Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/66

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M 1 1) iv. henry, late an officer 60th rifles, 0. 11 Felt. 1838; so. vs. Js’lsn, genes-al in the army; 0. 3 Nov. 1783; sss. 6 Sept. II) Sept. I 802, ltathleen-Ilenrietta-Frauees, 3d dan. of late Richard tlcounckee, Rug. of lieveridgo, Dorset, whirLs lady ci. 31 JsIy, 1807. v. Alan, in holy orders, vicar of Stagsdeo, Beds, t. 1 Jan. 1840; so. 10 ,lssne, 1067, Esstily—llostlser, eldest dan. of the late h’lsilip 0101 till, Foss;., and gr;sssddan. of the late Sir Jamos-Cesnse titelvill, ItCh., and has a see, 0. 30 April, 1808. I. hornet. IL iii ciigt. Sin ALAn Baonewso, htnt. (eldesi sen of Sir Thomas Bredrick of Wassdswoellt, cc. Sssrrey), seas ap;ostrled, by letters—patois ills lordship ‘5. 22 Sept. 1765, and n’aso, by his son, closed 2 Assg. 1000, ssseeessor to Sir Ad,ssn t,oflos, its sssrveyssr, Grsseste, 4th viseotsat, 0. 1 Nov. 1724; who n-as created a peer essiasalor, and exlesssor-gencra! of Iceland, ansi olslained ross— of the United ltingdom, us Baeox llaonaseso, qi Fejses’ Heertse sit lecatsie gratis of l.snd in that hissgdons. lIe si. in I 000, assd 28 May, 1790. Ills lordslsiis sss. IsI, 4 Dee. 1776, 1”rrsnees, dun. isis brother, Sta Sr. Jesna li5tstDRtCK, having also sellied its Ireland slesring 28 June, 1783) iso had ono slats., Frances-Anne, sss. 24 Assg. 1807, site trnsshles of 1011, olslained, for isis sees ices, large tracts of tsr bnigo Freonran—Thosrsas, Rag. of Bssttoss, Co. Sussox, and si, isis land hi the cc. of Cork, where Ise sealesl himself at .2hidielon soidon, 10 FeIs. 1850. Ills lordalsip st. 2srslly, 11 Jstno, 1707, lIe so. Alice, doss. of Sir llondol Claytoss.,ltsst. of Thosvell, co. Oloehs, dan of lhichand htcnysrn, Esq. of Gidea IlahI, cc. Essex, Chester; and dying 1731, was s. by his elslcst son, Too Rsoar Ilox. Tnoatao lissonsssen, 31.5’. for tise eo. of Cork 5. (leoene-ALaw, his lteir. iss 1703, an,l sssenttser its rice Essglisls is.trliasnesil for Sloekbrid go in 1713; jssisst-cosnptretler of artssy accounts, Ac. This gersttescan is. Clsarlolte, ‘1. 12 April, 1803. st .Amse, dass.of Alexnndert’igott, Esq. ofinisisamson, re. iii. Ilasriot, srs. 71 istnrehs, 1029, toWiihiane-John, 7th snd Cork and scith oilier issue, had a 2nd son,° ALAN tleonesco, an ensinent lawyer, who Isaving filled tise so. Emma. v. Lucy. elsait’ of tise Ilosssc cf Comsssens in Ireland, and tise offices of tied. 12 Ang. 1871, and n-ass, by Isis son, soheilor and atsssrney-gen., w;ss appointed Loon-I tins, Cssats(teLLeR, tiE000e-ALAN, 0th viscount; 0. tO Juno, 1800; m. 4 Slay, ansl clot-tired to rise seeeage of tisat kingdossa, 13 Atoll, 1033, Ehiess, dstts, of Sir. Gniffitits, assd st. svitlsosst isssse, 1 Nov. 1715, as lists-ore Jlrso)s-icir, of JIlsGeio,t. Ills lordship torts 1048. ills n-idote as. Sssdly, 27 April, 1839, Iiettard Qunin, Esq., cr00104 Vsscet’rer Slsnrrvox, 13 Aug. 1717. Lord