Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/74

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1110 L I WiLLIAu-Huon, present poor. 2 henry-George the Itight Hon.), F. C., Secret. oflegatton the expessscs isseurred by esstertainissg Qsscen ELIZABETH at in Holland, spnos it-sd to a special missi,,n to the King of isis seat, SIr. itloleoworih because so touch itsvolvcd ha debt, Greece, ti4 April, C’62, British minister at Florence, Aug. that he disposesi ssf the greater part of his landed possessietss 1 s03, and Gnu-h Ambassador at Constantinople, 0 July, to discharge the isscsssssl.srcsssces. Ills elder sets, 1067, 6. 30 June, 3017; ot. 9 Dee. 1547, Anne, 2nd dan. Wts.LIAOI SlnvesiwunTls, Esq., es. Mary, dass. of Sir Francis of Sir Edmund A tstrobus, Dart , and has issue, Fran ess, Palssses, of Aohwoll, cc. Rntlatsd, assd left three sons, 5,. 24 March, 1451 ; and a daa. 3 Charloo-Gilhert-Jehn-hir3-dons, C.D .,vicc-admirsl hI.N., Guy, eol. of horse its tise royal arusy during the civil wars 6. 12 Dec. lSld;s’. 5 Bce, Idiot, Ls’sts.n, clilosi dan. sit Sir Edward, capt. sf fast in 1643, and enhseqncntly major Edward htlackcli, stan., ann has a °en, Ii. 2 Feb. 3062; and a son, t. 3 lIce. loOT. 4 Gesrge-Frannis-Stcsvart, 6. 9 Oct. 1032. 5 Gilbert, 6. 23 Slay, 1008, licnt.-c’’l. in the army, is. 17 The 3rd son, Aug. 1058, Katherine-Anne, sixth dan. f the Right 11ev. IlossnIsT MoLnSissOttTIs, Rsq., was .‘dso a military officer his-. Gilliert, liishop of Ghiolscsier, cud 5. 03 Slav. 3005. 1 Slary-f:lia-st dli ,i. in 3030, to Ralph, last Lord Bunfermline, duritsg the oixil wars its Irohsusi assd after that kingdom K.G.B., who 1, 12 Jnty, iSi8. (Sec Anen000 was dolivcrcd np by the Jlarqssess sit Orsusissde to the Far— MBv, B) - 2 Frances-tuna-Maria, so. 20 July, ls4l, to Earl Russell. hostilities, in order to reduce it to obeshienee, by mskitsg 3 Gharlotte-Olary, a. 9 Oct. 1033, to Melville Portal. Req. three several snbscriptiinss, two of £680 each, and otto of of Laverslssks, Ilasis, late 31.1’. for North llasnpalsis’sa. £1510, for which isv ol.,tatsscd two thso,ssassst five hsnsdn’cd 4 Elizabeth-.tmclia-Jasse, os. 20 Nov. 1840, IJol. Ramilly. acres of latsd in the icsr,’ssies ol Moghergssllin and Lune, so. (.cee RoMtLLv, B.) 2 Harriet-Anne-Gertrude, 4. 9 Feb. 1853. Itis lordshijs aosssntrsl, by royal prrnstssiios, the snrnanaes Esq., who wsss allot-wards len,h-chirf-bssro,t of tlse Exclseqt.tor of SI t’nsocv and Kvwvaoatosusn lix sI.11 July, 10111. f’,’calisas—P,as-oeol, 1700. P,arso, It Gel. 1707. xrtscaunt EonnnT llos.n.owsan’sn, who, havIng beets asnbassadsr at and Earl, 24 Feb. 1013. A -ot.s—Qnarlerlv 1st assd -Ills graesl qnarlcrs, quarterly the poet-ago of Ireland, 16 July, 37th, as Biteoss sf P/sihijislowss 1st and 4th, arg., a lsnglo—ltocn, sa., strissgesl and garnished, atsel ViscouNT Slet,00wostTu. Otis lordslsip es. Lctitia, 3rd go. ott a