Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/77

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M 0 L Sir Hugh-Henry ,l. 6 Jan. 1862, and was s. by isis brother 4 Jnly, 8710. He cc. Catherine, dan. of Ra51,h 90co oil, Esq. Tue REV. Sss PAUL-Wss,e.Isoi, the present baronet. C,’ea lice—IS Jssne, 1688. Arms—On., an esruirheon, vair, betwern eight rross-rmsslets, and their granddan., Sophia Wolseley, st. tlse hey. Robert in erie, or. Crest—An armed arm, ensbowed, lspr., holding in the gauntlet Esq. of Gaybrook and the 4th to Jobs, Ca,-net, iliohop of a cross-erosslee, or. Melts—Sic Odrm teneo. Sent—Park Hill, Clapham. M 0 L Y N EU N. Moayseux, SIR CAPEr., of Castle Dillon, cc. Armagh; S. 1841, s. as 7th baronet, at the decease of his father 25 Jan. 1818; sse. 15 Jan. 1863, Mary- EmilyFrances, eldest dan. of Peter Fitrgerald, Knight of Sit’ Capel cc. tndly, Elizabeth, only last ef Liee,t.-Gen. Kerry, and has a dan., ILtlicagc. This is a jnnior branch of the famiy of Holynrux, Earls of Seftsn, springing immediately, it is supposed, from Sir Thssnas lttolynrnx, 2nd eon of Sir William Stolynenx, of Sefton, a relehnsted warrior nnder the Black Prtnee, who added to his arms, as a distinction, the fleur-de-lis ii, the dexter chief, still berno by the family. Ssa TssoMAs ItioLyNEux, who was 8. at Calais, in 1581, falling into the hands of the enemy on the capt ni-s ef that place, was ransemed for 208 crowns. lie cause to Etsgland in 1268, and was cent to Ireland in 1570, by Queen Es.szaBETH, as Chancellor of the Exeheqsser, when he obtained, with extensive grants of land fram her majesty, a lease for twetity-ons years of the exports and imports of the city of Dnbltto (wines excepted) far the annual s-out of £i82. lie es Katherins, dan. ef Lndovieo Stabeort, governar of Binges, and was s. at his decease, tn 1596, by his eldest surviving eon, DANIEL M0LNNP.ex, Req., Mr., appointed, in 1186, Ulster king-of-arms isis eelrl,s’ated colleetiats ci Irish family MeRry, now ansong the 3158. of Trinity College, Dnblln, prsves hien to have bee,, an accurate and very leatosed antiqnary. Tie st. Jane, dan. of Sir William Usher, clerk of the privy council, and had, witl; three dane. five sans, vie., Tnoosae, govensor of Wiekiow, killed by the rebels he 1612. Sir Capel erected a fine obelieh near his park, at Castle Willlam, of Lineals,’s Inn, barrister-at-law, ,l. a. p. ste. SaasueL, of whom presently. Arthur, d. stem. Adam, ci Ballymnlrey, eo. Leagford, H.P. for tlsat county lv. Ssn CAPEL, who as. in 1785. Margaret, eldeel. dan, of in 1660: aneestsr of use Saurt’nases, of Ballyossslrey, or the late Sir Neil O’Dannel, Rapt, of Newport, ea. Mayo, Tloig House. He was e. in 1612, by his 3rd, but eldest surviving eon, Ss.noev 3Jourwrrx, Eoq., of Castle DBlsn, to. Arsnagh, left issue, chief engisseer of Ireland ; who so. Anne, dan. and heir of William Dowdall, Esq. of Mount Town, eo. Heath and had, GEeROE Ksao-Ans.naeaoc, his heir. s. Daniel, A ssnse. ss. Samuel, ci. s’nst. in. W’scrsaas, heir to Isis father. iv. Adam, ci. toes,. v. Tuosuse, of whoen hereafter. s. Jane, s. Ce the Tloet Rev. Anthony Dapping, D 0., hishep of Heath. is. Mary, to. to Jolen Madden, Req. of Tlaner Waierlsonse, cc. Fermanagh. He was a. in 1692, by hIs eldest son, WILLIAM 3los.rnEux, Req., 8. in 3656; H.P. for the city Sir Tbemas was a. by his san, of Dublin in 1681, and for the esniversity of the same place VI. SIB GEOEOE-KINO-ABLEBCBON, 5. 