Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/67

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M I L which Iso had been engaged in his native country. The grandson aoce botoveen Ins outer ,Judiilo, La’]) llilhaooloe, anoh his lord’ of tins goutleis000, ltinooc MILOANKE, Esq. of Ncwcasile-upon-Tyne, alderman, Nathaniel Cnrcon, afterwards Loin] Scarsdale, and so continued and twice noayor of iloat corporation, and high-sheriff of use Co. nmouih the death a. p. of the looter, 12 Nov. 1816, wlseos it Northumberland, ci. Dorothy, dan. and co-heir of Alderman fcvolveol sos Lady Dyson, late Daronioi Weulicorcis. who of. Ralph Cock, of Newcastle, and was o. by his only surviving son, 16 Hay, 0860 (arc post, WENTwooTn ItAr.oa). Lody Noel it. in I. Maine 1IIOLBANKE, Esq., olin woo created a Earonol, 7 Aug. 1922, and Sir Ralph Noel too 1821, when the baronetcy olcvolvool 1661. Sir Mark rn lit, Rhizabolh, only dau. and heir of Joim tipan lois nephew, Acciono, Esq. of illooroby, in Yorkshire, by whom ho had four VII. Sic Jonas Peamsroze, 0. 20 Aug. 1776; os. hit, I Sejt. anus and a dan., viz., a. Moon, his heir. mm. Acciomo, of ilarniugham. iii. Ralph, l. 0. j. iv. John, of Thorp Porroir, in Yorkshire, groat-groat-grand. fattier of the present Moan MmLwsNo, Esq. of Thorp Perrow, and Barniogham Anna-harm, ci. 2 hhay, 1821, to the Lev. Arthur Moore, Park, high-sherilf of Yorkohiro iii 1827, and formerly NP. for Camelford. lie on. 1817, LodyAognsta-llcnriolla Vane, Emil-hIary, on. 3 Aug. 1816, to Edovard-Thomas Coploy, Esq. 2nd dan. ofHarry-Willinsn, Dulco of Cleveland, and has isoor. i. Elizabeth, ;i. to Nicholas Cole, Esq. Sir Mark ci. 2ndly, Faith, dan. of Thomas Acciome, Faq. of Eonscicko, Louisa-Dorothy. in the some en., by whom ho had no issno. Sir hark ,I. Harriet-Laura, eo. 1st, to Robert Crcwc, htoq.; and 2ndly, to in 1680, and was his eldest son, Ii. Sin Moon, who a. Jane, only dan. of Sir Ralph Carr, of Sir john ci. 2ndly, 1 Jan. 1821, Ehicaboth, dan. of Capt Jamos Cocken, en. Durham; and stying in 1698, was e. by his eldest Fonwiok, and wiolow of Thomas Grey, hIt). tic ii. 27 July, 1910. son, 111. Sin 9100K. This gentleman dying iosos. in 1761, the title (‘;vofioo—7 Ang. 1661. devolved open his brother, IV. Soo Ronmi, who ci. tat, Elicabulls D’Arcy, oldest sister of farHrsnmoaoa; hod and lrol, go,., a bond. ono., on a canton, Robert, Earl of Idoldernesoc, by os-hens he had 000 dan., Bridget, or, a lion’s head, orased, of the first, for Ilinsoasno. in. 1st, to Sir Boiler Cavcndish-Wentworth, tlart. of Itowohans, (‘rooto—t, llusnissoc o ass olcplount’o bead, maccd, ang., gutbol co. Yorlc; and lndhy, to John Morray, Esq. Sir Ralpis coo. lodly, do sang, and pierced in lho nook nit1, an arrosr, ppr.; 2 lIoncaNnes Anne, don. of Edocard Delaval, Faq. of Sontha Dissingion, co. Nortloniuberland, by whom he had, I. Earn, his successor. Is. Edward, collector of the customs tat the port of Sunder- loud; us. Miss Mary Terry, and had issue, I Edward, oh n.y. 2 Ralph, capt. RN.; of. 28 Nov. 1823. I Mary, iii. to the Rev. John Nelson. 2 Anne, ci. to Williosu Russell, Faq. of Brancopoth Castle, en. Durham. 3 Judith, in. to John Nelson, Esq., RN. in. hark, admiral RN. in 1779; onobaisador to hlorocco in 1766; ci. Miss Mory Webber, who ,. in 1812, leaving issue, I hornet, ci. to Mr. Tilonan, of Philadelphia. 2 Eliooheth-Rmily, iii. to the late Riglat 0-ion. William Doskisoon, II.?. iv. John, cs. in 1764, Latly hIaryWcntworth, dan. of Thomas, lot hIarqoeos of Rockingham, and had an only dan., Mary, no. to John Gage, Esq.° v. Francis, in holy orders, rector of Croft, Yorkihire; it. nioios. Mart, of Monlohasu Hall, on. Eerex, high-ahoriff of vi. Acclom, a field officer to the army; U. soon. i. Joditis, rn to Cnilsbent tloulh. Faq. ii. Dorothy, is. to John Milbanlo, Eoq. of Tlsorp I’errow. Sir Ralph ii. in 1748, and was a. by his eldest son, V. Sio Roa.nmm, NP. This gentleman ci. Ehicahetis, dan. and m. Hrs’.ay-Puni.ur, b. 28Apr11, 1003, co-heir of Joim Iledworth, Esq., H.P., of Chester-Ic—Street, in, mm. Gerald-Anteny, t. 1861. Durham, by whom he hael, Race, his successor. John, who ci. in 1771, Cornelia, dou. of Sir William Chainhers, cm. Helena-Chanlotoe, ‘1. 