Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/73

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XI I N v. Georgina-Selina-Septisna, 55. 19 Feb. 1850, to Charles- govcrnsr of St. Helena, 8. 1801, Ia. 1826, l’lara, dau. of William Strickland, Faq., eldest son of Sir Goorge Choimley, Dart., and il. in 1864. vi. Louisa-Diana. vii. Laura-Ensma, so. S Dee. 1089, to Egerton-Vornon their dan. Emma-Eleanor-Elizabeth is Ihe present Lady Hareonrt, Esq. Sir William d. 24 March, 1955, and was s. by his elder oon, Alexander-Kynynmound, an the E.I.Co.’s service, d. 3777. V. SIR WILLIAM-SIORnAtsNT-EDWARD, who was 9.20 Jnno, Robert, in holy orders, rector of Whelalale, to. York, sas. 1220, and as. 16 April, 1044, Lady Georgians-Anne, sister of Riehard-Geoi-ge, 9th and present Earl of Searbrough, and Askham, co. York; and ci. in 1824, laavingieeno. had issne, I. WLLLIAaI-MORDAUNT, liresent baronet. at. FaooraIcK-Geeaos, 8.7 Nov. 1849. iii. Granville-Hency, 9.29 Dec. 1251. i. Edith-Harriet. ii. Eveline-Selina. Sir William, who wae SIP, for York from 1848 to 1057, ,l. heel) viceroy of the kingdom of Corsica, was created, upon 12 Feb. 1867, and was a. by his eldest son, SIR WILLIAMMORDAUNT his rctnrn, 10 Oct. 1797, Em-ass Missis, of Minis, ce.Rsxfsrgh, MacNan, the (5th and present hart. Crcalisn—26 Feb. 1716—17. Alma—Per palo, or and sa., a chevron between 8lsroe after his return from India, 24 Feb. 1618, Flzcsssssf .liclgca’i horses’ bite, oounterchanged. Crest—A horse’s head, conped, arg.,bridlcd and maned, or, and EARL OF 3IINT0. He so. 3 Jan. a777, Anna-Maria, charged on the neck with a bozant, between two wings, gold. sliest dan. of Sir George Amyand, Hart., by whom (who ct. .lIJstls—Addit frena feris. - 9 March, 1829) ho had, &ats—Nnn-Appleton It all, and Ilolton Lodge, bath near a. GiLnnn’r, 2nd earl. Tadcaster, Yorkshire. MINT 0. MINTO, EARL OF (SirWilliam-Hngh Elliott-MssrrayKynynmound), co Roxburgh; Viseonnt Molgund, of Molgund, eo. Forfar; Baron Minto, of Minto, eo. Roxbnrgh, and a baronet of Nova Scotia, 5. 19 March, 1814 ; a as 3rd oar], 31 Jnly, 1859; as. 20 May, 1844, Emma-Eleanor-Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Gen. Sir Thomas Hislop, Dart., GOB., and has issue, I. GatBaav4osue, Va’ecoinot .ZllclgssncI, lient. Seats fnailiorgnards, 6. 9 Jnly, 1848. at. Arthur-Ralph-Douglas, 6. 17 Dec. 1846. III. Ilugh-Fredcrick-Hislop, 6. 23 Feb. IS4S. sv. Wiliiam.Fttzwtliiam, an officer, 93rd highlandere, 8. 14 Sept. 1849. ILiitcrigc. Gataanr ELLIOT, Faq., grandson of Gilbert Elliot, Esq. of Stabs (who was ancestor of the celebrated General Eliot, created Baron Heathfield for his gallant and successful defence of Gibraltar), was c.nstitutcd one of the lards of Session in Scotland, when be asenmed the hensrary dosigoation nf Lord Minto. He was subsequently appointed lord-justice-clerk, and created a .Barsacl s.f Noco ScaI(a in 1700. Sis Gilbert as. Jane, dau. of Sir Andrew Carrs, Knt. of Cavers, co Roxhnrgh, and was s. by his son, SIR’r, 2nd baronet; who, being also bred to the bar, was appointed lord-justice-clerk, and aasumed the title formerly baste by his father, that of Minto. lie so. Helen, dais, of Sir Robert Stuart, Dart., of Allanbank, and had issne, GILBERT, his successor; Robert, an officer in the army; Andrew, lieot.-governorof NcwYoik; John, admiral RN.; Archibald, admiral RN.; Eleanor, sate John Rutherford, I Anna-Maria, as. S May, 1932, to Lisut.’Gsn Sir RufansShawe Esq. of Edgeraton; and Anne, as. to Charles Congleton, Faq. Sir Gilbert ci. in 1766, and was s. by his sldeat san, Ssa GILBERT, 3rd baronet. This gentleman filled several Ia. Harriet-Mary-Frances, ci. in July, 1825. high official situations, and was at one time a candidate for ho. Catherine-Sarah, as. in 1815, SIr Jshn- Peter Boileau, the speaker’s chair. lie sit. Agnes-liurray Kynynmonnd, heiress of Helgund, co. Forfar, and of Kynynmound, Fife- The earl ci.21 June, 1814, and was a. by hie eldest eon, shire, by whom he had issue, GILBERT, his heir. Hugh, Itt. Hon., governor of Madras, and a privy-cooneuler, 1806, Mary, eldest dan. of Patrick liryalons. Faq., and by as. Louisa do Eronte, a Russian lady, and had her (who ci. H July, 1853), hail issue, 775 Us d. in 1777, and was s. by his eldest son, Sin GILBERT, 4th baronet, 8. 