Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/69

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MIL MIL C,esl—A lion, rampaut-gesardant, az, armed and langoed, go. Creeffea—] 9 April, 1899. Sappertere—[lexter, a greyhound, arg., dueally gorged and Arase—Az., a ehev. orm., between three macdc,, arg., each chained, or; einister, a falcon, salient, wings rxpanded, or, do- charged with a fleer-do-lie, sa. cally gorged and belied, gu. Crest—A dexter ann, embowed, in armanr, ppr., garnished, ,bfetle—Alla ta tiara. or, eupporting with tbe band an anchor, also ppr. ,Seat—Dagmersflrld Park, Rants. Seat—Leigh Court, near Bristol. MILES. MILES, SIR WILLtAM, Bart. of Leigh Court, Co. Somerset; ft 18 May, 1797; no. 9 Sept. 1823, Catherine, dau. of John Gordon, Eeq., and has had issue, i.,, b. 2 Sept. 1995; sa. 17 Ott. 1848, 1690, was created a Daronol, 19 Oct., 1709; and 51. in ths same Frances-Elizabeth, dau. of Sir David Roche, Dart,, and year, when he was e. by his eldest son, has had Philip, ci. 1859, and three dane. ii. Wilham-Itessry, 0. 5 Sept. 1820, sit. 24 April, 1962, liargaret, don. of John Peachy, Esq. ci Clsichsstsr; ludly, Mary-Frances, osily dan. of the Rev. John-Kyuaeton Anne, don, of William ttllson, Rsq. of Grores, eo. Sossex; and Charleton, vicar of Elberton. ITt. Charles - John- William, capt. 5th fs,silier,, 9. Jo,,, Kingston, in the Isle of Wiglsl, by whom Iso had ivsue, 1832; ea. 26 Jan. loiS, Elizabeth-Maria, only dan. TnossAs, his heir. of the late Rev, henry Lloyd of Solattyn, Shropehire. JOHN, wise ‘is. Mary, only don, and heir of Richard Chalice, iv, Arth,tr.John-William-Whetham, d. 1813. v, Robert-Itonry-William, 0. Jan. 1841. 1, Maria-Catherine, so. 1548, to Ttobert-Charloo Tndway, Elizabeth, so. If Jan. 1717, to Sir Edward Worstey, Knt. of Eoq., M.P. for Wello, who d. 1855. it. Agatha, n. 1849, to Edward-Arthur, eldest oon of Lord Anne, ci. us, sss. Robert-Edward Somerset. iii. Emma-Clara, us. 31 Jnly, 1556, to the lion, and Rev. Mary, sss. to the Rev. John Buekslsell, LL.D.; and ii. I May, James-Waiter Laseollos. cv. Catherine, so. 1816, to Lt.-Col. Robert Bright, 19th regt. Margaret, so. to Thomas Vales, Esq. v. Franeos-llarriett, se. 4 Sept. 1882, to William-Angnotns tie sf. 19 Nov. 1721, and was o. lsy his eldest see, Ferguson-Davis, Eoq., 3rd son af Sir LI. FergueonDavis, thI. Ssa TnossAs, lIP, for Clsiehester, ohs is;. Jane, dau. of Bert. vi. Harniott-Ellen, os. 4 Sept. 1862, to Robert-Thornbagh was o. by his eldest son, Onrdon, Esq, eldest son of Brampton Ourdon, IV. Ste Jeers. This gentleman ,s.Snsau, dau. of llatthow Esq. of Lotton, Norfolk (ceo Buaae’a Loaded Gnsis’p), Ceusbe, M.D., of Wiuehester, by whona he had issne, and ci. 1864. vat. Florence-Louisa, os.8 Juno, 1819, to the Hon. and Rev, Tuerasa, his seseeossnr. George., ci. u,ssss. its 1759. Francis Byssg, 3rd oon of the Earl of Strafford, and ci. 14 Feb. 1962. Sir William Miles, w’ho was SIP. for East Somerset- Jane, sss. to Honry-W’illiam Wilson, Esq. of ihe cc. Norfolk. shire, and Isaoalso represented Chippenham and ltargarct, so. to George Cannier, Req. of Wiekham-Comer, Romney in parliament, was Created a Baronet 19 April, 1859. JLIilC7LC. This family was originally settled at Ledbnry, eo. Hue- V. Ssa THOMAS, liP. for Portsn,noth. This gonlienoan ,s5. ford, whence W,LLsAs, MiLes proceeded early in life to Jamaica, where he had to’s daus., in a short time he aeqnired sufficient opulence to enable him Susassssala, so. to Nathaniel Lee Aeton, Etq. of Livermore to return to England, and settled as a merchant at Bristol. Hannah, sss. to Sir John St. Leger Oilman, Banl.of Carrahsen, By Ann Barrow, his wife, he was father of PntL,r-Jonw Slseos, Esq. of Leigh Court, en. Sssmerset, lie 5,5- ludiy, Ills, Edwarsle. an heiress, by wtsnmn he had, and King’s Weston, eo. Gloucester, who osntitsued the commercial Jeloo, sf. sstsss. 