Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/93

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4.’ MOSS Moss, SIR THoMAs EnwAsona-, descent from Oss’en Tudor) abost the reign c,f [sacsnaau IL, so. of Roby hail, in the pariah of Ills sun ra. Margaret, descended from Stadec Gloddetis, heiress Huytou, Co. Lancaster, and of of Gloddelb, and also of her great-grandftslher Sir Griffith Liverpool; 5. 17 July, 1811; sIt. Llwyd, of Tregarneda, cc. of Anglesey, one of tlse Welsh chieftains 18 May, 1847, Amy-Charlotte, descendant, it,enalsn Ar llowes., Lord of Sloslyn, entertained only child and heir of Richard and conecalod his kinsnsan, Oteway Vit., wlsen Earl ci Rid,- Edwards, of Roby Hall, and has mend, during the reign of IiscasAan Ill., and afterwards folloosed issue, 1. Joast-Enwoans, I. 25 Oct. 1850. as. Tom-Cottinghasn, 5. 7 April, 1500. a. thinna-Arey. ii. Mary-Ethel. Sir Thomas and his wife and isane, by royal licence, Mary Bolkeley, don, of Thomas, Lord Bsdkeley, and svas father of dated 26 March, 1851, were anthorised to take the heir of D’Arcy Sa rage, of Session, eo. Chester. snrname of EDWARnS before that ef Moss, and the S,a Rooea Stusvvw, 3rd baronet, ss,. Lady Essex Pinch, dasi. arms of Edwards quarterly with those of Moss. He of Daniel, Earl of Nothnglsaon. was created a Baronet December, 1868. Iiiitcagc, Sons Moss, F.sq. ef Otteespoal, in Cislidwall, co. Lancaster, co. Carnarven (and Iseir also of her maternal uncles, Williasu sen ef Thomas Moss, Esq. ef Whiston, co. Lancaster, and and Evan Vaughan, Esqrs. of Corsygedol, l’las liOn, and llodidris) grandson ef Jehn Mess Esq. ef Ms,rst Ilo,sse, re. Lancaster, 5. 10 Feb. 1702; se 3 Sept. 1000, hannah, den, of Thomas 5. TneasAs, his snecessor. Tayler, tog. ef Jilakeley, co. Lancaste,’, and 5. 3 Oct. 1000, having by her Isad issue, a. Tuesas, 5.5 Jan. 1010; 4. anhafanl. ii. Tuomas, created a Baronet as abeve. ITS. John-James, 0. 10 Jaly, 1821. Iv. William-Honey, is. 11 April, 1824; 5.. 20 Dec. 1019. v. Gilbert-Winter, 0. 31 Slarcls, 1828; so. Eliza-Scilliers, dae. of Emmanuel Twilcisenbars, Essi. of Roselands. a. Margaret, so. to Walks,’ F’errand, Esq. of ltardca Grange, Cs. York, and 4. 0. p. 0 A;sril, 1816. at. Hannah, 4. 11 Joly, 2008. ala. Anne-Jane, sl. ussos. iv. Harriet-Elba, so, 10 April, 1057, to the Rev. G.-D. Bonrne, Ma Tuosias Stes’rvN, 6th barenel, who ‘1. 17 April, 103!, recter ef Weston-snb-Eslge. The second son is the proaent Sm Tssosaas Enwaans-Mess, OAaT. Tue How. Eaowaan-StosTvw LLoyn-510sTYw, upon becoming C’rsatjoa—December, 1858. Arias—Quarterly: 1st ansI 41h quarterly, ems, and erneinois, s.f Jfostyo, having branched off from Sbostyn in the time of a cress pattSe, ac , between six billets, three in chief and tlsree IleNar X’hl. . in base, gu., for Stsss; 2nd and 3rd, org., alien ranslsanl geardant, There is at Slostyn a beautifolly sllum,nated ancsent pedigree sa., en a elsief ef the last twe eagles displayed ci she Seat, of the Hosiyn family, showing their lineal descent from the for EnwARns. 795 Mos’rTN, BARON (Sir Edward Lloyd-Mostyn), of aa. Elizabeth, ci. to the Rev. Streynolsono Otasber, PD., for Mostyn, cc. Flint, and a baronet, 5. 18 Jan. 1795. sixty-six years rector ef Croston, Lancashire, and if. 6 Starch,, His lordship asonmed, sign-manual, in May, 183i, 1903: their son, the Ven.Robert-Stosley Staster, archdeacon of Manchester, and also rector of Crooton, st. 1 July, 1857; the surname nf Mosrytc,° isa addition to that of LLOYD, and the arms of MoSTYN quarterly with sal. Frances-Stary, so. 12 Stay, 1792, to George Ssnith, Eag., tbooe of LLoYD, in compliance svitls the will of his av. Penelope, ‘5. to Sir henry Every, Barb.; and ,l. in 1508. maternal ssncle, the late Sir Thomas Mostyss, Bart. He as. 20 June, 1829, Lady Harriet-Margaret Scott, eldest dan. of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Clonmell, and has bad issue, Ae,es—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, oa., a ehoevs’on, between three a. ThomaaE,lward, late SIP., 5. 