Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/602

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Terra martque patent. Posreifs’tlylnodosid eea. Oltalley, 110. Torrore nob, hattie nesela. I to eel ens I to Jrigh leo, I eta ogoosoot of fret. Dyer, lit. 71w noblest motive is the public goad. Baulry. B. Think and thank. Ailesbery, iii. Monlefiore, El. Think en. Maxwell, Dl. This asic charter. W’omvss, B. Titan shalt want arc I want. Cransosun, Ti. The old usd10 of Vorilus et sirius vinmunt. Teeth aosl resle cs’ eoieqer,’. Or ena of the great predatory families ofTavietdale .lleeselaii. Varitas liberavil. Truth hoe eehiereslfsvedoos. Slhngsby, Dl. Through . Abercarn, B. Hamilton, B. Orkney, B. Ha Veritas megan aol. Truth is yeast. Jeplssan, Bt. milieu, DL Thura sO jure. Dy ,‘eiigioss o ad joolire, Focus, tif. Titus. SI. Vincent, V This is a nautical Item, pronoanrcd Tore nilni venus. .uVoihsseg lrserc the,, lcuth, er (with the jots- sssually ‘‘Tlieie ;‘‘ far explanation ate note, note at feat ef article, Sr. Vuwencir, Visronar. Tion foley. Keep lBfeilh. Ilatharsi, N. tlalhursl, Bt. Tions kIts vdritd. Adhere In lrath. Be tllaquiere, B. Time tryeths truth. Trcvrlyau, ill. Tyrwhutt, Bt. Tinsel puderens. He leers she sir. Daoone, V. Timer Denoini fans vilae. The Jesse of lhe Lorit io the coerce of Via into, vie title. The beotrn path, lho cafe path. Nensoanten, B. life. Dunbayur, B. Tauch eat Ike cat bet a glove. Mavphersan-Graof, BI. Tsujaurs fidlIw Erie fi’ilhfal. Prerlor, Ut. Taujaars presi. A is”oeo it oily. Ansiratlier, ill Clanwilliam, Vicia debare. Pa bet orereo no. Shisopsoso, Bt. E. Soften, Dl. Carmirbael, itt. Toojours prapire. Er’ r proptliosio. Dartcey, B. Taut bien ass riots. Alt a’, tt “raolhbog. Gtoinobsroisgls, B. Taut den Isosil. A lifrori ,,los’o. ileflsw, B. hollow, DO. Tout en hen heart. Alt ii good lute. Dick,, Bt. Tout sit de Bite. Atlio frost God. Gage, Ut. Taut foys tirest . Alteo,os ready. t’igsi, Itt. Taut jour. Aliroyo. Sealiold, B. Taatvirntde Dirts. All critics frosts God. Clinton. 13. Leigh, B. Vigibons non cadil. The sreirhful scents fells usal title the snare. Traditue, nan virtss. Be lraocd, siol eoisqi’ereil. I lowdea, B. Trio jancte in tune. Th reeJ’ber’l is sot. Order of the Bath. Trial by jus’y. Erskiec, Ti. True to tloe end. I taasc, B. Folwartli, B. Csnspbehl, DO. ‘Truth.Lethhridge, Bt. Try. Geihin, DI. Parker, lit. Taebor. I soul defe,e,l. Torrisigless, V. Sh’offord, B. Taunt act. Ii is tAl er owls. Cooper, B. Tnrris prudentia castes. l’ro,leoer io the ooftys’aret of the for— Vii Gad, I eel. Otcnzsrs, Et. treao. Dick—Lauder, Ut. Tymo tryeth traIl. Trrvolyan, Bt. Phi ansar, ihi fidrs. Where lhere io bee, thee lo ddtlils. Neorman, Dl. B hi lapsns, quid feel? Niece hare If,stltet; orhesl herr. I door? Vissctt qai toelilsuc. Be coitlssera who cislecro. Colt, BI Shiaw, Boven, B. Ubiqsse loatriam rensinisri. Ereryirhere to re,,teiitbir soc cone ly. Vincit esassia veritas. Tcsulh ocereostieo 011th hoyo. Eing.oaie, B. Italnoeshury, B. Un Pica, tin rol, en mar. One Owl, otis hi;ig, one hea i. Virascit visissero