cluot ax., three tuollots, of the first, for Ihuaaa; Sad aast lrsl, s7..,a chevron, org., lis’tweoo three ficnrs—sle-hi, or, fsr hevayssatoran; Sad and 3rd grand qoarters, gsa., on a lscssd, eograilosl, or, a Isoton, as., within a bsrdare, vair, for ELI,tssT ; over all, a elncf sf astgmenlal is’s, arg., clsarged wish a Moor’s Itoast, rostpssd is lsrsfilr, Hr., lirisg lise arms 01 Corsica. f’—A dexter ansss, osubosretl. issnant froas cloa,hs, tlsrssring a dart, all ppr, .JJsllo—(Ovee) Fin rget arrss. Stsjspsrln-o—Dcxtn-, an lndiao sheep slaister, a fssrn ; boils Pl)r. alfstts—Saaviter Ct fsrli her. Sno Is—Shinto Castle, ca. lloxhnrgh; and Ilchgand, cc Fsrfar. Tows, ll,ssso,—41, Eaton Square. 3IOIRA5 EARL OF, see IIasTto’c.s, M.tnquEso OF. 1110 L E S W OTt T H. 3itttcigc. Thse tatosily daoccsssls fristu 5tH WALrnr.M’sLrssvon-rn, sit eminent ssltlior, EnscAnn I., who csceiissspassied that nss,starcls to the Itoly 1.annl, atsd was cotsotitsstesl, irs the 20th of the same rcigts, sheriff of the ces. sit tiodlord atsd hincks, for ten yessrs. Frs,sss Sir Walter we lass to Isis slcseeisdani, Stn It,srcew H Orrssconrss, of ltsttstissg’h,ssshiro, whose slits, Jossx 5.ho,,s:ssns,rstt, Keq. sit Ilelpc5ti5s, its Northatscptott— iv. Edward (Major), who left issue, Claire, was esclsesstor sit the co. Rntland. hoc a. Its 3141, and was .5. by his Boss, Jnnx ShoLeessunalt, Esq., who tie 3hn-garet, dan. aisd hsetr sit Wittia,n Westcistt, Esq. of thastscscrc, its Staffordshire, atad Isad, withs sither tsssso, ANTRONY, his sncccsssr. Jehs,, of Pitcarraw, ancestor of the Daroneta Meleeworth. The elder of those, atxxnorsy Shit.esscnn’rss, Esq., scs. Cicely, dast. atssl heir of Thosoas lturhsssd, Fsq. sf Fotherisigay, crs.Nerthasnptisss, and fixed his residence there; but fnsna liberal habits, and 776 M 0 L gen., s’s. Miss hlatbcan. He ci. leaving three daus., Many, Jane, attd Fmnccs. ItoacuT. lianscist of Englassd, lie liecasoe ass ssshveaststrcr for cststinniug illeath. lie was snbsoqsststlye ats esssisscsst merchasst in hubhits, lIe so. Judith, cistest discs. assd cc-heir of Jshts Bysse, its Ireland; and dyissg 1 Sept. 3610, seas o. I ‘y his ssdy child, tlse rourt of ltcntssat’k for several yostra, wts advatseed to don, of Richard Ceste, Lend Csleotscy, Icy wbesss he had, I. JOHN, hti successor. it. R,, 3rd visesunt. is. William, espidu its the wars witis Spaisa, MT. for Fhilipstesen, as,d a commissioner sif trade and plantations ; ta- in 17t’6, Antic, oldest dust, of Robert Adsir, Eaq. of Holybrook, eo. Wicklow, and had issue, 1 RoncaT, who 5th viscsutst. 2 John. 0 Itichard, 6. in 1737; 155. Cathorisse, dan. of Francie Cobb, Esq. of Twickcnham, ssssd at his decease, 20 Sept. 1709, loft issue, Rtcn.snu-Ft000T, proneut eiscsusst. John, captain R.N., its. 6 l’ob. 1820, Louisa, dan. of the laio 11ev. tsr. Tsmkisso. and 5. 14 Atsg. 1618, bayissg had Iwith two daos., Margaret-Lctitia,ss. 4 April, 3866. to Rev. 15.