and digs ily of hlossrehier, who d. s. p.,’ and 2udly, Anthony Widvihle, who flint title had it not been for the allaindor of llalrect, Lord was essninroned to phriiament in her right as 8th Baron Tlnrleigh. Also, that lie had not made one his hue lo lise Scales, mid wiro afterwards sneceeted hie father as 2nd Ihareny of Kilwinaing. Sir. R,,bert llrece ‘5.13 Aug. 1004. Earl of Rivrrs, and was beheaded in 1483. On his death and this decision io now in farour of Iris only sos, Alexan4or— the barony of ifs Snsles fell into abeyance between the hugh Bruce, Esq. of Itcunet, a minor, Sr. 13 Jim. 1049, solso, co-heirs s’f the twa great-graud-aunts of Elicssbeth, Lady do on ins fathers dealhi, preocnlcd, through Is is guardians, necessary further pclthiou. BERKELEY, TYES, LATIIIER, AND BADLESMERE, Oxford. and Sir Wiltiana Tyndahl. Tho Earl of Oxfor,l subsequsently BARONIES OF, hare linen clrrrtns’( Scales, from which circumstance it is alleged that tho by Sin ROBERT BCBnETT, Burt. of Foremnrlc. asid abeyance was ternsinated iii hho favour. John, the 11th have boon roforrod to the Ilonso of Lords on Mao Earl of Oxford, died without issue iii 3820, when tim report of tb Attonaoy-Oonorul. FITZWALTER, BARONY OF, Off note FITEW_hI.TEIl, BA1iON. GRANDISON, BARONY OF. (To alsoyroscu.) Coheir—Sta Hmeav-Rucnouu Poerox-Brntie.oers.n, Dart. Lucy Corowalhis. doe that title aule p. 81. Sin Hoxnv-Paocow BrtsneussrLu, fishy established bin co-heirohip before the tlouee of Lerde, in June, lOSS. The ease Conan before thoir Icrdohipe upon a reference from 11cr Majesty, ha consequence of a petition of Sir henry, c:aiming to be one of the eo.heiro of William do Cnsndisrn. The descent woo claimed from Sin Wsr.s.o,su Cnxwc’eore, who died on or before the 0th of Ems-ann Hi. Tino Sir William, who was the second son of Peter, Lord of Crandison, parlianoent from C Jars. 3581. to 17 Slay, 1023, or. Lady hod issue, three eons and three daughtere I’ctrr, hie Frnneee Clifford, don. of henry, Earl of Cnmborlrnd, and eldest, and John, hie eeeond eon, Bishop of Exeter, died without leone Otho, his third sou, had issue, en only rhlld, Thomas, whu died without issue. And thus the three daughters of Sir William or their heirs, became his co-heirs, S1ABELLA, the oldest daughter, had issno, an only eon, who died withont issue, and fooir daughters, sin. Ssbehla, KarucaitcE, Ilatilda, and Alice Katherine nrarried Sin Tnonsas Tunorresixos, ond Sir Henry Bndingfeld proved himoelf to be her sole heir. Sir William Grassdieon, Sir floury’s ancestor, became entitled to a Barony iii fee, by in 1051 summoned to parliament from 2 Nov. 1029, to 19 The faesrly of tiraudison is eaid to be a branch of the Slay, 3085. He m. 1st, Ehicabeth. doss, of Sir Dowlssnd lionse of Ttapshnig, and both were amongst the more illneIrsons Wandeeford, Emit., of Piekhay, es. York, and by her had, houses s,f tire ancient Kingdom of Burgundy, The name af Crandseen 10 derived from a Castle in the Pays de Sand, which continued to be the residence of ajunior liraneb of the family nun] the fifteenth century and which is stlll etaudrng. Ebald, Lord of Grandioon, his two sono, henry, Lord ol Chanvenc, and Peter, who succeeded him irs Lord of Crandioou, and Antonio. the widow of his late ion fios’ard