Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/98

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M0U Augusta, eldest clan, of Itcar-Adunral and Lady Emily Otmrnosn, 7th viscount; who 8. a. i. in 1736, and was a. by Feuding, and had issue, 1. Wtts.iaai-itnssv, present peer. ii. Charles-Ernest, rapt. grenadier-guards, A.D.C. to the honours devolved upon his heather, lord lieutenant of Ireload, lv 23 Oct. 1835. 1. Ernesthse—Emnsa—iloeatia. The earl it. 1 Sept. 1581 C,’cot&,se—Itaron, 20 April, 17hZ. Viscount, 17 Feb. 1781. Enssrsn, 10th viscaunt; who se. in 17-14, Cisarislfe, 2nd dau. Earl, Id Aug. l7a9. A nan—Ga., en a head, ermines, rt,tised, or, three bi,aro’ Ensrs,rcs, lilt successor. heads, e’upcil, 01g. f’er,’—.t hoar, statant, org., gorged sat lii a wreath of oak— Simon, harrisler-al-lasa t s,,. 18 Jan, 1799, Elina, dan. of Ictives, irurtr,l, or. .Sspjssrfers—Twi grevliounds, org., gnttde-detoix, g’’rged Elinor, 8. i’usi. in 1762. with a collar ilovrtaile,l, gil. Jilt—As, plooir fart tie liieu. Seats—Monnt Edgeaoibe, tsevonpsrl, Devon; and Cutele, Enairso, 11th viscount, h. 27 July, 1745 selso la 7 Oct. 1768, Corns all. 1110 U NT GARRET. 3IOUNTOAREFT, V15000NT (Henry-Edmsond Butler) and Boron of Kells, in the peerage of Ireland; b. 20 Fob. 1816; sic. 11 Feb. 1844, Frances-Penelope, csuly child of Thomas Rowson, Eoq. of Nidd Hull, co. York, and has issue, i. ilsssv-Easarxn, officer lot life-guards, ii. 10 Dee. 1844; si. I I let. 1888, Mary-Eleanor, youngest dan. of St. JohnE. Charltan, Esq. of Spicy Castle, Salap (see L’rsae’o buLl Cesil ‘ti). i. Frances-Sarah. Hia lordship a his uncle, us 13th viscount, 16 July, 1846. 3iiiinic, TUE lbs. Ilici,ann Ernes (2nd san of Pierre, lot Earl of Otiory and 0th Earl of Orsiondel, svas created iSsesant Musnilpanel, ss?lI,, king’Io,a af Is’clun’i, 33 Oct. 1550. lie ci. 2015cc, 1571, and was e. h’y isis eldest son, Esssuso, 2ad viscount; who a. Grissel, dan. of Ilarnaby, 1st Lord of Cpper Ossory; and dying in 1i02, was s. by his eldest z. Chanlotle-Jallano, ssi. 7 .tng. 1700, to Col. Jshn-Carringtsn son, RienAsn, 3rd viscount, general of the Irish fones in 1042. Itis lordship 8. 16 July, 1793, and was a. by his eldest son, Ills lordship a. Is;, Stacgocet, eldest don, of hugh O’Netle, gait af ‘Pyrone, by shout alone lie had issue, and s-as o. by Ins Enseusn, 12th viscount; 5.18 Jams. 1771, who was aelvaneecs oldest son, ttnssrsn, 4th viscount; who espoused tise cause in which his Is the Eunh,ioas of Kilt’eissy Isy patent5 20 Dec. 1793. Heat. fathet had so actively engaged, and was eventually restored to O dime, 1793, Slildced, eldest dan. of the lhtost Rev. Robert his estates and honaurs by Cnae,Les 11. His lordship a. 1st, Fowler, aeebbtshop of Dublin; hot by hilt (who 1. 30 Dee. 1030) Lady Dorsthy Touehet, 2nd dnu. of Mervyn, Earl of Castlehaven, he hod no isane Time earl 8. 