4 April, 1867. Itnt., comptroller of Use Board of Works losop. Gre. 111. mis. Laura-Catherine, s.28 April, 1860. and loft at his decease, hi ltavch, 1800, JonN-Pewmovaw, late hart. henry—Ralph, ii. ii,,os. 1811. Elicabeth, ci. 13 April, 6769, to Peniaton, tale Viscount Melbourne; Sin Tneaaas hhio.naio, one of iloe auditors of tloe conrt of and ii. 8 April, 1918. Sir Ralph if. 8 jan. 1793, and woos. hy his eldest ooso, Vi. Sic Rso.rn. This gentleman ci. 1777, the Ron. Judith Noel, Tnoamao, his hois-, ancestor of the lhmnnioara, created Earoneto dan. of Sir Edicard Noel, Rant., Viocoomt Wentwortli (which Sir Edocard succeeded to use ancient barony of Wentsconth, upon in 1611, and of Benjamin lhildmay, Earl of Fiizwalter. (Soc the decease of his cousin, hlartha Lovelace, Rareness Weutwortim, Wmm.n,osos, of Springfield Borneo. ovife of Sir henry Jolnmsou, Rut., in 1741, and was created Viscount John, of Crelingham, in Suffolk, fo,wes whom descended Es- Wentworthi, 4 hay, 0762—refer to Buane’s E.cfiocl Pcornyc, WALTEO, of Apeltloorpe, in Nonihamuptonshire, hOG., principal article WraTweo’rn, Rococo YENTwOKTH, and ace IVENTwowrn, BACON, pool), by whom he load an only dan., AONAl000eLL.s, who was sos. 2 Jan. 1911, to Goorgc, tioc celebrated Johamona, so. to Chriotopherreyton, Esq. - Lord Byron, by whom sloe bail one dan., dnA, late Countess of Thomacino, ci. to Anthony Iieoiohes’, Faq. Lovelace. Upon the demise of Lady Milthauke’o brother, Thomas, last Vmno.ioan hlinnseoy, Faq., second son of Sir Thomas Mildmo, Viscount Wentworth, in 1811, Sir Ralph and her ladyship obtained aisditen of the count of Angmcntationo, Inoip. Plonax VlhI., permission, nuder the sign-manual, to use the surname received a ginnt of Coggleshail Abbey, in Springfield Barnes, and bear the arms of Noon only, puronant to the tootamontary from Rnwaon VI., in 1148. lIe sos. Elinabcth, dan. of John injunction of the deceased lord. The Visconnty of Wentsrarth Paschahl, Esq, of Great Daddow; and U. 11 Feb. 1170-1, heaving expired, but the ancient Barony of Wentwocth fell into abeyM a son and heir, I L ohip’o nephew (the oooo of Ins soconol sister, Sephia), the Ran. 1799, Eloonor, yoomgcit fan. of Joolines llcriog, Esq. of the island of Jamaica, by who,,i (who U. in 1819) ho hod, JenN-RALpu, pmeocoot baronet. Eleanor-Judith, ;oo.22 hlay, 1828, to Ens-man Lauga, Faq., son of Thomas Langa,-Eoq. of Ratio. youngest son of 1Cr. justice hhoore, of the Court of Couooion l’leas in Ireland. of Nether thou, co. Tons, and il. 1 June, 1844. B-S. Roland, Faq., late capt. 09th regt. Ar.ou—Qoortorhy; hot nod hUb, go., on a chevron, nebnlo-, bot,roen three elephants’ hoods, erased, org., as msaauy tortooomx a lion’s head, cooped, go., charged with a heod, oruo. JIollo—Rcsolntc and firm. 31 IL B 31 ÀY. r ‘n ST. JOBN-3IILDMAT, Sen HENRY-MOn VERIE-PAULET, Hampahive in 1862, Is. 31 July, 1810; in. 26 Foh. 1851, Helena, 2nd dan. of Claarleo, Viscount Evoroloy, and has had icons, ems. Carew-Ohervey, t. 30 Munch, 1863. i. Jane-Emma. iv. Constance-Mary. }Luunugc. Anginenuations in uho time of hlmoav Viii., deoconded from Rngo Nildme, living Au. 1147, pum-chased the manor of hiouloham, in Essex. lie iii. Agnes Rcade, and hod, Buane’s .Sztinoh Po’o’eyo.) best hlildmay, of Tooling, in Essex, whose tine is now extinct. conncillor, chancellor, nnd treasurer to Queen ELmzs.oz’cn; a. II May, 1189, leaving two ions. Sma Teoamoo hImo.nsmaa, lint, of Springfield Dames, who ta. Alicia, duo. of Adam O’inilomp, of Groton, Soffalk (ancestor of the Cit governor of hlasiachuunths, and of the distingniahed * hbr. Gage was brother of the 3rd Viscount Gage, and son family of Winlhu’ep, now at Boston, U.S.), and load, 3D of the Hon. General Thomau Gage. 769 -