Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/601

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTIIATIONS. Renaocootur. They trill rise again. Avonncocr, V. Iienovotc anirnoo. Beoeo’ yos’r coorage. Kioomtl, F. itopnralctt corona Pltsabe. The aeon trill renew her horns. Sokl nobililos viotoo. Virtssc, of itee(f alo.ce, io ssolcililg. Folwarth, B. ,leo non verl,a. Facto not wordo. Wioon, lit. tteoolato and Ores. Milbonkc, Mt. Reopice. Look lock. Nepean, lit. Retineno vootigia tames. Freoerriog the footsteps of ancestral feeme. ittbbleodolo, B. Rovireerat May it flourish again. htaxwoli, lit, dtevircoca. Ifloorisoh again. Maxwell, lit, Ride thrutagh. Bcthaven, B. Elton cant Mica. .Nothisg ni/heel God. Kerrioon, lit. Right and roaooo. Balycil, hIt. Btnaaeo plO gloriooo. 1 rice sgoia core glorious. Alluding to Sperait peeiresla otetoe. Vc,l tee oio.cpisst h, tsp’ ‘.ttomsay, lit. the phesnix in the crcot, ttooolya, F Bobori praeleatta pruotat. Prudence surpasses otreogth. Spers seseltora. I hey for S iler ti.isye. Stewart, lit. Tee— Young, Bt. Socro qnercuo. The hlg out. ltolyoake-Gooelricke, lit. Ssovnragne trtdontona ooevamots. Ire preeeroo the droud trident. Sceo, drcns, et rsbnr. lisp,, honour, a s,l olrrsylh. Farelloy, lit. Broke, lit. St. Vincent. tladotock, lit. Soloo per Clsrtoturn Itedesuptarem. Balralioa throogh Christ Sjseo ci tortetna. iieps cc ,s’tfortu’e. Chrlmsforet, B. the Redece,et. Moray, F. Sans changer. Withos,t chso’giog. Derby, N. Evecoley, V. Sites naoe Choteias. Christ tag hae, Luran, F. Claansorrit, li Macgrave, lIt. Stasslry of Atelerley. B. Stanley, lit. Saao craiato, With oulfear. Tyrrctl, lii. Gordon-Cnmming, lit. Sano Mien non. Nelhierc orithoett God. Petre, F. Sano Mien jo no polo. Without God! tow not oSlo. Skipwitl’, Itt. Sites mess in tesissro est. Pig hope is iso I/se fut ore P,obinsea, lit. Sano t.,cl,e. Witheot blemish. Gortnanoton, V. Rapier, B. Speo torississa coslio. The oaf, st’ hape is eh,,l which eolies ass Noptcr, lit. Sapero nude. Bare to hr ‘rise.Ittaccteofield, P.. Sapiens qe.i seoidaos. He to cisc seho is aaoid,’ooo. Sykeo, lit. Spot vita sssrttorio. The hstr si a lit/sr life. Brosoghton, B. Satio tot prostrhsoeleoni. it isenoogh to hare creurheel to a lit to. Sriogol nsa dhroesn. Royal is say tribe. Mecgregsr, lit. Salaobary. lit. Seio coot crcdidi. 1 know to schooo I have traded. Roughtan, B. Scata fillet. With the ohirt,t of Faith. Morris, lit. Secret et loardi. Beret sent° reoot,’le. Dveovar, B. Sceandio elntiioqsse rcctuo. Uptight in prosperity and eootcersity. Steady. Aylmer, II. linid1tort, V. Cam perdssrn, F. Scene nyse aqnaratn. Fccteo. xxxtx. v. 17. .Bg racers of crater. Steinm500 qesitt faeissnt ? J ovenat, Sat. 8. ll’tnet ttscs lisoeaye iNvert, lit. Sect tine tatje eiecuo. .lttorcoo’er it to an honoar acilhout a slain. Stet fssrttsna olonaGs. .hftto lh’ ftsrlssoe sf ttoe tosstsc re,eoaiss. Elton, F. Sonsol ot temper. Once assd always. Ssvtnb,srno, lit. Setani no eensai. icon do scathing aritloos,l fleet. Bering, lii. Sensper entices. Always the saur. Foreoter, II. Soinpor fsdclis. Beer feoithfcl. Ooolssv, E. Snaills, lit. Stirling, Snaviter in naodo, foetiter in re. Gentle in ooaoner, bet lit. Scnsper