Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/78

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M0NcE, VISCOUNT (Charles-Stanley Monok), and Time 2n1 son, Bao’on Monch, of Ballyfratnmon, Weaford, in the irepcrty of his maternal asocestors at Grange German, and peerage f ireland, anti Baron Monok of the same snarryhig, sa Oct. ]7fa, Agnota Ilileheocle, an heiress lby place in the peerage of tile United Kingdom, governor-gen. wham he obtained the ostate of Charleville), left at his of the Doniinion of Canada; 4. 10 Oct. 1819; decease, in 1752, a son, a. his father, 20 April, 1849, as 4th Viscount Monck; Ilnamev Moacic, Esq. of Charlcville and Go’ango Germam,, created a peer of the United Kingdom, as Baron Tl,is geollenoan is. imo 1759, Isabella, f,od dan. of Oleoom’y, Menek-, 12 July, 1866; as. 22 July, 1844, his cousin, Duke of Piirtlaomd, by svheuo he hail sue surviving class., Lady Elizabeth - Louise-Mary Monok, 4th dan. of Elizabeth (ii. to George, 1st Marquees of Waterford); aomel if. Henry-Stanley, Earl of flathdowne, and has had to in 1707, wlmemm his estates devolved upon his eonsiso, snrvive infancy, I. liENnv-Powen-Cnanees-STaNLev, t. 8 Jan. 1849. ii. liiehard-Meuntjoy-Stanley, 9. 2 Ang. 1538. i. Frances-Mary. n, Elizabeth-Louise-Mary. Viscount Idonek was appointed, 28 Oct. 1861, captain-general JIM., by wheon (whe a. andly, Sir John-Craven Carden, and Governor-in-Chief of Canada, Pc., Dart., and ii in 1823) he had issue, and go eernor-geneo’al of British America; and, on CnARLna-Josarn-KELLv, late ricer. the 4 June, 1867, his appointment was renewed Anne-Wilhelomoiua, is. 1812, ltauicl-Jamco Webb, Req. under the °Oth Vie., cap. ii, and his title declared to Isabella, e. 6 Sept. 1811, ts ‘Ihoesas-Maunsell Wilson, ho governor-general of the Dominion of Canada. Itiiirzigc. The founder of this family w—ai, Wrer., AOL I.e lIsa or., lord of the manor of Psthcridge, s. 28 July, 1506, Fmnecs, dan. of 3l’illi’uio, 1st Earl of Chin. no. Devon, an. 18CC, who ‘e. the dat, and heir of Thy, au-t7-, by wham (wha d. 23 Nov. 1540) he load issue, and was ancestor cc PaTra Lr Devon, who a, the dan. alit heir of CuRia, mi. Frances-Isabella, ma. 21 .301g. 181:4, to Owon-Blayney lord af Branehamp an,l from him the fifth in descent was, Tn,,aiae La lbs-Ne, who is, the ,lau, of Boniface. of in. l:’liealmetb-l.ouiae’Jlary, no,. 22 July, 1044, to Charles- Pyworthy. the ecu, 11,0,’ La Ilininc, living ill time 3rd Enwoimn I., is, the iv. Eiimily, ci. 7 Feb. 1817, to William-B. Smnythe, Req. of dan. of Anbanabe, of liowberough, and was grandfather of ijron La Movar, who , Alicia, dan. of Ilobert Cents, lord , 0 T orington .0th in deocc,,t fries, him was, WILLiAM Le JIovar, living loop. lbeonv VI., who Christina, dan. and co-heir of John Crnkerno Req. sf viii. ltem’ietta-alargaret. ox. Mary. Chelday, in llsrootshi,’e, and had issne, John, of Polheridgr, anersior of unseen IloNre, the restorer lIla lordship it. 20 Sept. 1818, whoa time Earldsm of Ratbdswno of monarch>’, who was crrstcd by King ChARLEs II,, Bran or ALBES,SRLr, soil c-os reworded obso with large grants of land in England and Ireland Ibosnav. The 2nd soil, ttonrnv ‘iboocice, Eoq. of tTatterby, to. Devon, am. Elizaheth, 1813) lmad issue, dan. and heir of — Euro, Esq .;and svao grandfather of Cosamears-8Ts ao,nv, present peoo-. Rmcnann Jtooemc, Req., of tver, h’neko, and Love,’, Devon, Joh,,,-Willhmlon, 9. 1800, 95th r.’gf. ; d. 18 Jmmly, 1859. whose grandsen, Cnaaeco Itoaca, Eoq., being appointed, ut 1627, joint- William, 9. 23 Feb. 1833. capt. Ttlm fosiliers, killed at the surveyor-general of the C’not’,mss in Ireland, p’n’cha.sed Rizhard, liemit.-rsi. t’oldsure:ins-gnards, 6. 