virlus. Vbrlesefiotsriahe sfrouss is scoostsl. Gal— Lake, UI. Ung flea, smg roy Otee Go,l, one tdoq. T.yftlofan, B. TIng Dies et ang rol. Use Pod ‘‘iione lion. I latherton, B. Bag darant ma vie. Thur coo etoristy too lbtr. Barrington, BI. Vhntsis adele terRor. Vbrtre ho oteoteger thrseo a brstterhsg-s’o is. Pug fop, ung ro’, nag lay. Cite fetish, one Nag, see Iota. Clan— Vis’tsss angel Is ossorrsss. Vbrlne btserre,oro hoooiss’. Bdsasasl rimardr, 3t. DorIte, 131. tOe Bargho, tlt. This aaeient nootla is of Narnsau origin. ‘1lie loss ii of Cacti hod far legend Virtas in actiasos casssistit. Vbrlne cotsebolo hi artless. Craven, the a’ards “DxcBier, UNG roT, ran ssov, UNO Lox.” Jahn, Earl of Consyn, sad Baron of Toneburgls, its Normandy, and gsvarnsr, for the Cenesaeroc’s fstlscr, Bake Ilahert, of the chief towns there, assmned The snraanic of Be Brac.a, and was the progeniter of the ttsase of Clanricnrdo. ?lost prsbalky ha took Isis sssotso frosts Caets, an iniporlant stat of his Vines in ardisis. VIrtue in diffirutdiy. Foltisiger, BI. jerisilirlion isis grandoon, Robert de ilargls, braegls I lIst Virtsss in ardssis. Coisrose be ,ihltiei’ttbes. Aslehsirton, B. s1naint legeed ovills hisos when lsc easer is fight at Itnsthsge, Vielas incondit virus. Vbeliei sxritoo eiterylh. Sirangferd, V. and lo settle in England. Be Bssrgls’o bravt war cry Souls in air, Tilt cry— floe bAlls, eec low, else tisrasut Coon claims 1110 snails for its own: fire. Carey of Rotel. Bog jo sorvirai. Gee suIt I oeere. Filelsorbert, DI. Pansbrokt, B. Carnarvon, B. Ung sent, nag soleil. Osief,eilii, Otis sat. Vernoy, lit. Uni stqun’s virtati. Fciro,lly to ebrhtir alone. 1ttnsflcld, B. Unite. Brodio, El. Ustao ot idesn. Ott, r,od ihe ooi,ee. llsvensworlls, B. Ut noigrstnrns haBits. Dwell as if stool lo sle1aerl, Dick— Virtos lerebala fiecebit. Triosl o’irltee intl flourish or, hrtnluss Lauder, Dl. Ut prasim. That lousy be of test. Foley, B Ut quocanqas paraiuo. Prepeerse ian reap oidr. Cavon, N. Ut sarsmn desapar. I draren, 1 Itt terra,?. ltunolsolsi ill. Ut tibi sic alters. As sets lhoseif, so Is aisolhrr. Iiiogoslawn, B. Utile of sissict. ‘d?re’o’fotaol the ignoble. Riddell, Di. Utili socaruere liossrslosos. To slioliesyaieh the froees lisa etoeftst. Davis, Bt. Valet anchors vines. Virtue ie eqoi eot,,il to ate eeiirhor, Virtos sola uoobilitas. flitter of iloetf is uiolblhly. Blake, 131 Gardner, B. Valor e lotsidad. V,etoue auth loo, lie. Croft, lit. eana sites o’h.w. Worteltg he 1ee 10 cohn. Foal, Bi. Veillant et valiant. Vieoil,s 01 raid roBs, at. Bcsltine, BI. °snalonec aura. tior. lid. lib. ii. ad. xiii. fbi Is bepiirehoscsl for gold. Jerrio, 011. Venit lsar,s The Oo s’s oyproochea. I tearo, Ill. Venus eecaedis. With his ‘ouchsq srits’lo. I le,osh, V. Roorlao’ BI. Ver non sempar virel. Tho oprboy iloso tel olicoyo doorioh or, if list toes first wards be foroucd mb one. Vocaóa absrcsye VirIas tssb pessoleno eneicil. Virlar iticroases nuttier lie bisrliuess. floarhehes. Lyvodon, B. Vernon, U, 1304 ‘Dopan oat knew,” said Dtaaa, oohth same surprise, “ourmsttn—tlse Vernon noalta, setters - Like list