pacatno. ..dlsrays ready. Armytagc, lit. Cliffs,rd, B. Itnswles, lit. Coootehle, lit. Flphinslone, lii. Seestter pacatne tsngaare pro paine. A lungs ready to .Pghl far sag country. Lackl tart. lit. Sequitur victoria fortco or torteio. Victory follows the Irate. Sob ersoce canticle. Uosles’ the fssir rs’aso. ligalont, F. Canspbell, lit. lioqnitanetn si gissnge. Do pur000iog, Oct.’ attoias. Larnbcrt, lir. Sob hoc signs vinces. Unehor this sign ehall thou rsagoes’. So qusr nec interior. 1 fallow, nor al’s I inferior. Create, B. Scrnseni conssna tacie. Beets agreeiogwith scards. Tretawney, lit. Sore, sod term. Lob, hot in earnest. Antrim, F. Lothien, 11. Sob litserlale quietem. Rest 5hrsng miSerly. (See aoopo’a under Salisbury, Itt. Serva jngnm. Preserre the ox-ache. Erroll, F. hay, lit. (See, Sub pace eopte. Usderpeareplsosly. t.espes, lit. for explanation of tlsis nsetto, the lineage of Lrroll.l Sorvabs fislcon. I will keep fetch. Slserleorne, B. Ser’raro nsnnie vita. To ebwrre the otcdieo seftife. Oglanoiec, Mt. Soblinciora petamns. Lrt oo seek esebliseoer sbjerts. Stonhonoe, lit. Servate fisleo einert The pro cat_se onade to the e’sheo of soy forefathers Scott stat vinibns. He rests an hi.s sun strongbh. Abinger, li. hoes been kept. 1terrowby, F. Verney, Mt. Scrratom ctneri. Foeilh trpl sail/c lie ‘beaol.Frevost, lii. Secrieoeio. By seeeisc. Sinsoon, lit. SOda c eomnsanda. He trusts a,sct eoosasa costs. lltotaxa-Anaolsto, Sam esp&ronro. Upon hope. ltonrnietl’, lot. Count. Shannet a boo l Shonnet to victory! Tttagerald ansi Vesci, B. Fitzgerald, lit. Si Bout nobtsessm, qssie contra not? jf God St with us, aeho Torhe sans tactic. A crock omitkoot a Ste suioh. Northosk, B. shall be against vs f Otavay, lit. St je puts. if I rotc. Colqsshonn, lit. Livingotone, B. Si sit prssdentia. dccv. Sat. vii. v. 23 If there be predsnre. To digna seqserre. Folio me lhi ago sres’thg ccf gee. Cengleton, B. Anckland, F. ltentey, B. Eden, lit. Sir bene merenti palma. The palm thus to the srell-ele.tcrriog. Teiponm estee. Ksosw thyself. Show, lit. FaInter, lit. Sic dotter. Thseo until. Ellessnere, F. Egertoo, B Sic fidem teneo. Thes Jkeep faith. lteleou’srth, lit. Ste itur ad astra. Thss.s the 5mg In heaven. Virgil, rEn.ix. 641. Rtvett-C,,roar, Ft. islaelornaie, lit Sic not, sir sacra tnemsor. Thea we defend oearselres aeed ot’r sacred rights. htacMahon, lit. Sir p.srvis mngna. Thus great lhisegs arise frosts seesell. Bralee, lit. Shoe ertniine Sat. Let it be done wilhoset reins. Issues, lit. Sine lobe unto. Distio,etiaa without a staiss. Craafnrd, lit. Fellok, lit. Sine maccola. Withanet stain. Itteckesizie, lit. Ste pint ta priests. Firol ofalllhiogs be thou pious. linrlsw, lit. Tenox et fidelio. Frrses’erissg aosct faithful. Carrington, li. Sit ordo in omnibus. Let there too eeoter iso all thiesga. Mo Teissier, Baron. Ssla boots qnsn hnneote. These things are alone geeol srhirh ore Teoax prapositi. Fines ofposrgtose. Gibbet, lit. honest. Colobreakr, lit. Solo in Des saInt. Salralisn in Gsot ntosoe. Rokeby, B. Sale tabs servire lies. Ta serve God is the twIg salvation. Gore, lit. Sole juvet viriuo. Vines alone delights. litantyre, B. 1303 Sola proba qua Itoneste. Those things entg arc brrooseing