17 Oct. 1813; cc. from 1594 until his decease, and anther of the celebrated 6 July, 1157, Hiss Emma Green, and left at his decease Case ef Ireland. He sts. Lucy, dan. of Sir Willians Domville, 23 Jan. 0841, Dart., attorney-gsneml of Ireland, aced was a. at his decease, s. CAPEL, present barsnei. in 1698, by his oldest son, Tan Rinser HON. SAMOEL SfoLvNnux, a lord of the Admiralty, I. Eliaabelh, dee. and secretary to Geonoe II, when Prince of Wales. u. Emily-Catherine, see 4Nev. 1862, Jasnes-Vaaee Cleland, Seq. He ste. in 1717, Lady Elieaheth-Diana Capel, eldest dan. of Ceeafieee—4 July, 1780. Algernen, 2nd Earl of Essex ; but dying without leans, in Areas—Az., a cross-moline, pierced, or; in ihe dexier chief 1717, the estates (at the deeeaso of his widew, in 1759) revested a llenr-de-lls, of Ihe last. ts his ensele, I. THOMAS HoLvNncx, Eeq., 0. in 1661 ; pbyeieian-geneml fore-paw a eroes-moline, or. ta the army in ls’eland, created a baronet of that kingdom, Seat—Castle Dillon, ce. Armagh. 779 M 0 L ci Shelton (grtsssdfalher of the first Le,r,i Wiskiow) and had (with four dans., the eldest so. Sir Diehard Wolsey, Dart., March the 2:sd to Dean St. George the 3rd to Jc,hn Gay, Clsgher), two soles, vie., DANIEL and lope,,. Sir Thomas was s. at his decease, in 1733, by his eldevi eon, II. Sin DANIEL at whose decease sssso., in 1738, the title and estates devolved upon l;is hrntlsor, Ill. TieR RIOHT lioN. SIR CArEL, Ill.P. for the snnvervity of Dublin. This gentleman see. 1st, Elieal,rib, dan. of William MOLYNEUX, VISCOUNT, 866 SEFU0N, EARL OF. East, Req. of hall Place, en. Derke, and sister of Sir Edward East, Bart., by whom be left, i. CAPEL, his heir. is. George, TIP. for Granard; wIse co Catherine, dan. ci Richard Gore, Req.; and left Iwo dane., I Anne, see. Sir Antleony Drabaeoo, Dart., and had issue, William (Sir), ci. s is. Anne-Slary, to. to Hercules Sharpe, Eaq., brother of Sir Cnthbert Sharpe. Sarah, cc. to rd Tee-nham. 2 lIarriel, es to Gen. Sir Willions Arabic. Adlererou, sometin;e eensmander-iee-ebief in the East Isudies, by wleoeu he left two sons, ,. TsesosAs, 8th baronet. us. John, s,,. 311,, Ella Vonng, and left issue, fonr eons and seven dates., 1 CAres., in holy orders, BA., incumbent sfSt. Paul’s. Gnslow Sqnare, 0. 2 Dee. 1814; v,. June, 1831, 3iaria, 2nd dan. of .kdn,iral Carpenter, and has iesese, 1 Maria-Jane, to. 17 Soy. loll, to Lord Wilbam Lennox (ste Etenasoan I) 2 Eliza, cc. 21 Aprll, 1897, Is Sir Charles Goring, Rart.; 3 Ella, cc. 21 June, 1859, Ic Albert Island, lrd son of the sian. and Rev. Baptist Noel; 4 Julla, cc. 10 July, 1861, to the Rev. Johns-H. Rowley, 41h sen of Capt. Riehaed- P. Rowley, It.N. (s e post P,oevs.pv, BAsa’.) a Caroline, a’. I Jeene, 1064, to Hngh-Gongle Arbnllenet, Esq. (Ste sole, A5BtTTHNOT, DART.) 2 Jshn-Willia,n, in holy orders, veeor of Sudhury, Snifolk, cm. Lonisa-Dorstlsy, dan. of John Cisristia:;, Req., dempater of Ihe Isle of Man. I Thamas-ileney-llowaed, lievet. RN., J. SepI. 1047, at Deyroni. 4 William, in holy orders, reeler of Twineham, Sussex, cc. 21 0cC. 1859, Jessie, youngest dan. of J. Hogarlh, Eeq. and has issue. 1 Charlotte, cc. Ihe Rev. Charles Waleol, of Bhlerley Coups, Shropsbire. 2 Annie, cc. to Ihe Rev. J.-R. Webb, of Hereford. I Eliza. cc. to Col. H Slaee, It.A. 4 3larianne, m. to Lt.-Col. llrnnker, 10th feel. I Ella, sa. to Col. Denn, R.A. -, 6 Georgians. 7 Harriel-Jane, cc. 1855, to the Rev. J. Cnlhhert Flood. Dillon, to commemorate the revival of the esnetitntion of Ireland in 1792. He ci. in Aug. 1797, and was a. by his eon, bnt ci. a. p. iii 1832, n-hen the title devolved on his hrs,ther, V. Sm THOMAS, a lient. -gen. in the army; who sss. Elieabeth, dan. of Thomas Porno, Esq. and dying 26 Nev. 1141, Catherine, es. 22 Feb. 1827, Ce William-Nelson Clarke, Ees. oiArdinglon, Herbs, (who st 10 Nov. lIal,) and had isen. Slants, cc. in 1827, to the isle Jahn-Saneoel Graves, Esq. barrister-at-law, son of she late Adm:ral Graves, and has issue, ‘fhemas-hisli’nenx: Gearge-Sawle; TTTilliam; John, Somerset; liary-Elizaheth: Catherine-Anna; Louisa; Emma, sa. Ii Sept. 1067, st Fs’ankfert-ou-Ihe-Maine, to the Rev. T.-W. Welherell, enly surviving cost of the late John Wetherell, Esq. of Parsoestowo, Ireland; Frances-Alice; and Isabel. Emily ,f. in 1832. Crest—An heraldic tiger, paaeaut, arg., holding in his dexter liens—Slat fsrtnna tHrone virtote. Jnhia-Elieabeth-1f cry.