Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/68

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111 I L i. Wsy.ts.aya, his heir, who ci. Margaret, dan. of Sir George Ilervey, of Marks. near Rnneford, and sister of Sir tiawen Horvey, and ii. in the lifetime of his father, leaving, 1 THoMAs, successor to his grandfather. 2 Cserw-itrovev, el Marks.* ii. henry (Sir), of Graces, it. in ]S39. iii. Walter, of Porilands, in Great Baddow. Sir Thomas ci. 13 Ieee. if 12, and was a. Icy his grandson, Me TnoMAs illsLnaax, lint, of lsaroos, srho ccc. a dan. of John and Rev. Aubroy Spring-Rice, 4Os son af Lord Ibooteaglo; Ernie, Esq. of lvbothaoc, and loft a son, WsLm.eAae MsLnamAY, Esq. of Barnes, who mis. Sibtila, dan. of mit. iluorgo-Wihiaus, capt. RN.; 0. 1782; m’s. 1832, Mary, Sir Thomas l’alaser, llarl. of W’inghans, and loft, W’iLtTasi SI1LeSMAI, I cii., chief of Some, in ehe g, l.Ca.’s civil service; who iii. Sarah Wilcox, This gentlenean leeoanse heir his decease, 14 Feb. 1531, Herberl-Alexamsdnr, 0. 27 Judy, and representative of use elder liranoh of the fassily at else decease, ,s, p., in lila, of Sir Thomas Mildnsay, Bart. of liloulshoin. lie sras a. ley his s,en, I. WILLIAM Micoasax. Req. of llooebham Stall, in use en. of iv. Clsanles-WiuIam, in holy orders; ,i. 16 Jan. 1830. Essex, wha was ercatr,l a Bamnol, 0 Fob. 1765. lie us. Anne, v. ilnusphroy, as. 28 SepI. 1572, Anne, eldest dau. of Alexander, dan. of Haoililiroy Mildnsay, ksq. ; bnt 5. a. p. S Aug. 1771, when Iho Baronetcy oxpirod; while Ihe oslatos and ropresentalion as. 24 July, 1860, Gcesrgiana-Franers luhseel, and ham a moo, dorolvod upon C.srsew-Hnovnv Simnuamax, Esq. of Marie Grove, Someraetshire, anf Manes hall, Essox ; cr150 bequeathed ins entire Sn-tune hi his gnendoiooe, ,laso MsLnasAx, the wife of Sma vi. Eelcoau-d, as. let, SI ariarine, doom. of H. Shsensnms, Leg., asud llexmsr i’Ae’Lex Sx. JoHN, hart. TamI{p of ?t. 33oJjn. Tha family of St. John deduces its doooent front William do St. Jilen, snporvisnr of the wagon train in the victorious army of Wem.Lsaas the Conqueror. FLue Mewe, Ext., upon marrying lais eoescsin, Frances, only dais, and heir ,,f lain uncle, Oliver St. Jahn, asoesused lbs name of dx. JOHN, by act of parliament, aced was a. at his decease by isle oldest san, 1. Panes Sv. Jossx, Faq., H.P. fur the eu. of haute in vii. Carves’, Si A., archdeacon of Essex, rcclor of Shorweil, hobo 1714, wh,s svaa created a Baronet 9 Sept. 1772. Ste Paeslet si. in 1788, aisel was a- lay his nidost ann by bbs 2nd wife, Marks, widow of Sir Macwell Tynle, Ii. Sin lInNnx-PAuLov, H.P. for the no. Haute, who me,. Dnretbna-ll:aria, dais, and eu-heir of Abraham Tucker, i’lsq. of Betelswurlh Castle, Seerroy, by whom he had an only suet, his aneceseor in 1784, III. Sin llrNux-PAULC’r. This gentleman us. 1786, Jane, ix. lingo, 0. 13 Slay, 1807; 1. 20 Jan. 1849. eldest dan. end co-heir of Carew Mildsuay, Eeq. of Slaawford m, Jssno-Darolhon, as. 31 July, 1010, to Paul, lit Lord house, en. Hanto, and by her (who cl. 6 May, 1817) had, mm. Mania, cm, 3 Jsme, 1812, en hloury-St. John, 4th Viscount i. ilnvax-Caaesv, late 1,arenel. ii. Pautet. es. 12 herds, ISIS, Anna-Idaria-Wyndhaoe, in. Judilh-Anur, as. 24 Sloy, 1814, to SViJliam, present Earl yvesagest dais, of the I len. Bareholeosere Bnsevrric ase,l ci. ii May, 1041, leaving liy her (echo ci. II Dec. 1064) lead issue, me. Letitia, d. iS Aug. 1844. I Passlet-Ilenry, b. 28 Oclober, 1814, cc. 13 Nov. 1849, Sir Heury aooumed, by royal leermiasion, Ihe surname and Caroliieo-Adela-Catherine-Valeseeia, elan, of ltowlaad and ames ccf SliLuaiax, iii pm’ouausoe of the teotameutnry isajusuction lady Lescy Senssdieh, end 7. 