Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/598

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Magaa ni verttas. Great as teeth. Magnay, Pt Magnatsinoiser rraeent sastine. ,S’usteoi,t the Cioss (i.e., oeppart r’fflirt’O’) i ‘hsac icc its. Kenyon, B. Major sirius guam splendor. flct ‘tyreettrr Otaa sjclc doer. lla’idingt’ o, if. Mat grb Ia tact. lVtptt’ so’ srrcey. do 1 logician, lit. hlallesn niari gust,, muttare. I ira aPt cat/ce,- itt, thacs c/i scitye ft ilbert, lit. Halo mon (maul feulari. I hat u-cit her tic than be dtahocisorr,t. itarnewatt, lit. trimtestowa, ii. Dr Preyne, It. Ffroneh, B. Harty, Itt. Payne, itt. Essnonde, Dl. —I beg mortality. Bather titan life preserved wilt, tnfamy.”—Shrrkceprare. Mamment optima mole. The best thtay.’ rc ,tauco I., hee’res Muter, of Cttentre, Itt. Mann farti. With a b5td hood. Iteay, B. Manas Icier inimirca tyrannic Thi.s hood. in h ,uet,te to toot ccl,. Caryofort, if. ttiverodale, It. The wtoote sentence ia, —Matotos titer itsimira tyrannic Pace petit ptaeielam stub libertate gtsielono.” This hand, to tyrants, hostile over, Graopa the owor,t tltat matceo us free, Aael seeks, intent etor bonito to cover, Gentle rest itt liberty.” The I.attn tines are more generally known ao having been Matare vet times-c sperna. I searcs to chosiye si-feac’. Beau- written it, cite Albam of rite Uaiversiey of Copentosoen, by My pniaoee and sisy country. Ilarris, B. Algernon Syttney, when amhuassador from the gngtish Cotnnoonweslth at tite Court of Denmark. Sdoey aloe repeated We cede malts. Yield imel Is sc,h.os’orluctue.s. Ailcantarle, It. the sentence in lice Book of Mottoes, in the ttayat t.tbrary in Ne code mails, sod eestra. Vtrg. sEn. vi. 99. Yieiit scot Is the same city. Tertoo, lbs Frenels ambassador, wtttn Ito thtra saw the tines, tora tloetn outt of the book. Mantis Jotota aortlaa. A fuel hood a preei000s a tccl,src,t. May. nartl, V. Marie at arle. By tear and au-i. Jones, RI. Marie ci ingemo. By trite acid toil. Sottth, ElItlartia, non Capiotinis. Of Mars, ctot Capiit. I’le.trlter, Pt. Moo spos cot in Deo. My hope i-s ics 60,0. Ssttitlo-(totclon, Pt. Media tuttiositnems ittis. Thea ccitt go the safest icu the cc i,t,51e No tentes. sost perfire. Attesejct not, erroeeccccyltsh. HO, PiNe eeuc’ne. t.angrishe, Bi. htedtoeria firma. ]tlertiorc-ity in etobte. Versolam, F. Boron, itt. Metiore Ode qnatn fortootia. With better ,flotetily thrum foelecue. Ne rite valis. Wish ssathiny hose. Abergsveno’, F. Braybroolte, Gresiey, Itt. Isletnoria pit saterito. The oseatary of Iho fool is ererlasluccy. Nec aspera teovost. Nor do iliffieattire lerc-it,s. Johnson, Br. Ssmdetey, B. Mess toqna rebsos in ardnis. At eqttai saiumoi ito odiffiroities, Net ropias, see inotnas. Musher cl,.si,v ssoefear. lIas-dsetrke, lIardinge, V. Hens ronseis reeti. A tctismut reasristtI of reeliloale. Astubrook, V. Nec male notus eqoes. A kiciyhl ciol bautty Oecosiruo. Sostliiweli, Maeartney, Pt. Mono eojnsgae, to eel qoisgse. As the tcticttt of each, so is