Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/92

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M 0 S amongst the peers of Great Britain, as Baron Beagles, of vii. Lmtitia, is, 18 May, 1864, to John F. Weight, Faq., Loehloa’cs, II Aug. 1781. Hia1orbhip m.iu 1814, Susan-Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Francis Huller, Dart. of Lupton, (which lady a,. 2ndly, in 1813, Edward Godfrey, Esq. of GM ita’l, Suffolk;) but dying a. p. in July, 1827, the British barony expired, while the Scottish hononre devr,lved upon his cousin (refer to children of the Hon. John Douglas, sou of EDWARD Moomav, Eoq. of Honghend, no. Laneaeter, - the 15th earl, by his Inn marriage), On000r-SiioL’ro Diiueras, 18th earl, 8. 23 Dee. 1789, who Lard of Moeeley, no. Stafford, teisp. King Jonc,) left by his was a repreaontative lore1, and c. S holy, 1817, Frances— wife llargaeet, dan. of Alexander Eleonk, of Hilgate, in ‘I hecdn,ra,,cblesl dan. of the- Rt. lion. Sir ltesnrge-tleliry hose, GUll anti MR. (‘en STearlixaiRN, B.), and bad issue, - Suor.To-JouN, prearnt earl. H. George-henry. capt. H N., 8. 5 net. 1821 ;io. 15 July, 1550, C’hartottellartha, dan. of the late Admiral Sir W. Parker, Bait, GUn., md has George-Sholto, t. 27Apr11, 1850, ant Blanche. Hi. Henry. in holy orders, 31.A., rector of Haubury, to. Worcester, t. Il Den. 1022 to. 7 June, 1851, Mary, eldest dan. eu the’irg”, prraent [Sari of Hanh’thigtoin, and has iasue, Mary. is’. Edoard-Wilhiarn. lieot. late EtC., 5. 19 Oct. 1815; ai. 15 July, 1857, Augusta-Anne, youngest dan, of the Right lion. George Bankea. s’. ArthurGaseeigne. iia holy orders, MA., rector of Scaldwell, Northamptonahire, 8. 5 Jan. 1817; ai. 17 May, 1855, Anna- .11 li-ia-Il arriet, yonogrit dan. of Richard Ttiehardo, Esq. of Caerynweli. no. Merinneth, anil has, Cecil, 1. 10 Oct. 18111 ; Slinlto-Jaaies, 5. 11 Ang. 1886; a aon, 8. 14 Sept. 1867; Helen, llargaret, Ela, and .tnnie-billa. i. Frances-Harriet, si. in 1838, to Earl Fitewilliani. ii. Rllen-Snsan-Anne, Ia. 11 July, 1811, to Ihe lion, and Rev. Douglas Gordon. m. Harriett-Brtdget-Emily, ‘1. a’n;a. 21 llareh, 1511. iv. Alice-Louisa, ia- 26 June, 1862, to the Right Rev. Alexander Ewing, D.C L., bishop of Argyll and the leles. v. Gertrude-Jane, ol. 6 Oct. 1860, to the lion. Mark-GeorgnKerr Hi, Anthony, ofAnesala. Rolle, 2nd son of Charles. 18th hoed Cliaton. vi. Agnes-Charlotte. The earl ii. 51 Harnh, 1856. MOSLEY. MOSLEY, Sill Oaw’.sLn, nf Annoate, N;onocae Sln.,ery, Esq., whom, Elizabeth, dau. of Wi]lain en. Lancaster; DCL., F.G.S., and eleafisild ; and dying in H34, left, with other Haue, a sen L.S., M.R.L, late Mr. for the north- and heir, urn rliviainn nf Staffrirdahire ; 5. 27 I. Joax-Parara Sloei,ry, Req., who inherited the estates March, 1785 o. his grandfather as of his cousin, the Rev. Sir J”bn Mosley, and was created a 2nd baronet, 29 Sept. 1798 ; ci. 31 Baronet 14 March, 1781. Sir John vs. 7 April, 1769, Elizaheth, Jan, 18(14, Sophia-Anno, second rlau. ehire, by Anne, his wife, dan, of Samnel Peploe, D.D., of the late Sir Erlo’ard Every, Bait. hiohep of Chnater, and bad issue, r,f Eggintou, by whom (whn dl. 3 i. Gowsen, of ttateawnrlh Castle, so. Chester; 5. 17 March, Juno, 1359) be has hal issue, t. Oswald, 5. 2 Bce. 1564; iii. 11 Aug. 1835, llariaDeborah, eldest dan. of General Lawrence Itradohaw, who iS. 21 Nov. tELl. Sir. llooley d. 15 Sept. 1556, S.Ji. Ii. TONaIAa, 5. 9 July, 1811 ; lale an officer of the tnniakitten dragoons; iii. 4 Feli. 1847, t’atherine, dan. of the 14ev. JuLia Wood, of Swanwiek, eo. Derby, and has, 1 Oswald. 2 ‘fenman. 3 Ereald, ii;, Ernald, 1,. 15 Aog. 1811 ; 8, II lan. 1857. 1. Sophia-_tinie. ii. Eioily. Hi. r’ranees, ii. Get. 1527, ta James-heath Leigh, Esq, of Belmont, no. t’heeter. Ic, Stary-Anna, w. 15 April, 1545, to Major William Fawkenee Uhotwvii,l, if llroeton Hall, en. Stafford. v, Caroline, m. 1815, to henry-Master Feilden, eldest son cf Joseph l”eildrn, Faq. of Within Park, Lancashire, and 6, 6 May, 1801. vi, Octavia, so. 9 June, 1857, the 71ev. Edward Spooner, MA., vicar of Heston, Middlesex, eon of Arehdeaoon and ce-lieirt froaa one of whom descends the Earl of Stamford, Spenner. M 0 S youngest aon of the late Rev. Godfrey Wright, of Bel. barn House, Doneaoter. 