10 April, 1858; 2 llervey— George, of Ilaclegreve lleaeese. Seeeuereetelaire, cape. RN,, 0. 19 April, 1817, see. 22 Feb. 1830, Efleahells, youngest Se,moroetshiro, amsd Shirks, Essex,’ lay wheese will the whole does, of Charles, h’isrouut Evereley. and lies by her (aba 7. of the estalos devolved mspon Sic’ iheuary’s lady. Sir Henry 23 Due. 1067) a dan., Ftoreoen-Wyeadlsam ; I CherleeCseew-lleavxx St. Johu-3lildmay ci. 11 Nov. 1800, and was o. by hia son, hlsenamax, Eeq. of Marks, Ca. Essex, as. IV. Sin Ueasev - Caurw, Rsshght of the order of St. Dorothy, dau. of Sir Wilbain Gerrard, of Ilarraw-nn-the.Oegl, Jnarhim ; is. in 1787; cci. lot, 7 Aug. 3889, Charlotte, oldest Middlesex, and seas e. by lets ecu, Fssaacsa-lleavox StsLnesAx, Eeq. of Marks, who as. Mary, dau. ed.. 3 Aug. 1810) ho had ecu usely some, of hlatelsew llcuyes’oad, Req. of Charing. in hoot1 and had, I tnxax-htouvnnmr-PArLnT. present baranee. with other iesesc, Caeew, his h,’ir, and George, of Cac’brslelye, Essex, alice so. ilehreoa. (sacs, and ca—heir ,ef Thesoeae ttanlsaos, Req., sod is user represented icy lets descendant, Iiateerl—Wesile Mall Dare, Neil. of Newlen’uhae’m’y, do. Wexfard. The elder san, Caaesv MsLuamAv. Esq.. eleeriff of Essex in 1713; see. Anne, daa. of Ris’lsesrel Ban’etl-L.enoard, Eeq. of, ha shot county, asad hail iscese, Edusoud-ltenry, late an officer in lIsa aniey, and formerly its Canaw-Benvex, his heir. humphrey, cc, t,etitsa, dan. sad heir ef tlesilielay lIildnaeey grandsass of Sir henry Mfeiusay, messIer of lice jeerel—ogire, and lsa’l a class., Asesee, a fe of Sir Welliasu Slhldsesay, Bare., and a eon, f’aaew. Auno, ii. to Tiseemas S.sville, Eeq. lie eras a. icy tue richer son, Ceunw-lleorev SlsLnuax, Beg. of lIecle Grave, Somerseushire and Itarko hail, Essex wise, o. Iwico lecst ci. sail lseesst iseese at and Ahtur-Grnco-Jeocq4miue. ble se 2udhy, 11 Slay, 1867, the advanced age cf Ofe, in 17811, heqesoatising lets whale fortune to his grancluiece, Jane, hady 51. Jeehn, eldest dau. and ca-heir of his ne1eheer, Caenw Msenasax, Esq. of Shau’fserd lle,eess’. Tleis gonlleas-en b{orauo—lcsh,irne, 01 one lime an oltiecer in lice lila regiment of ste. Jane, elan, of t’i’sllsases Pescod, Esq., asseh left three etaces, lute o o-heirs, via., Jaxe-llsLnciax, who as. Sir llenry-Paulet SI. Jeelsn, ass,l isa. seegcmstsss-Ftssec’aeer, an cetilcer iu else 7hls regicoent of lunpe— herite,t the estales of her great suede, ace erisiris eecuasiass Iser Sir hlonry it. 7 Jan. 1848. husband aeesssseoel, in 1780. the usrss;,euee nn,l eeroce of aIus SLAY. 11cr seen ant heir uas Ihe late See Ilesax-Cannu’ hx. J0HN-3liLt5siAY, Hart. As-ass—Quarterly s let and 4lhm, etc., Ileree liens, mmpaosi, ANNE hhsLnsiav, ai. to Jeehn Cterk, Feq. of Worthey. LRTITIA bulsLneosx, c’s. to George-William Riekelts, Leg. 770 111 I L Aruudel, rector of llareten, Yarkstsire, 0. 21 Juno, 1820, so. 17 Jan. 1831, llarriet-Loadsa, youngest dan. (lay his wife Charlolte, dan. of Georgo, 3rd Earl ecf learlmoolb) of tlse lion, and Very leer. G.-Necchle ilrenvihle, late dean of Windsor, and has Wyndham-i’asslet, 5.21 Jaus. I 093; George, 0. 24 Feb. 1836; Arowiell-Glastonhury, 5. 