-C. do llayillaad, JI.A. ; and Many- Louisa) a soil, Ssature its hssly orders (scho is ps-cases;jcl,ee lisle Is It’ liSt-h. 8. 39 Dee. 1000; us. at Psris, 6 Mcsy. 1863, Geergissa-Charhi-tte-Gecil, yestngost dais. sit the late Capt. tlnsrgs Itaget Gossett, 4th ds-sgssnguards, by hsie wife, tue Slarqstiao Ge Vinehiatnro, stud hoe isestc, e ssin, t. at Paris, Ii Juue, 1867, and two dans., Assdahstsia - Chess-lotte . Lossisa - Goargina, and Joserihsno_Ilary. Anthosty-Ohicer, capt. rsyal artillery, 55,. 1st, 26 April, 1807, Jane. dan. of John Ps’rtor, Esq. ; and 2ssdly, 7 July, 1815, Gs’aee-Jane, dan. of the Into tlsrgau Croftoss, Esq., b,srnistor-at-law, assd by tlsc latter had issue, I Richard, htte capt. royal dragoons, 8.3 Slay, 1036, sit. 24 Jsily, 1061, Mas-y-Lostisit, oldest dan. of Charhos-Astgisstns Slew-ott, Req. of Wlsally Raugc,noar Jlatschoetcr, and has Agnes, Mars’, and Juliet; 2 Morgan-Crsiftsn, capt. RE., 8. in lOoT, sit. li,0 April, 1060, Ocr.rgina. ossly cisild of 2t. Duke, Eaq. of Rugby, atsd s-I. 10 Jssly, I Sill. ;.cvissg lasno, Herbert, Ii. 1 Feb. 10si3, Lilian, and Georgina; I Asithony-Ohivor, liss,t. t1.A., & its 1010, a. 23 STar. 1865. Atstte, youngest dats. at Major thope Snaiths, of fsuicksfiehsl, e,i. )loick 4 Wilhinm-hls’bert, HA., 8. its 1041, it. in Bormssda, 15 Sept. lOii4l 1 Mary, sit_Il Jass. 1083. to the they. W. Sykes, Chaplain to the Forces; 2 Rate-Charlotte- Eleanor ; 1 Grace-Janc-Sarals ; 4 Amelia-Frances. Capt. A.-O. Slehoewonlh d. 5 July, 3040. Jamcs-Thosnsse. Wihhelmina, i’s. 5 May, 1604, to Bartholomew Jeffery, Evil., who sI. 1042; she 1. 7 Slay, loGO. St. Geos-ge-f’atbenine, si. iss Ft-auce, 4 Slay, 1028. Salome-Lethula, relict of Rev. John Jisueher, 4. 1020. I Lotitia, sic, to Capt. George Johustone, and d. In 1764. 2 Eliesbetls, us. to Richard H,ilmos, Esq. 3 Jnhiana. 4 Jane. I .tntchia-Charlotto, is. 20 Assg. 1770, to hlnight Mitchell, Ksq., and d 12 Nov. 1010. 6 Isabella, iii. J. Clootwyk, Eoq., and ,l. 1736. 1 John, who ci. Frances, eldest dan. of Matthew Hill, Esq. ; and ,5. 24 April, 1701, leaving, Jolsn-Edwnrd-Nassau, D.D., vicar of Rochdale, 6. its 1700; us. 1st, 20 Nov. 1811, Harriet, dau. of the late Wm. Slaekinnon, Esq ,and by her (who 1. sn 1010) ban issue, 1 Wilhiant-Natsast, is, holy orient, vtear at St. Clenaents, Spotlanil, Ranlsdole, is. 8 Nov. 1016, ss. in 1040, 2Jargsrot, dan. of George Islurray, Esq. of Ancoats Itall, Matschcster, asail han sstrviving Issue, Jantes-Slnrray, hi. 1040; Alexander, 8. 1011; WillIam- Nassau, 8. 1853; and Ilurray Crompteta, 8. 1826; 2 John, 8. 1018, St. 1 Oct. 1847, Mary, dau. of the late MOLESWOBT1T, VISCOuNT (Richard - Pigott Moles wortla), of Ssvisselis, cs. Dublin, and )Jarosa Plailipetown, of Philipetown, in tlse King’s County, in the peorago of Irolassd ; 8. 23 July, 1786 ; a. as itls viscount, on the decease of his cousin, 30 May, 18)5.