3tIHtat. (descended from Oawald, 2nd eon of }]naald do’ Stoeeley, Chrahiie, three aona, i. Osw,aen, of Garret hall. ii. Nienaiaa (Sir), lord mayor of Landau in 1199; ci. lIargaret, dan. of hugh W’hithrahe, of Bridgenorth, end dytag, aged Sb, in 1615, left tieo ions, I IlowLaan, who in. lit, Aaae, dart, of blnmphrey Ilongh— ton, Fsq. of Manchester, and hail a don., Margaret, as. to William Wintinore, Faq. of A’ley, no. Satop. He (Itowland) to. Sndly, Anne, rlao. sail no-heir of Rich Sutton, Faq. of Snitan, in Cia-stare, and had, with a dan., Anne, an only eon, Enwaen, arho was created a Earonet in l640 and marrying Story, dan. of Sir Jera’aae Cutler, Ret. of Stainborongli I lot1, ro. York, left with two dana., Mary, i,s. to Joseph Maynard, Req., * and Anne, who i tieio., a eon ansI slierelsor, Enwaain, 2nd baronet; who is, Eathertne, dan. of Wilham, lord Grey of W’rrke hot dying a. p. in 1656, the baronetcy expired. lila widow, who became pot,cmeil of the Rallealon estate in jointore, so. Charles, eon and heir of Dudley, hard No’4h, which Charles acai eniemoned to parliament, 25th CnARLEa II., at Lord North and Givy of Hulleston, Sise in. lrdly, Colonel Russell. 2 Edwuid (Sir), attoi’nry-generul for the Derby of Lancaster; ‘1. o. p. at ttottestan, no. Stafford. The 3rd san, Axxnoav SIoiLev, Eeq. of Anroata, is. Alice, dan. of Richard Webster, of blaneheater, and had a eon, Oswern lhsaas.ev, Faq., who its. Anne, dan. and no-heir of IluIph Lowe, Req. of Mile End, ha Cheahirn, and waa a. by _-frms----Qoarterly: 1st and 4th, arg.,a man’s heart, go., eneigned hta son, with an imperial crone, qr.; en a duet as., three Nientitsa llotLa-u-, Raq., who ia. Jane, dan. of John ninitet,, of the first, for DsionLsa ; 2nd and 3rd, arg., three piles, issuing from tIme chief, go.. the oxicriors chargeit aritli a Lever, Req. of Alkrington, and left two acne, i. Oosvaxo. who ci. Mai-y, don. of Joseph Yates, Rig. of Stanley Creel—A wild bear, ppr., aticbtng hetiscnn tate clefts of an llouae, in Lannaahti-e, and left a son and heir, Gao-aLn, of Itohlcoton and Anroate, who c-as created a Baronet, tn 1720; and dying in 1711, was a. by his toil, I Sic Oowaen, lad baronet, who 1. casio, in 1757, and aras e. by Ins larothier, 2 Sic Joow, 3rd baronel t in holy orders; at whote demoan, in 1789, the baronetcy expired, (one Dnaen’a ,E.nhsset Beneetoqn), aisd the estates devolved open liii ronun, John-Parker Shoaley. H. NinrtoLao. The 2nd oon, NIanoI.Ae bins rev, Esq., left a son, Pai-ksr, Eaq. of Derby, msnnsin to the Sat Earl of 3lac- dan, of Jamea Bayley, Eoq. of Wttbingtnn, Lanca 1761 ; vi. in 1704, Elizabeth, dan. and heir of the Rev. Thomas Toninan, rector of Little Endworth, no. Chester, of a famlly originally errtted in the no, Radnor; and it, in his father’s lifetime, 27 Jnly, 1759, leaving issue, I Oao’ALri, present baronet, I Jolni, 1’. 7 April, 1786: 8. It Ang. 1804. I Elnalneth, o:. in 1806. to William-henry Ashhuret, Faq. of Waherstork, Gxfurdatiiie; and ti, in 1628, leaving teanc, 1 Frances, at. 1867, Sir James Whatley Smyth Gsrdiner, fart., and ii. 13 Dec. 1055. it. John-Feploc, in holy orders, renter of Rohleatont 5.1766; a,. 1st, 7 Got. 1710, Sarah-blaria, dan. of William Faget, Faq. of .Slirplon llallntt, ro. .Somer,et; and Indly, Frances, relict of tIm l;ev. Fdo’ard Pole; by the former of whom he left at Isis decease, 3 Fob. 1833, I l’cptoc-Pagct, in holy orders, rector of Hslleaten Slafferdshire, 5. 22 Dee. 1793; a-, 5 July, 1836, Etizabeth dcii. of eranots ltradahaar, Faq. of Barton-Flaunt, no. Derby and and ,1. 7 April, 1860, having had iasne, Paget-Peplee, Mary lloatcy, who itt. Joseph blaynard, Req., left two dana. and from the other the Earl of Fnnkinghamehire. C,’eafketa—l4 Harrli, 1407-8. mnaGtcr, of the first, for Doe-neAt of’ Balk, it), aisd L,’ctt, -in. oak—tree, [Satchel vert. a chats anut look, ar,, liaising the clefts tagctlicr. So5spsrutca—Taro aaa-aget, wreathed aberil their heads and araista wihli laurel, earl, holding us club in hits exterior hand, hhie great end on thin grannd, alt upr. illotto (over Ihe Cecafl—Lark tinker. ,Snitte—Datinahay. Shid-Lettuan; and Abc-rdorur, en. Fife. y,aen Jlotiso—47, Brook Street. 794