23 Fob. 18391 Wabter-Ilervey, b. 10 April, 18(0; Paedet-Perlram, 0. 27 June, 1862; a can, ii. 14 Feb. 1863; a eon. 0. aS July, 1868; Charlotte-Agssee; babel-Emily; and auatleer dau.; 4 Everard; 1 Anna-Maria-Jane, iii. lh Juno, 1052, to lbs lIon. 2 Charlotte ; and 3 Rueuly-Jaue, ci. 7 April, 1567. esidow ef John Siarniei, Reel., af Rakeby i’ark, and dau. of 1’. Baillae, Req. of Dachfasss-, N.H., by whom he left at 1836, cape. rifle-brigade; aced Gerssldimso-Slany, mis. 0 Jan. 1015, to Alfred buckley, Esq., eldest son of Major-General Buckley, hIP. Lord Ashbunton, and hey lien (es-Iso ci. 1819) had, I Mtsumphney-Frasscis, 31.1’,, b, loiS, ese. June, 1061, SyhdilaHarrmol, dan. of George Clive, Req. SIb’.; 2 llenm’y-Bsngbam, 0. 24 April, 1SGS, lie os. 2ndly, 20 SepI. lc43, Marianne- Frances, eldest duo, of Gnanvilln-lt. Vemase, Ecq., 31.9’., and has ba tarn three dons. had iesmme, I Edward-Wtmoaslc’y, cc. iii July, 1840; 2 Artleur— George, eec. lee, 0 Nov. 1548, homcisa-Lathsana, lao, of lbs late Cape. henry Gaugle Ord, of the royal art., and ludly, Clsorlatln, widow of llajar hlallein, killed at bolokiava, and does, of Charles hteague, Req. of llollons Boson, Somerset- shine, by whom he has, Charles Beague, two oIlier seas, and three dauc,, she last 5, 30 Dec. 18-7; 1 Itorionne-Jane, so. 22 April, 1847, to Charles-George Bamott, Req.; 2 JaneCalhrniue, ae. 11 April, 1849, to the thee. Evelyn-hlardolpb Veman, lIe se. lmmdly, 30 July, 1833, Fnanees-hue-Penelope, elaue. of Rehcran,l-l.aekee’ooel Pencoval, Remi. of Dews hall, Essex, ossd ci, 10 hioy, hr(d, having icy her (a’ho 0.21 Jan. 1862) had issue, Pasasy, it. ho 1043. of W’igkl, and of Chmelnest,rd, Essex; is. 16 Dcc, 1830, Cars- liter, does, of Wilhians, lii Lecrsh liaelslecek, ausd has issue, focsr dammm,, of enisamse, Aisgusla-Josur was cci. lot, to William— Cooeeell Rorti’igkt, Req., abe ‘7. Jemly, 1503, 0usd lndly, to Ldmend-St. Julio htthidnmoy, Req.; and hderotism-Losaisa was as. 3 Oct. 1058, to Poecoe-Chos’les Glyn, Esq., son of Ceonge-Carr Glyn, Esq., lIP. viii. IVoller. lbeflsueo, and cf 15 llanoh, 1840. Bolinglenoke, and ci. 21 Dcc. 1826. of Radnor, and sf. 27 April, 1851. of Carew-hhorvey Slildmay, Esq. of Ito-ale Gmve, cisues, of the Ran. Bos-llo,leenaew Rauvcrir, lay whom (who Sir Henry so. ln’Ry, at Sluigard, by oprci;sl permission of the King of Wb’tombarg, 3515, Harriet, lud does, of the Hou. B. Bosuverie, hey Shary, sistcroi Everaa’d, i.orcl Aruudell of Ward,cur, hly her (who ci. S May, 1837), Sir hienry had issue, else Aesetniass errvice (lladetnky’s luesscsrs). lie is eqsmerr5- to lime hiuko of Camlerielge, aud was eusepb,cyed during the war of 1858. betce’eeu France auelAnstnio, as British cemmnissionesat lsoad-qaanlers of the Aoslnian amay. bin ac, let, S Slarch, 1051, Loueisa-Jeseptsiae, wideee- of she late Clarence Wigno5-, Reel., and by hsc-r (who mt, 27 Jan, 1065) has issue, EdmondChesneicl-FitnWuller, 5.21 Siay, 1554; Eeimood-Cecil4benry Anuusdell, 0. 14 April, laSs; iheunirtta-hoaisa-Ilorauio; Aogessesc—Jano, clehosi class, cif Arelsdcsceoie Ilihdmay and es-idsecs’ ef W’.-C. Kenlnighl, Eeq.. and bee bed n ban, Caress-W’at,hegrsve-Itoraee, 5. 17 April. 1060,0, 26 July. 1008. hussore iii she Imperial .hostrian service, wee snarried, and 1, at Sbihan. 6 Slay, 1566, having had issue fear Sons, riah huescars, ci, S Sharob, 1839. Creatiase—0 Sept. 1772. so,, armed and baugsicd. gu., far Slmtuasaxt 2ud and 3rd, org., on a chief, gu., two mullees, or.