22 Jan. 1800; so. 10 July, 2825, Lady Ilonrietta-Angusta Nevill, 2nd dan. of the Earl of Ahergavsnny, assd it. 8 Stay, 1801, leaving ° Throogh Isis usother, 3rd dau. of Ssa Roora HosTyw, Earl. of Stostyn, so. Flint, Lord Mostyn baa lineal deseentfrum Tudor Trevor, Lord of Herefosd, who was sos of Ynyr ap Cadvarch, Earl of bterefo,d, and Isis wife Rheingssr, dan. and heir of Lludono op Caradoe Vreiclsfras. Tudor ,a. Angharad, dan. of tloss’el Oda, l’rince of Wales and their desce,,danl, Irvaw Vrc,sAN, (16th in otngharad, heiress ef Slostyn, deseendesi from Edsein Tegengi. wIse did honaage to EnsrAan 1. at Cornarvon Castle. Their him to the battle of llesworlh. From this Richard op Hewel, of Stestyn, descended in direct line, S,s Iioona Itesryw, Rut., who so. Story, dao. of Sir Jolsn Wynne, of Gseydyr, and distissguished himself much during the civil wars as an active and zealous royalist. lOis grandson, Sm Rooaa ShosTyw, was created a Iloronei io 1060; he ss. S,a Tssostas Stos’nse, 2nd baronet, who s. Bridget, dan. and Ssa Tnos,As, 4th baranot, so. Sarah, dau. of — Western, Esq., and had isssse. S,a Bones Hesrvw, 0th baronet, sos. Stargaret, dan. and heir (by Catherine, Isis otto, doss, of Oeiffiihs Vanghan, Req. of Corsygedol) of the Rev. Hugh Wynne, ef Bodysgalten and Berthdhu, and had issue, s,. Essex, deceased. i. Charlotte, so. to Sir T.-S. Champneys, Dart.; 9. 14 Dee. 1840, without issue. a,. Elisabeth, so. to Sir E.-P. Lloyd, Ilart., created Lord Slostyn; ,l. 25 Nov. 1842, leaving issue, as above. s,a. Anna-Staria, us. to Sir ti.-W. Vaughan, llart., and si. leaving an only child, Sir R. Wihlianses Vaughan, who si. o. p.29 AprB, 1859. Iv. Catherine. v. Stacy-Bridget. Sir Roger Stostyn, 0th bait., si. 1700, and was s. by his son, without issue, when the baronetcy became exonct, and his nepisew, his heir, assumed his nonse and arms. The Slesryws of Tolssres’ are ayoungerhranehef the Mosrewe Prince, ef Wales. M 0 S Crests—I sO, isquasot fresu tise toatllesisessls of a tower, or, Ileut. 11th hussars, ohs sss. 10 Stay, 1001, Caroline- Veronica, eldest dan. of Williain-Oe,’ord Wainsesley, Rsq. charged wills a rose, gss., 5lilpr4, ppr., a grylslson’s head, cnn.. on the neck a crass pattSe. se.., for Sloss 5 2nd, a roeh, ppr., threref,’osn rising a dove, org., holdiog in its heale on olive 2 John-Edward, 0. 31 Stay, 1790; as. So1dsia-Anne, dau. of bra,seh, and snra,ounteol of a rohsboo’, ppr., for RnsrAaos. Wthliam t’agel, Rag. of Newbeery House, co. Sonoerset, Motto—En Ia rose Jo ilenrie. Srnt—Rohy Plait, lduytois, Lancashire. William-Bailey, 0.7 Oct. 1000; in the E. 1. Co.’s service; M OS T Y N. M 0 S of Weotwood Itonse, Wigan, Lancashire. and 4. 2 June, 1562, having had issoe. is,. Shies Staria-Sarah Lowe, and 4. in lndia, in 1842, leaving issue. 1 Mary, ci. to the Rev. Edward Law, ef Horsted, Sussex, ncphesv of tho lot Lord Ellenborongh, and tsas issue. 2 Anna-Maria, iss. to the Rev. Ossold Feildon, of Didsbury, Lancashire, and has issue. 3 Frances, so. 25 April, 1832. to Francis Wedgwood, Esq. of Etruria and Darlaston, co. StaffOrd, and Isas Sve elsildren. an. Ashton-Nteholas, of Park 15W, do. Derby; 0. 31 Starch, 1760; so. 19 March, 1790, Stacy, dan. ef Edward Storley, tog., relict 1st, of William Elliot, Rsq. of Derby; 2ndly, of Joseph nird, Esq. of Lougisborosgls; and 3rdly, of Sir Edward Every, Bare., assd by Iser (who ii. 5 Starch, 1026) left issue at his decease, 2 April, 1030, 1 Ashbon-Niehalos-Rvery, of R,srnaston Itouse, co. Derby; sst. and isas isssse. I Emma-Penelope, so. to the Rev. Franets-Wos’sl Spilbsary, and has issue. a. Anne, so. to Robert Feilden, tag.; and 1. in 1410. hens, and left issue. brother of the lobe Lord Corringbon; 1. in 1944. SIr. Johss-Parker Stosley 4. 29 Sept. 2700. C,’colio,s—24 Starch, 175L bottle-axes, org.; 2nd and 3rd, or, a fosse, between three eagles, displayed, so. t’reol—Au eagle, displayed, erm. Molts—Stos hegem regit. Seat.—ltohleston Roll, near Eurton-on-Trent, Staffordshire.