the Wee parvis sisto. lila nat h,sihrdtr at tei,t,o. Do Bathe, RI. sasa. Cottenttam, B. blocs sibi eonseia rerti. A oaito,t retosrinsos in itself of rertitstde, Nec qsiterere, nec spet-otere lionoremn. Neither Is seek nas’ ctespiac Wright, Itt. Do Crespigny, Pt. Mente or labore. With rsticud oat labour. Lawrence, lit. Monte msnngne. With hoe’rt aa,t hasot. Fargoshar, Hi. bionic ntanoqsoo presto. I act seo.dy mrith heart coil hr’soct. Nec temere, nec timide. Neither c-oshts toot- tics irlly. Blosse, Foalts, Pt. Morres bee aorta tabanom. This is the eitro resrard of ieeleef,-ss. baton, ttt. Hereto is nty desire. Abereronsby, Ott. Motuenda corolla slraeanis The drayecm’s crest is to befoareut. Wee ttmoo, nec sperno. I netlher.fesr, ear olespise. Boyce, V. Londonderry, II. Vane, It. Miovix Jo sera. Better I teill be. Beaumont, B. Miloi etora ftstoort. I hare a race for the .fttt os-c. Osgley, B. Mon Diets cot sna conic. Lily &‘0t is ccmy reek. Ferntoy, Ii. Mon droir. Lily riaht. Ingilby, Itt. Motseo ci ,nmtnio I aolrise ati’l etefeotd. Elplminsione, lit. hloniti noetioro seqnanonr. Virg. sEn. lib. iii. s’. ISO. Lrt 00, N’aoststies. Do soot fucrrtt I. Ii etoirese, D. beiey eo,tcoooinhed, fallow better tOt iays. Ilatsost, lit. Hors Clmristi, iowa tnortts tnihi. The death of Chrisl in to toe the Nihtl amsuoti domtm. Nelhiciy diffieelt Is scue srhs loves. Reid, death of ‘truth.Bsothby, lit. lion topi agnis vita. The death of tho waif is lmfe to lhe laccuba. Nil auhintrori. tiorot. T.ptst. Itb. o. epsst. 0. Not to eoobocsote. Onsoley, Pt. Mars mihi vita ost. Deyth is Icja foote. Wolsetey, Pt. Moo legem regit. Coatac,m rates thc law. Mostey, El. Martbots antiqusis. IVith a aeirst scion tiers. Tltr000snorian, Pt. lloveo ci prsfrior. I pc’seee’t rst,it 9oc’asyer. Itanfarly, It. Moroos afiaeoos ronseiontia sana. A oaead roumsrieeee is rt teeotl of locass. Seorbrongti, It. Hntare fiuteno resole. I busts scat lists to rhanye sty faith. Outram, Pt. limbs inglonias artes. Ta exerriae, oarocabitiamcs of ytoro, the Nit eonsrite sibi. Pier. Ep. lib. i. ep. I. Ivc hare a esnsrieare eiteoct arts. italford, Pt. Tttis onotta is an etegonr qaotariost from hoe description of ttoe physirion lapis, in use twelfth boolt of Virgil’s aEnoisi, which baa titus been rendered by Deydent “Iftpiswas otltand to prove his art, Whose blooming yontlt so Omit Apollo’s ltesrl, Thee, for Isis tove, ho proffer’d to bestow His innefat harp, and his 000rring hose The plaits yoath, more stnitttitts hose to save His aged sire, now sinking to the grave, Frefeer’d the powers of 1ctants, an,l silatut praise Of healing arts, before b’hwboan bays:’ The medical profession was by no means in lsononr at Rome. Nit despenotsdauma eel. Issht i cc1s is Is be utcemceoierit of. Slosrart, Every senator aisct rich Bosuian lmaei his family lcbystnman atnottg his owe hendisteso, and stone bitt staves icrsettsed the 1300 art nnlit Assgssstas noode Antoottus Moss a freeman to Greece it seas different. ‘fcusss,speakiuig of Esotimos, triton