Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/75

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M 0 L Laurence Newall, Req., and has issue, EdwardNewall, ii. 1848; Frederick, 8. 1558; Slary, Sarah, and harriet; 3 Daniel, 8. 1821; 4 George-Slill-1”rcdcrick, lient. RN., 8. 1825, is. 19 Aug. 1851, Sarah, dots. of the late Lawrence Newall, Req. of Town house, and has issue, Reginald. 8. 1852; Geerge. 8. 1856; another con, 8. 1857, and a dan.; S Ileynell-FraneisWynn, in holy orders, 8. in 1857, se, let, in 1851, Eleanor-Jane. only dan. of the Rev. John Hilton, and by her has Francis, 5. 1054; John, 8. 1856; and Slary; hem. Sndly, 27 Jnly, 1854, Frances-Elba beth, 2nd and only eorciving dan. of Adm. George Henderson ; 6 Gnilford-Lindscy, 8. in 1818, es. 52 Aug. 1834, Maria-Elizabeth, eldeot dan. of the late F.-T Bridges, Req. of Walmer, and granddan. cf the late Sir Robert Atheck, Dart., and hoe issue, Henry, 8. 1811; and Amy; I Harriet. in. 1 Jan. 1856, to Samuel Crompton, Req.; 2 Emma-Frances, ‘a. 1858, to George Ponlden, Esq., bar-at-law; and 3 Louisa, 5;;. 1846, to the Rev. J. Edwards. The 16ev. TSr. Moleewerth m. lndly, 1854, hornet, widow of F.-T. Bridges, Req., and dan. of Sir R. Affeck, Bad. 2 Robert, is. 17 Nov. 1771, Elirabeths, dan. of John Tub Req., and had issue, Edward )Slajcr), 8. 7 July, 1775; who ai. let, ElioabethDerothea, dan. of the late Redmond de Slontmorency, brother of let Viscount Frankfert, and by her (who el. S Oct. 1815) had, Jolen-Charles-Villiers, Itcut. in the army, is. 18 Oct. 1885; in. 17 June, 1627, Slaria-Catheninc, only child of the late Rev. Roger Ford, and it 1812, leaving, Maria, so. 1852, to William Willan, Req. Ehizahcth-Dorothea, us. Theophilue Deilean, Ecq. Llargaret-Letitia, as. to the late Col. John Hope, RE., and 4. 22 July, 1554. Major Edward Sloleaworth so Sndly, Mary, dan. of the late — Crane, Req., and relict of the late Joeeph Trueman, Eeq., and ii. 14 June, 1842, having had by her, Edward Nassau, major, capt. 2nd West India rcgt., os. in 1852, Mary-Anne, dan. of John STunt, Req., and has issue, Edward, 8. 1854; William, 1.1656; as’S Amy. Emcee. Arthnr, capt. royal marines, 8. 24 Slareli, 1786; to. 21 Aug. 1669, Elsaseor, only dan. of the late Lazarus- Steele Itoscrts, Eeq., SIP., and il. 10 Jan. 1850, leaving issue, Arthur-John, hient. royal marines, 8. 16 July, 1810; iii. Saeah, eldest dan. of John Parhs, Req., and had Sarah-Slary, and other issue. He ii. 25 Aug. 1857. Thon’sac-Hoopcr, RN., 8. 5 Ang. 1821; us. harrietJlorphitt, dan. of J. Parks, Req. Robert-Sackville, 8. 24 Jan. 1825,-os., and 4. in 1864, leaving issue. Eraseuna-William-Gray. 8. 12 Feb. 1810; 7. 3903. Ellen-Mary, in. 1 Jan. 1837, Peter-Lund Simmonde, Rsq. Caroline-Julia. Clara, s;s. 1864, to Robert-Bruce Walkar, Rsq. Richard-Carr, major-gen. royal artillery, I. 21 April, i. Jnhiana, it. n;ssn. in 1759. 