Midletets F.21.S., of CavendisOs Square. The SIB viscount soas a. by his was five tinses placed ins Ilse eossssssission as Otto of the lords- cettsin, justices of Ireland. lie 1. in 1720, and n-as .s. by Isis tinly CnenLec, Otis viscount, mIca n-as is. 14 Sept. 1701 ; at. 5 Slay, sssreioing non (Isy isis 2nd wife, Alice, I dass. of h’ie l’eter Cons’thorpe, 1820, Emma, 3rsS dan. of Tisonsas, 22nd Lord Le Dospeneos-, and of hAttie Itland, en. Cork), Arax, 2nd xiseeussl, one of rho eosnnsitsionors of rite s. ilary-Ensma. tst.S Sept. uSGS, to William Willougitby, 3rd Cnstonrs in England, and 81.1’. for Midhtscsl. lbs toniship ste 1729, Mary, yossngesl Oats, of Algornen, Earl of Essex, by soisosu iii. llarriet—Anna, 1. sssrrrs. 15 Oct. 1852. Iso left at hit decease, in 1747, an only son, his successor, Geonnr, 3rd viscount; to. I Slay, 1732, Aibinia, eldest dan. of so, Atbiuie-Fsaeees, srr, 30 Sept. 1855, to Alexander-S. LeslieOfeloitto, the Hess. Tisosnas Tosswshond, and sister of the 1st Visoonnf Sydney, by wlsosn (who si. IS Sept. 1808) ho lsssd, s. Geusne, 4th viscount. is. Thonsss, 0. in 1706; ci. in 1715. sit. llenry, eol. in use army; 1. in 1785, at Lisbon. so. Charles, lip,, archbishop of Cashel; is. 3 May, 1761 ; and Csvcs,orss—Rarou, 13 .kpril, 1715. Viscoant, 15 Aug. 1717— si. 6 Slay, 1822, ieaving, by Mary isis n-ifs, dan. of Richard peerago of Ireland. Baron, 20 Slay, h791—poemge of Great Woodward, 13.1)., bitlsop of Cieyne, I CssaeLr.s, Otis viscoent. 2 George, in holy orders, rector of Titscy, 0.23 April, 1707: C’s’est—thnt of a dncai corossot, or, a spear, arg., ssnbrotod, gn. ci. 29 SIssy, 1001. 3 Wss.s.taas-Jons, present poor. I Mns’y-Sutrrn, as. to Jrsntes, 2nd Rail of Randon. 2 Atbinin, so. in 1817, to site lion. Sir James-Ashley Massde, Otcssla—Peper-Iiarosv, Oodahning, Surrey; Cahirmone, en. capt. lt.N., CD., n-iso 1. in 1841. She sf20 Api-li, 1803. 3 louisa, srs. 1827, Ic James Scotl, Rn1., Q.C., n-ho tI. July, 1801 she sO. 10 Anne, 1804. 4 Frances, to. in 1827, to General ilenry - Dunbar Totty, M I L B A N K E - II U S K I S S 0 N. CR., who si. in 1837. Sited, in 11cc. 1003. v. Willians, F.A.S., 0. 11 Feb. 1767; tss. in 1704, Mary, dan. of Nathaniel i’costosr, Esq. and si. in April, 1810. The 5th son, Iasssrenco-tlrodcick, PD., sn. — dan. of 11am- pines, and Isad a son, Iousrestce, its Isoty orsiers, who sss. Jane, <‘J°n -% a’ssssngeat slats, of rIse Rigist I ton. St. Joists lls’ods-ick (we usfsis;tcc’), asssl w5snse 2nd son, Jolsss, s’s. Assne, dass. s’f Boyd, Esq., and had a son, I{cnry, capt. in the as’sssy, n’ito to. 17 April, 1823, Satan, dass. of the itcv. 1’. Morgan, t’hasaecller of Don-n, and chose sets, the itec. Alan Brndeick, vicar of Rrasstslsnn’, sseac Lyss’ihnrst, hlants, 0. 23 Jan, 1827, as.7 Sept. 1502, Miss Elton Ryrstn tiny, of tlso fasssily of Stays, formerly of little Ii ease, ectsr Sahisbssry, sn’l lsns issstc : I Alan—honey, 0. II Jan. 1853; 2 Ernest, 0.21 Apcil, ltrshtt 3Rsstlssce, b. 0 Nov. 1. Pc, 0. 