solensso vice initially, We nseratise Iwo nsrasiioge in esso word 0’’ SIr lflslIsr Sesbt, Bob Boy. matlssvaite, U. Tenth sans pens. Truth orhlhsoel freer. Oliddletan, U. Wil tessglsby, Dart. dc-inNs) lhasi Vote. Ut Tire, fit. VerIssc vasssscelh. VirIar pteers bin. Wihlaisglshy ds Brohia, B. Vealigia naita retreranisi. lbs elrpa tiesekwars I. Lcvinge, lIt. Vi it arto. Dy .slressylh stool skill. Fergussen, 101. Vi ot vhrtalo. Dy tire,, ylh sissoi eelossc. Asonaly, it. Baird, Dl. Via usIa vintns. rInse Ike ostfe tray. tlirle-Csssiyngham, RI. Via vi. A urey hyforce. htnyler, DI. Vicisth e I rivhmsss. The cc hc’ol rots hsecresl, ned ire hare sstrebred. Jelusssen, DL Viclarha. Seeeeoe. Lecark, DL Vigila tIara. Welch essd pi’’y. Wake, Bk Vigilassde. By eralehbtey. Cassspbeu, Dt. Vigibans ci sadsa. Wtslehfut oiu,l sits rio g. Caclebern, LI. “Itohells a wisdom thsot dclii gnide Isis valour To sd in safaty.”—Shrekeojsess se. Colder, lit. Vigilasitis, rabnr, valuptas. Viyhio ice, eleeoglh, isteaolsce. Illair, Dt. Vigiaelibsss. To tier it’oIrhfeet. Cosfend, B. Vigilate. Wssleh. Teds, DL Vigilole et orate. St. ?bolllseo’, chap. xxvi. v. di. Notch cited prssy. Castlesssaisse, U Vigiseusr ds olesssus. Bleateylhfroni rehore. toaluiqnin, B. Visnirro. Walkcr, lIt. Vincmnli dalihtnr. IIohohl be qireti to lIe eooqureor. Vireenb, Di. Vincere ant asset. To coals’sn or sIte. Colosssoy, D. - Viacit amer ueetrio. Virgil, din. oi. 564. The tore of eosetits’y pee cable. Clsichcolar, B. ?taleswerth, V. ?lniseasler, B Yarboraegls, B. Dl. Dancer, lit. Turner, Bt. Vincit vorilas. Tenth ye’ero his. Alison, Ut. Daxtor, Ut. I’oa cock, Ill. Coale, Ut. Slsaa, P,t. loovay, B. Iiansselt, HI. Virtuse sosiee honor. Oloelesa, P.r. Abhngdoss, B. stone, Ut. B. Clayton, Ill. “Virtue,if not in oclion, is a vice Au_nd wlscn cia floats not forward, we go boacksu’ard.” .ifatesi,eyri’. Vistas invicla gleriosa. Uiiroseqseeeei tines ho ylorioise. ‘t’lsonsas,hot. Virtsss tssvldi.w scepsss. Virtue is the iieeark oft icy. ilatlinon, B. Virtsso snille scssbe Vbcluee t hassle ii Ihosseseisi ohiolsba. Bffnf— ham, B. Clifford. DL ‘‘Tlsnimois Ise arsis’et tbsatlsatls his qisaccsljast.”—Shakeopeore. Virlus, nsn olososssoa. The rbrl se, st ol the iii rca tisereye, of lbs tact. Wesussoissstcr, 01. Bbssry, B. Virtous parel robssr. Vie’ttt e ohoseo like esse oah’. liounbnry, DI. 1orebaia fiorescil. Trb’ei cirtaedourbshe.s. Banden, B. Vis’tns prepter se. Vhelue,flts’ lIe oirtt coke. tkadchiffe, Dl. Virtsss reisulow ssescito sondislw I Ian. ed bib iii. ad. 2 Viii er ossicossoei000 of beat esjeielao. Beoant, B. Virlsuo rolesslocd. vet Isusews eel to replise, Bsut shall wiih sesottainlesi hsasiessr slsisso “—SIrbfI.Virtuo sessoper vicious. Virlao eeoc ertdssssl. Belasere, B. ThrockaoarlOn, 111. Vtrtns sole nahilital. Virtue gf iltertf nutesobboa. Niohoisan, Dl. Waflscehsct, B. Victus sisb cs’iuce creontt. l’belco i,ecrenoeo nseder the eroaa. Cknrhcvills, B. bet vn’tae Noonos Evest in this wrrck of life, assd ssoamots the skies.” Kbs’hre While. Feildan, Bt. Vlrtno Iufissinoa cassis. Virluse the aeefml hsltttel. Winchilsoa, B.