1786; as. 24 Slay, 1810, Marianne, dan. of the late ii. Mary, in. to George hooch, Req. of Dublin. Thomas Tube, Fsq., M.D., and 4.18 Feb. 1669, havhsg xis. Cbanlottc-Anselia. in. ts Capt. ‘William Tichbnrsee. by her (who ii. 21 March, 1858) had Thomas-Edward, M.D., surocon RN., 8. 5 July, The vieconnt, who was bigbly distinguished by his talents, 1813; so. 3 Dcc. 1850, Marianne, dan. of Dover literary and political, it. in May, 1723, anti u-as c. by bin Farranl, Req., 11.53. A., nail iiy her (who is. 2 Jessie, eldest eon, 1867), has had isene, Richard - Farrast, 5.3 Dec. Jossn, 2nd visconiet, ambassador et th court of Tuscany 1051; 4 9 Slay, bIG; Charles-Edward, 8. 26 Sept. and dardinia in 1710 and 1720. Ilis lordship so. Mary, dan. 1853; Dover-Nassau-O’Dwyer, 8.69 Sept. ltfl. Henry-Orlebar, 8. 10 June, 1817. Robert, Ii. 17 Jan. 1319. Mary-Elica. E;izabeth. Letttia, is. to Saakville-Tlamilton Eaton, Req , late Recussna, 3rd viocennt. Thie nobleman, who was aidede-camp flied regiment. v. Walter, it. in 1773, leaving ieone. vi. Cootc, 11.0., it. case, in 1782. vex. Myssc, who in,. 7 Dec. 1731, Rlicabeth, sister of John, the engagement, attained the sank of field-seaarohal in the IstLerd Slonsit-Florenee, and widow of Edward Arehdahl, army, end filled the officee of mantes’-grneral of the ordnance, Req. of Castle Archdall, co. Fcrnsanagh; and it. in 1779, and commander-in-cldef of his majesty’s forces in Ireand. leaving issue, 1 Arthur (Slajor), of Fairlawn, cc. Armagh, who is. let, April, 1742) he had three dane., viz., in Sept. 1764, Catherine, dan. of Sir Walter-Fletcher Slary, as. to Robert Reehford, Earl of Delvedere, Vane, Mart., by whom lie bad an only dau., Rlieabeth, in. to Richard Esyndll, Req. of Rcyuella, ro. Weetmoath. lIe. sn.lndly, Mre. Henrietta-H. hliaekctt (widow), who Amelia, it. cciii. 30 Jon. 1758. d. s. p.; and Srdly, Slice Rllzabeth Lcdginghaiu. Major She lordship as. Sndly, Shary, dan. of the Rev. Willlane Molcswerth it. 20 Aug. 1803, leaving by his 3rd wife (who it. 14 Dec. 1816) two sons, Usher, archdeacon of Clonftrt, and by that lady (who it. As-thur - Nepean, 8. 27 Ang. 1790; ia. 13 Jan. 3820 0 Slay, 1763) had leone, Harniette, hid dan. of Captain Hawkins, assd has Rscnkun-NAS5AU, his sneceseor. 1 Arthur, 0. in 1621, so. in 1853, Ehiaabsth. don. al the late Dr. King, and has ioone, a son ant a dais. 2 Thomaa-Nspean, 8. in 3624 (in. in 1846, Sarah Geargina, dan. of the late IV. Kcrtland, Req.. and has issue); 1 Jane; 2 Caroline; and 3 Harrjetl.e ma. Mary, ( 0 Slay, 1763. in 1850, to the Rev. Richard Wrightscn. 777 M 0 L Thomas-William-Ponsonby, 8. 16 Dcc. 1600; in. 10 Aprib 1827, Anne, youngest dan. of thur Rev. Thomas lawcett, rector of Greens-Norton, ca. Northanipten, and has issue, Thomas, in holy orders’, 8. 11 lice. 1529, si. 1854, Caroline-Mary, dan. of H. M,ovles, Eq. Walter, in holy orders, M..., vicar of Diahopeworris, is. in 1611; Anne-Sophia Jn!ia; Lncy; anil Mary. Moliere. who ma. in 1770, Misc iloec, and had issue, Arthnn major-gcn. E.I.C.S1.S., m. Mary, dan. of Matthew Koaraoy, Rsq.; and it. 7 Jan. 1547, having by her (who it. I Feb. 1500) had issue, Hickman-Thomas, rapt. Madras artillery, 5. 