22 April, 1804. business, and sat in Parliament for Bristol. Etc is. THoasAs, 6th baronet. 1st, 1791, Maria, dan. of the Very Rev. Arthur IVI,otbam, Frauces. liary. Elizobells. dean of Lismore, and by her (who d. 20 July, 1811) he bad, Sir Thcnsas sf.4 Sept. 1816, and was s by his enly essrvtving son, WILLISOI created a baronet. Sarah-Agatha, es. 1518. to John Ogle, Esq., oldest sen of the VI. THE Rev. SIR Ts,ssasas-Cssasno, vicar of Freyle, Hauls, Rev. Joha-Savile Ogle, of Kirklsy hail, Nertlso,nberlassd, 8. 1791 ; as. I Slay, t8l4, Manilta, elsiest dau. of the Rev. John and is deceased. Elizabeth, is. In the 11ev. Henry Lloyd. Millieent, sss. to the Rev- henry Mirshouse. Mr. Miles Os. 2ndly, 11 May, 1911, Clarissn, dan. of S. Peach, Esq., assd by her (svho a. 22 June, 1868) had issue, i. Philip-Wifliam-Skynner, of ltingswsston, co. Gloucester, Thesoas-Ednound, naaj. in the artssy, eaIsl. 11th rogt.; is. 10 femserly M.P. for Bristol, os, Pamela, dan. of Ceo. Sir Wsu Gterge, 0. 1 July, 1813; sss. 25 Jssl3, 1865, llary-Elieabelh, Napier. ,,. .lolsn-Willia,n, of Cuderdown, eo. Hereford, 8, 1917. is,. Robort-Ilsury-Willians, of the Priory, Cardigan, sss. Barr, Wiltians-Uvcdals, capt., 18th rogt., 0. 5 Aog. loll, sf 15 Oct. dan. of tlso Rev. J. J. Cleaver, who lsas lately bEsts the oasee of Peach. sv. George-Frederick-William, of Ford Abbey, Dorset, 0. 1823 v. Charles-William, 5,. 1511. Richard-Combs, is. 19 April, 1841. vi. Ed,rard-Peacts-William, 8. 1819. Vt,. Henry-Croger-Wilhlam, 0. 1932. s. Clarissa-t’hilippa. is. Eh1su-Oclavs sIt. Sybilla-Ibary. tv Marianne-Adslaids. Mr. Miles ci. 24 March, 1845, aged 72 ysaro. 7s1 M ILL ER. MiLLER, Sin CHARLES- JoHN. HERBERT, of Chieheotes-, in Sue- sex; b. in 1858; 5. hia father as 8th barL, 12 Jan. 1868. }Liiicagc. I. ISsuEs, Esq., lIP, for Chicheseer in 1888 and II. Ssa Jono, SIP, for Cluelsester. Tlsis gentleman os 1st, Irdly, Elizaholh. eldest dos,. of Sir W’ihhiasn hleux, 3rd Dart. of of Oning, in Sassex; and st in 1715, leaving issue, Charles, of Slsopwiels, ansi John, ssf slrarellingwell, boils in Sussex. Gateesobs; and d. in March, 1774. Janc, so. to Capt. Boeklaud. Hannah, is. to ‘fhemas Goods, D.D., bishop of Norwiel,. 1738. hr. Aldernsau Gotlssr, ef that borough; and dying in 1711, Combo, in holy orders, dean of Clsichester; 5;’. Joan, dan. and sole heir of lbs Rev. — Green, of Eoelea, in Norfolk; and u.s. s. in 1814. Chssrlos, s,s. and loft a dau., Eleanor, who sss. John Iteberdeu, lID. Hants. Anne, ns. to George, 3rd Earl of Aibsusarle, 16.0. lie ci. to 1772, and was o. by isis eldest son, let, J{annah, doe. of Mn. Alderman Black, of Nsrsrieh,by whom Park, co. Suffolk. en. Cork. Holmes, of liungay, Sufisik, and had issue, Cneat.Es-9TAYES, 7sh baeonei. henry-John, 0.9 Sept. 1830 ;os. 15 Dee, 1964, at Olago, New Zealand, .lessic, youngest dat’. of Jehn (ss’lsell, Esq. of llawkoshuey, Waikomsati, Nosy Zcalsssssl. Feb. 1832. eldest dan. of the Eey. Peter 2tubortio, rector of Chipstead, Snrrey. 1868. Charlotts-Etizabells, sss. 4 Aeg. 1849, Capt. IF-S. Nicholson, late 28th font. htoniotsne. Frances-Margaret. Oecrgtua-Emily, ,e. 3 Slay, 1866, to Hznry-Thosssas Lambsrt, Esri. of hilechingly, Surrey. Sir Themas sf. 29 June, 1964, and sras a by his eldest son, Vii. Ssa, was was 8. 6 Feb., 1829, and so, 3D2