ottendissg on Clue woandeet Tanered, closely imitotes the lines of VirgiL “Itgik I’aotiro Eratimo, clue narqna In rica at Do, s’adopra in ssua salute It qsscui del’ luerbe, e italic nshsil’ aeqote Ben ronosreva ogni nso, ogni virtate. Care alle Hose sneer t ma at eoinpioeqoe NeBo gloria sninor dell’ arti stole Sot roth Can-c a siterle i eorci fsolt, E poles fan’ i nonoi ones imsaortatt.” Tosso, Ocr. Lth. rants xi, st 70. Grey Erotiunsos, boo-n bestde tlse I’os, Canto to itis aid a scare who knew the cisc And secret vtntsea of all springs ttiol flow— Of all green herbs the lulls and woods prodore lie, toe, was snoitr,t en by the partial unuise, Bitt eats,eei ass-eel Coslatto’s warbling seas-s Less than tIme smote fail of t’wonian dew’s his setonre us-onoclrd soles front death eecsld save, And conceIted nansos in verse imsmsrtaliy engrave.” I. H. Whiffes. To Sir Henry Ilslford, the late baronet, both poet and ploysmesan, thus posssgo h-ens lasso toss parttetdsnly applicable. fart, B. Raglan, it. icmtsfsc-tuusoes, b ccl eso the escclc-oco-y, icuodl theca meith fosuituode. Garrsglt, B. Sirsiford, V. ‘‘Betitous, soenre of souol, sonh,ent wtttt woes, Time mosore tlsy fontone frowos, the emote oppsso.”—Drydest. No obltvisrsm-is. Feu-o’set real. Caonptseli, lit. Ne to giotesivenis extra. Seek a koiccietrolyo of thyself; itoh beyssmoi lhysetf. Ileseett Bt. vile fans. Bc-my c000hicsy b’osv to the tecujcle, or with time Jes— do—mats, to Sac, e. Westnestmsttd, F. It. V - Nec prero nec pretto. Neither by peosyer nor iccire. Estaman, B. Fremantle, El. dislicurtiect. Boiingbroke, V. Booglsoy, Bt. Nec sinit essa feros. Or. do Fonts, clog. 9. Nor dehh it [edsmrri. hiatt] sccffer Iheoo Is be brm’tat. Langham, lit. Pt. Bradford, It. Bsrktey, Bt. Ctsiooety, Itt. Clarke-Travors, Pt. Forbes, BL Monster, B. Simeon, Pt. Wskemsn, Pt. Western, Ft. Wllhianss, Itt. Nrminent metne innoeens. Beiccg iccctorccil, fear tie ewe Eyre, C. Nests smae impstne Iseessit. Na ecoe 5irsrabes ome orith iespossuify. The motto of the order of Tue TU50TLe, to whoso badge, a Iloisrte, it has refereoore. Nevor givo in. Lasvrenre, lit. Ni ddow do a lute arof’o. No goad cscctet faccu buy icmtcussiiag. Llansver, B. Pt. Clone, K. Concur, P “WhoIhter see dread or whether os’o drstee, In either ease believe tuso, we admire Whether we joy or grieve, ttte sonme time corse, Sanpcrised at better, so- surprised at worse.’—Pope. Not to admire is of oil things best, The only means to matte amid keep no blest.”—Ftomnr,s. fc-eefcacci gaul. Winchutsea, It. Careor, itt. lulls, Pt. ‘‘Bethis thy bnaeeto bostsrarlm of dofeaer, StiU to preset-va thy e005eioOs ioiooeeneo.”—Frausris. Nil desperoedom. hoe, ad. lib. i. ad. 7. ll’itthic’g is Ia be otesscuci,rut ‘f’.Ansao, ttt. t,iolufiehd, It. hlasgrova, Pt. Wathmen, Pt. lioyes, Pt. “Boldlet its fallow- Iltroagit tlto foamy tides Whem-o fortnne t,etter hlsan a fcsthen gaidos As-ostnt despair t solicit Teitrrr ralla to fautse, lime ssnsc yonr oogor, and yoor goide use soooe.” Franris. Pt.