which are h,sseol. Wrote, hit. Aberroern, D. It .oa,itteon, III. Solo advent ineteta. JiG etc oboe is ino’incible, Norfolk, li Sarte too c501entesn. C stotsnt smith his lI. Iiertaeell lit. Sayea fernoe. Brdruo. Cairirh, F. Soyen sage. Be wior. Rlieott, Itt. Spare nought. Twreddatr, It. hay, lii. SIte vireo so gentsor. Stn’nyth is inrrraosd by hope. Scott, lit. Stsectemnr agenda. Lsl as be oxa,scieel by sac eanetnrl. Shannen, F. Sls505a ossee05550s alit. Stereo ott f,ales’so ho5sc. tl coo, lIt. Siserat infrstis. fir h’sprs icc nstr, Srot,.n, Lb. Speroedonn rat. it is Is toe ho1,od. Wallace, III. lichen, ii. Mansfield, F. 5ie dattit assxilissoa. lie ye anti gire au/clara. Bomber, lii. SItes eel to Des. linpe it to Gee1. Ilagge, lIt. Spes et fillet. Hope and faith. Clsenstsenloin. lit. Spot labor levio. hope is tight l’ebsur. Oclitrrlony, lit SItes mra Vests. Gad toy hope. Brolee, er ilrookr, lit. Spot once tn lice. Pig hsyr is iso God. Teynham, li. I-colaltridge, Br. heareo. Fing, lit. Fingotoo, F. Lorton, V. All hope despair that sonnets not 001 lIce eross.”—Coorper. It srigor, lit. Sttsoel toot. Seefleld, F. Steno catera tinno. The rest stanch ones braos. Hnntty, tOO. Stat tortsone dom,ss virtate. The fsrt tone of the hoosse stands by tIe nirtee. Molynessx, Ill. ‘await?Stewart, lit. Aclhar, Ill. Slrtke. Baarke, B. Study quiet. hired, lit. Soavitrr et tsrtiter. llIilstly and flrossly. Ilinto, F. vigos’auo in oleeei. Ncwboressgh, B. Gentleness ot manners, artth firmness of n,ind, to a olsort best fosll description of lssssm,am 1eertection on tlsie stole of religious and esoral dntieo.”—Laed Ctseslrrfl clef. Sob crmsce taboo. P,sl o’tstien setsobe ‘thecress. liasmgor, V. lie Vesci, V. Alluding, as alesady slated, to the nstrarnlons cross whirls appeared in the air as a signal ot victsry to the Emperrr Conotentine. lltanns bar, hr.) Barrett, lit. Wnlshan,, lit. Sub sole uihtl. .tfotiheg tender the tue. Menteth, lit. Sob ego. Usoeter hope. Doff sos, F. Dsonlcar, lit. Solver is reiton Falltor reason. Sligo, It. Filmaine, li. Salver moi. Fsllooe toe. Borooglo, Ft. Suum rniqne. To every scoan his encsa. Every, lit. C rant, lit. Sostente songoiaae cigna. I sststesiso soog otosodord wiito cog blood. Solon, lit. Taco ant tare. Be silenl st de. Scott, lit. Pant qmse je pois. As uooseh asl ran. Ilylton, B. Tn tavente virebo. Under thy femur wilt I fleuodsh. Grant, lit. Tensplo qoaon dulects.l Hose bnlooeet as-c the tentp lea! Temple, B. of liarkinglsam. Temltle, lit. The hInd Fsalns Isam ‘‘Tahemwacssla,goons ddrrtat” but in sloe epitaph, written about 1471, on John. abbot ot Croylond, who had control thr roof at lois rlsarrh ts toe gilt, the arotdo, as in Iho motto, ore to be feond, end were probobly thrnce derived; “Qoomsihi dileeta fuoront socre temple, Loottis in oxemlde, dentonstracit sores torts.’ TIme gilded root, a monooasenl of this looly sosoe’s worth, stsowa how greot was his vencrnlion for tIme sacred house atGed.”— History of Crc ylassmt. Abdy, lit. Tenehe. 1 scill held. Dr Tabby, B. ‘t’euno.I hold. Staples, lOt. Teoez Ic droit. Kmes the righh Clifton, lit. Tontanda via ott. A way is to be eotteeeoptrd. Strenge, lit. Terrrno portents sperno. I despise earthly dangers. 0gByte,