Lord of Sarrate, made a joint giant to the Church of Si. Mary, Lansanno, in October, 1231. Poter, the secon,h son tthe hardship ci. 2ndly, Jane, dan. of Arthur Caodu-iu, Essy., succeeded his father as t,ord of Graudison prior ti the year 1uo, and married Agnes. daughter of Ulriele, Count of Nenfehatel, who woo nearly related to Eleanor of Praveore, the and four dauss., viz., Queen of thricesy III., and in e500eqnduee of this alliance Otho and William, the two elder sons of Peter and Agnes were brought up at Henry’e Court, and as the couipanioni o’ Prince ltdward, and were both Peers of Parliament, Otho to ho the eon slant attendant and faveosred friend 1252 Sir Tlenry Bedisagfeld, as the heir of Manm.LA, who en Otho’s death, woo one of the co-heirs of Sic William, wae declarod by the House of Loede to be a porson in whooe favour the Crown may now determine thr abeyance. DE SCALES, BARONY OF. Cloircassl—Sia Cssans.oe Ronenv Tzarer:ar, Dart, of Bronghtoo, co. Toi’k. ttfllt DI tije D1BIIItP. The Barony of Dc Scales was created by writ of onmmrne to parliament frossa 1209 to 131.3. The dignity deoosuded his regsitar oneceosion frc’na tin said Ee.szaenru, Baroness de Scales, as-ho vs. 1st, Henry Scales, the dassghtero of Hobert, the 3rd Lord do Scalee, and those co-heirs were John de Yes’e, the lath Earl of bore asuaongot his othertitlee, the honour of Lord hareny of Do Scales, rmd clue othor dignities of which he svao oriced in fee tail, fell into abeyance between his nephew John Neville, eubaequsontly Lord Latimer, and Iris sisters Lady Elizabeth Wingfield and Lady Ursula Knightley, who surboequuoutly diod a. is. Sue Cisosuu.cs-Roorsur Tearroor, is nob of Oae co-hoirs of the said Jrshis, i.ord Lntimrrc, bo’isug desceurded througls the fnnrily of Fermor of Tusmore, from hie daughter Lady WHARTON, BARONY OF. Clai,,russl—Luon’e.- COL. -Jonx Ks:assrvo-Tvarz, B. P. ?3ctf lIt at tbc iwiitjj. Pnuruv Wsuawrors, 3rd Boron Wharton, summoned to’ had, with three dasse., two sons, Oesrge (Sir), who so. Lrroly Aususo Manners, dais, of Jrrhsn Rash of llntlnnd, nod d. op. in 1009. having been hilled in a duel wills Sir Jnsuseo Stsuaet (soul of Lord hhlasulyu’o( aslis also fell at Clue oasuue tinae. ‘thomas(Sir), irs, Phsiladclhihsia, dasi. of iloberl, Earl of Moss— risoushhu, asurt d. heaving Iwo sours, Pnmw, successor to Ins grasudfsshrer nod ihuosisas. hits lordship ,t. in 1625, and woo s. by his grandson, Pnurto Wui.swTors, 4th baron, soho attained his majority i., sos. to Robert Ilerui 0, lhsrn Lord Wihlsusghitsrdo Ercabr , aflenvards Erich s’f Lisudsey, rehrrssessleot by lire present Lord Willoisghstry do F.roslry, son asrd heir of Lads W’illsrsghrhy do Eroshy, dan. of l’errgrine, lcd Babe of Aeeauler, sssd Ins Gesrgianru- Cluarhuute, wiolow of George— Janues, 1st bhsa’qssess of Chsolrirosrsheley, 2usd rtaus. of Pore— grisre, lid Dculse of Aneralcc. of U]rper Winchendon, ea. Ducks, and by her had two eons i. Tnooeae, Ins heir. n. C osot viii. e. Anne, sir. Ia W’ilhtaeu, only son of Sfihliasu Can’, grosium of Iho bedchsnnsber to Jasueo I. n. llargas’ol, so. to ,hbrujor lirsusehu, of Pusey, en. Perks. iii. lIt arm, so. lot, to Willirrr,s, son neil heir of Eduustsnoi Thoumsos, Esq. of Wenvao,eo. tilauuroigrsus ard Sedly, 10 Sir