7 Aug. 1820; is;. 18 April, 1057, Slas’ianne, dmLn. of Robert Lindsay, Esq. )nc ante Cnawronn, U. or); and has leiekman-Crawford, 8. 31 Feb. 1558, and Frances- Mary. Robert-Francis, in holy orders, rector of Ci’oton, Letecetcrehirc, 8. 80 Juno, 1816; so. 7 Feb. 1352, Gertrnde Le Nrrmand,eldcat dan. and co-heir of the late Geergo-Dagot Goseett, Req., by his o’ifr (‘barlotte-St. t’Iair, dan. of the late Jamea Dossglae, Req., scow Slarcbioncns de Vincht,tssra, and has ieaur, GoorgoDag’ t-Fraasrio-Rirliarsl-Pigot, 5. 23 Jan. 8853 ns;d llcesry-Lemprilte, 8. 24 Sept. 1802. Jane. it. u’;.;. Gertrude, us. to Francis Lareelles, Raq., Madras CS. Mary, in. to N.-W. Kindersihy, Req., who it. I Dcc. 1844. Emma. in. to 0.-SI. Cgihvic, Req., Madras CS.; and it. Li Slay, loss. Selina, in. 0 March, 1641, to II. Ilearney, Req. Agnes. ci. 12 Oct. 1847, to the 11ev. Charles-Richard Dr ]Iavtland. Hickncin-D;aynay, us. let, Wilhclmina-Dorothca, dan. of Bmlnslry llene, Req.; Sndly, Slaria, dais. of Geerge Studdert, Rsq.; and it. 3 Slay, 1841, leaving by his let wife a eon, Robert, a judge of the supreme cenrt of Slelbonrnc, Australia, 5. 3 Nov. 1866; ia. 2 Jan. 1840, Itcnr)etta, dan. of the Rev. J.-R. Johnson, and has, hickman, ti 23 Feb. 1842; Rohrrt-Asthssr, 8. 13 April, 1843; another soss, 8. in 1451; and Ehieabctb-Joecphine. Thcepbilnn, ii. 1611. Myese-Cole, a scajor in the army, ci. Jane, osly dan. of William Smyth, Req.; aiiM it. 4 Dec. 1819, braving William-Robert, ia holy erdera. Herbert-Philips, also in holy ordere, 8. 1813; it. ea;;s. 1847. Donrrhlrr, rapt. RN., 8. 1778; is. ieens. 1822. Carolina, widow of Col. Gnrnelh, 13.1. U.S. 2 St. George, iii. and hoe loene a eon, Wllliam-St. George. I Richard. 2 Pesisanby, an officer in the army, us. Snsannah, sister of Sir R.-IL Sheaffe, Mart. 6 Wilhiaen. 7 Jabsi-Cole. I Caroline, in. to Charles Walker, Req. 2 Florence, ss. to the Rev. Dr. Colclongh. 3 Alice. 4 Caroline-Amelia. iv. Letitia, so. Rda-ard Dalton, TMsq. of Brazer], eo. Dnblin. and re-heir of Thomas Mtddlrton, Req. of Stansted Slantfsrhet, co. Rssc,c, by whom he left a posthumous dan., Slary, es. in 1751, to Frederick Gore, Rsq., SIP. The visconnt it. 15 Feb. 1726, when the hononrs devolved upon his brother, to the Rake of Marlhsrongh at the battle of Homilies, and had the honour of saving his grace’s life in Hie lordship si. 1st, Slice Jane Lucas, by whom (who it. Lctttia, ns. 2 Oct. 1753, to Lient.-Col. James Moleawortb; and it. in 1717. Henrhetta,ss. 10 Oct. 1774, to rise Right Hon. John Stap]ce. who were burnt to death with their mother, Msbossna, 1 the visrennteea, at their honsc in London Louisa, as. 1st, to William, 1st Lord Ponsonhy; and Sndly, to William, 4tb Earl Fitewilllam; and ci. 1 Sept. 1824.