1S47. is. Ralph, 0.1858. 10015 4 llcrbort-Sehensberg, 0.7 May, 1003; 1 Anuie; 2 SlaryFlssnenee. 5. 2lary-Rnsily, so. 19 April, 18ff, at the Ilague, to SI. Hs lordship’s 1st wife tens Catherine, dun, of Redn,ond harry, Esq. of hlathceesnack, and bytisat lo’ly Iso had an ostly son, Ten Rsanx IIs,ts. ST. Jotsy Reunoicn, Mi’., teho st. Antic, Sir John and his issue svere, by royal license dated dan. of Slarens I hil, Esq. of hlillsborougir, and sitter of 5 Juts. 1866, nuthorised to take the osts-unuso of Lord htiltsbocough ; and dying the year before his ftsthor, Hr’oKloaoac after that of MILSANKF,, and to hear the left fssnr slant., viz., ANNE, solo John ,iegceys, Rsq. of Itiarney Castle, Co. Cork. arms of Holakiaoou nnsl Milbauke quarterly. CATssrRsNE, ss. to Class. Il’Nelli, ofShane’s Castle, co.Antcins. Mwsx, sr. to Sir John-tledinond Freke, tlart. Jane, tsr. to the ltcv. Lanrence ilroslrieh; their great This fansihy is direcily descended froes grandson is the Dee. Atan hendrick, vicar of Bcasnshasv. BALm SIsLeANRE, essp-tsenrcr ho Qoeen START of Scotland Tue 1st lo,rd Slidleson had an only dan. by Alice his 2nd wile, soiso songtst usa asyluttt in Rtagiansl in eostseqosessee of a duel Lu namely, Alice, the wife of rise ltev Jolts Castlcsssast. ljS M I L I HOtl, sltnne, dcii, of Robert Grnlsnns, Esq. of Fints-y, Nortit Rs’ilain. and si 9 Ocr. 1812, having had by lice (n’ho sssrvived liii 3 May, I 832) issue, I John, 0. II Nov. 1810; tf. 10 Feb. 1018. Assno, ,s,28 Slay, 1040, to the 12ev. W. Fennefather, 2nd sots of site Itiglat Host. Edscnrd l’csssoofalher. 2 Rhioahotis, ,ss. I Juts. 1058, to rIte theist Row Ednsnnsl II obhtossse, ts.I)., late 0101101. of Nelson, in New- Zealand, 2nd s,sts of the Slight 1 lssts. I iossry Itobitonse, and 8. 12 Oct. 1064 Ice bsoos.nTssa, hi.). 3 Shary-Albinia, nsflO June, 1851, lo W’ilhiam-James-Dundas Ciecte, Ese;. I. Mary, ‘1. 4 Ang. 1842. of Tlsot,sss (Petisatss), 1st Earl of Clsiciscstrr, by soisons (ssiso sl. and by isen (solso st. hd Jttn. 1552) hsad, 5. tilaria. Isresent ‘s’iscossnt Mislioton. Bad issue, Earl of Ennishihien. ss. Ensssa-Albinia-Elizabetlt, 51. nsrrst. 8 Jan. 2648. En;.. son of the hlssn. A. Lnahie-Melvhlte, brother ef tire Earl ofLeven and Olcivillo. Ills lordahi;s si. 2 Dee. 1863, and was a. by Isis next surviving brotirer, WsLrsaas-lonN, 7th and present viscount, Britain. ,d,-t,so—Arg., ou a elrief, verl, two spears’ heads, orcet, of the SelsI, rho pssissts ensbrued, gss Sttppss’les’s—Tno nten in eoseplele arsnenr, each holding in his exterior irand a spear, ensbrntrl as the crest, all ppr. hails—A enapide eoeonu. Corlr. MILRAERE-HtJ8KI1SON. SIR JOHNR.rLt’a, of Hrsluaby5 co. York; Briticis suiuioter in Hoiloud5 b. 5 Nov. 1800; or. 13 July, 1843, Euai]y, 3rd clou. of the late John Maaassrlleld, Esq. of Digauvell House, Ilerto, nuti has, lVilhosn Dares, son of 31. Eoberf Bond, of sho hague. is. l,abetlu, IL fitcagc, tiE