11 Oct. 1829; cetates ill the co. West,nc’ath, and represented Coleraine in parltmment in .5 OllO. He na Elloabeth, olcieot dan. of Sir J,,hn Blennerhassett, lord-chief-hat-en of the Exchequer, and was o. hy his only son, llnona- Moaen, Esq., who was atlaintoci by Jsaira II., _tune, a. in May, 1841, tmi her eonoiom, Janocs-Napicr Webb, hot rootnrod to his ostotoe h>’ WILLIAa5 lii. lie on in 1760, Isabella-Bridget, ‘1. at Paris, 16 8cpt. 18f8. Sarah, dan. and hr-ir of Sir Thomas Stanley, Bm,rt. af Grange German, near Dublin, hy whom he had, with other issue, i, Gnoaor, his snecessor, who 0. the Hon. Mary Moleswerth, Req. of Somertan, ra. Dublin, wile it. lad7, hy wham hr had, i floury-Stanley, aorveyar-gen. of the Customs who Ibis iormlahip il. 20 _prib, 1819, aol was a. by his only so is. Miss Jane Percy, and hail issue. 2 George-Paul, 91,3’. fir Coleraine, who ma. Ihe lady C,valios,—Baron,Irieh, 7Nov.I787. Viseanot, II Dee. 1800. Araminta Ileresferd. by svhstn he load, Henry Monek, Baron of United Knmgdsm, 12 July, InK. Esq. of tawre, Westonoath, who, by its wife, Elizabeth Arse—Gu., a ohev., between three lions’ heads, eraaod, dan. of Arthur, Earl of Arra,,, had tn-s daus., Catherine, is. to Lord Oranmore. Elizabeth, ,s. Eon. Roar-Admiral Sir Chat-leo Paget, 1 Sarah, anthor of some poem, poibitalord by Lord Sepjmem’mri’oDe’xter, a dragon sinister, a ifos,, both org., Malesworth, so to Robert Mason, Esq. 2 Margaret, ‘e. to Robert Buller, Req. 780 31 0 N ti. CIIARLES, of whom preoentl>-. mtz. Thomas, barrister-at-lao-, lIP. fr Old Teigb1hi, who is. Judith, doom, of Eobort Jlaoan, Req. of Mason Brook-, by wboin ho bad issue, 1 CHARLEO-SrANLEY, created Visosnnt Month, 2 Thomas-Stanley, in bely erdora, a. Jaeo, dan. of tho Rev. A. Staples, sod 1. 5 March, ISla. ii William-Memvtlle, M.P. hr C,Jeraino in 1787. 1 Anne-Isabella, me. S Juno, 5TH, to Cornwallis, lot Viscount Ilawardemo. lv. William, 0. in 1841, havhmgso. Dorothy, sister of John, Earl of llarnley, and was groat-grandfather of the present Jonme-llnmos Moment, Esq. of Colcy Park, Berkshire. Rebecca, a,. to John Foster, Rag., chief justice of the Common Pleas, and had a dm., ,s. to the celebrated Goom-gr Berkeley, I). D., bishop of Cloyne. Cooaanno lboacme, Esq., barrister-at-law, inherited the CnenLns-S-r.iaLnv llloae,c, Esq. (refer to issue of Hrsmov Beanie, Esq.l, who was elevated to the peerage of Ireland, 7 Nov. 1707, by the title of Bin-so Jfa.,cli, sfBellyt’aemasn, and created 81 lIce. 1800, Viodsuac lloaea. IDa lordship em. too 1781, his cousin, Anne, ian. of ilenry Quin, Req., Iiranv-So’sNLev, his successor. Esq , and of. in 1030. Iii, lordship 1. 9 June, 1802, and 0-as C. by his ten, tinaav-STaaLEv, amid vtsesouit, s. gil July, 1787, who was created EAOmL or Raamonoovar, 12 Jan. 1522. his lordship ,. . ne-Fbsrinda. Cele, blsq., deputy-hoot. sf the cc. Monaghan, high almeriff’ of that eo. in 1819. Stanley, Vbazo,umt lbonek. - Barbavilla Ibo,ooe, es. Westmealh ,‘‘i. Nov. following, v. Lenisa-Dorothea. yr. Gcorgiana-Eilcn, ma. i7 May, 1841, to Edward Crekrr, lisq. of I lallynagarde, to. Lnnormck. vim. Caroline -Letitia. became extinct, and the ‘imos’iammitev of Monek devolved en his brother, tloz lato peer, Cm,anm-ns-Josnen-KnLLv, led viscemmmit. 9. 12 Jmoly, 1791 is. 29 Nov. 1817, Bridget, dan. of the late Johmi Willington, Esq. of lgulloslcehane, cc. Tipperam-y, amid by her (w’ho ml. ia arg. fl’i’eel—.t ovyvecim, passa’°t. gorged with an oak bnooeh, phir. JJntls—Portiter, fidebiler, felicifer. Seof—Charlevillo, eo. Wizhlow. 310 N 31 0 N C K. battle of the Alma, 80 Sapt. 1831. am. Ammg. 1301, Frances-Rltzal,zth-Ooveu, eldest damo. of Owen-ls’laymmcy Cole, Rsq and lady Fanny Cole, amid has imad, William-Frederick, it. alt fnlbnt, 27 .tmmg. 1800; awn, 6. 24 July, 1863 ; and a dan., 6. at Otlasva, Canada, 24 Jan, 1869. Esq., and ml. 21; Sept. 1813. Ilenrietta, ma. 18 Nov. 1845, to l”r:aieis-ltirhard Brook-c, Elizabeth. tbo preseimt viscoumit.