22 April, 1711 ; who, having his lordship was envoy-oxtransdilaary to Vienna in 1779; president of the Board of Control in 1806; and being oventisally constitsltcd governor-general of Bengal, was orsated, it. George (Sir), admiralli.N., K.C.B., general of the Mint in Scotland, and late nns of the lords of the Admiralty, 8. 1 Aug. 1784; as. in 1810, Elica-Cecilia, youngest dau. of James Ness, Esq. of Osgedvie, co. York, and ci. 24 June, 1064, having by her (who d. 23 May, 1949) had issue, 1 George-Augustus, vice-adm. R.N., superintendent of Portsmouth dockyard, as. 1 Aug. 1942, Hcrecy-SnaaasSydney, only dan. of the late Licnt.-Col. Wauchope, of Niddrie-Marischall, in Slid-Lothian, and has tasue, George-Edmund-Lyons, 8. 5 April, 1949; Elizabeth, as. 18 Feb. 1965, tIl her cousin, Lord Rosehill, eldest son of William-llopetsun, 8th saId present Earl ofNorthsek Nina; Ilcrscy; and Anna-Maria-Olivia. 2 Gilbert-John, anoffscor in the 47th refisnont, 6.25 July, 1818; as. 27 Nov. 1849, Isabella, 2nd dais, of the Rev. T. Gore, snd ci. 20 Aug. 18 Si, leaving an only dau., Mary. 3 Um-atis-Foley, heast. R.N., d. in 1941. 4 Aloxander-Ilardy, major late 9th dragoon-guards, se. I June, 1915, Gertrude Slary, 2nd dan. of the late James Wilmst-Williams, Esq. of Ilerringstsnc, cc. Dorset. I Frcdcrick-lloileau, E.I.Ce.’a civil service, 8. in 1826. 1 Georgians-Maria, ii. to William-Ilopctann, 8th and present Earl of Northcsk. 2 Eliza, 01.21 Aug. 1814, to Capt. Lord William Cempton, R. N., 2nd son of Spencer, 2nd Marquess of Northasnpton. 3 Catherine, as. 1c56, to Ilear-Adm. the Hsn. James- Robert Drummond, RN,, CD. 4 Cecilia Mary, cc. 11 Oct. 1066, to the Hon. W. - N. Jecelyn, 3rd son of tlse Earl of Rsdcn. 115. John-Edmond, SIP., 6. 39 March, 1758 ; as. 1 Oct. 1809, Amelia, 3rd dan. of James-Henry Caseamaijor, Req. of Madras, and ci. 4 April, 1962, having bad issue, I Edmund-James, lient.-eolonel 79th foot, Ia. in 1812; as. 3 Oct. 1853, Matilda, eldest surviving dasi. of CharlesUalkott Inglis, Faq. of Cramond; and ci. at Varna, 12 Aug. 1854, and had issues psathnmsna son, EdmundHalbert, 6. 5 Nov. 1824. 2 William-Brownrigg, 6. 9 Oct. 1920, as. 2 Jan. 1859, Mary-Geraldine, third dan. of Jnstin McCarthy, Faq. of Carrignavar, and widow of T. C. Morton, Faq., and has issue, William-Gerard, 8. 9 Nov. 1958, and Cyril- Herbert, 6. 6 Oct. 1881. I Amyand.Powney-Charles, 8. 15 Jnne, 1823, late capt. Eengalarray, as. 6 Oct. 1842, Anna-Slaria, eldest dan. of Lient.-Col. Alexander, and by her (who it. 6 Nov. 1917] has had issue, Amyand, 6. 1849; William-Alexander, 8. 1951; Charles-Sinclair, 6. 1913; Amy; Grace; and Augusta-Helen, .5. 6 Starch. 1962. 4 Angnstne-Jnhn, F. I. Co.’s civil service, 9. in 4824; as. 19 Jan. 1815, Helen, 3rd dan. of John Lewis, Esq., and by her has issue, Gny, 6.5 Nov.1935; Edmund, 8. May, 1857; and Helen. 1 Amelia-Jane, as. in 1810, to the late Thomas-Campbell Robertson, Eaq.; and ci. in 1857. 2 Anna-Maria-Elizabeth, as. 19 Stay, 1961, to PaerceGilbert-EdwardTaylor, Rag. of 0gw-eli House, Devonshire. Donicin, K.C.B. and G.C.H., who ci. in 1841. lady Anna at. 38 Oct. 1955. Dart. of Tacolheatone. and ci. 25 June, 1862. GiLBaRT, 2nd carl, P.C., G.C.B., 6. 16 Nnv, 1782; so, in XI I N with other issus,a son,Admiral Sir Charles I8lliett,l{.C.D it-H. Windsor, Req., and has ieaas. Tbs Right IOn. Hugh Elliolt’s dou. Emma, as. 1821, to Can Sir Thomas ilislop, Dart,, G.C.B., who at. ISiS; she ci. 10 Aug. 166; SIinto. in 1789, Mary, dau. of tIe Dcv. Edmund Garforth, of David, ci, young. Isabella. Eleanor, as. in 1776, to Wslhana, 1st Lord Auckland.