16 July, 1546 (when the superior by ehoin he had lisa sans and Iwo dans. ; and 2ndly, honour becanse extinct), and was a. by Isis nephew, HesssvEnsacan, before 20 Jan. 1037, Elie.alseth, dau. of Sir George Siiueon, of ttoigbtwcll, by Ins wife, the lIon. Mary Vaux, one of the sisters (‘,‘csliss—Vtsronnt, 23 Oct. 1530. and es-heirs of ltessv Vax, 5th liaron S’anx of ltarrao-den, and by tbal lady had an only son, Enwasn firvess, lv atsout 1640, upon ss’hom lie settled fiatlyragget and other extensive Crest—Out of a ducal coronet, er, a plmne of five ostrich estates in the en. c’f IC ilkenny. From tint gentleman descended fealhers, arg., therefrans a falcon ruing, of the last. Mary ttntler, who svas ni to (‘barbs Slattyn, Fsq. of Hidhngtan, .Wigsparlert—Dexter, a falcon, u-tngs expanded, org., bealcod, in the en. of (lxfont, and ti-as nsotlicr of Cmei’rge and meinbered, or; sinister, a griffin, aug., ai’osed, beaked, fore- Ltsslyn, Lard Vaux. The viscount dying in 1679, was s-by liii legged, and m’ayed, or, esllared and chained, of tIme last, eldest son, Itrcuasn, 5th viscount ; sotso ii. 1st, Etnitto, ilau. of 5l’ilhia,n Jisshlo—Depressns extollor. Illundolt, Es,1. of Crosby, cc’. I.ancatter; and 2ndly, Margaret, desci—fiatlyconra, ltihkenny. only dan. of Itichard Slice, Esq, of Slice’s Court. fly the f,srmer, he left at Isis decease, in 1706. a son, Essiran, 6th viscount; who ii. in 1733, and iras 3. by liii * Tins lady and her sisters obtained precedence as the eldest son, MO U his brother, Jaasna, 0th viscount; and at whose decease a. p. in 1743, the Enstron, 9th viscount t who as. Anus, dan. sf Toby Purcell, Esq. at fiallyniartin, es. ititkcnny, and s-as a. in 1750, by his I only soil, of Sir Simon Itradstrect, Hart., and had issue, llichard, in holy orders ; ,i. lit 1793. Edu-ard Lynch, En1. af Ilampatead, cs. Dublin, and left at his decease, in 1737, Eds’ard Lyssch, b. in 1796. Aisne-Anielia. his latdship ii. in 1779, and stats, by hit eldest son, Henrietta, 2nd dau. of Ssniersef-Ilamilton, 1st Eon of Cannick, and by her (sahio 8. iii 1705) had issue, i. Enaican, lit, heir. it. Soinetset-Itichard, is. in 1771; an Jane, eldest dau. of Ai’ttiur Frens-hs, Es’1. of French t’am’k, co. ituscoinnion, and wiitasv of I aniel Itchy, Esq. t auit if. in I 026, n.y. iii. Ilenty, 5. 10 Feb. 1773; sa.,3 Sept. 1011, Anne, ynungest dan. and co-heir of John Harrison, Effi. of Nesaton house, eo. York t and d. 6 Dee. 1d42, leaving by her (who it. 19 Slay, 1057) a son and three dons., yin,, 1 ilstesv-Enaivssn, presont viscount. 1 Anne-henrietta,5 so. 26 Aug. 1063, to Capt. LitIle, J.P. of Cliff Castle, en. Wicklow, and Idovennei Honoc, es. ltown, atid ii. Iii Stay, 1580. 2 Joliana-Jensima, so. 20 Sept-. 1S42, to Thansnn-Clifton Wilkinson, F.sq. of Clayton Ha0, co. York. 3 Charlotte. s,. 20 June, 1805, to Joho-Stednian Christie, Eeq. of Newton house, Lanarkshirs. iv. O’ierce, colonel of the htilkenny nsilitia, H.P.; b. 0 Stay, 175-1 an is ISOO, Anne, dan. of Ihe late Thsnsas Starch, Esq. of Lisburne; amsd ii. 33 June, 1540, having linet issue, I Pierce-Sonsernol, b. 28 Jan. 1801; ss. 3 Feb. 1535, JessyAnne, relict sI Ponle-Alsel Warren, Esq, of Lodge Park, co. ttilhenny, and ,t. 28 July, 1805, having had two daus., who both il. nose. and c. 2 Edsmnd-John, 5. 0 Jidy, 100-1; mu. H Aug. 1832, Elms, dan. of John-Wilson Eetttesohl, Esg., major HA., and by her (w’hn 8. 23 Aug. 1838) had three dons. 3 henry. 5.21 June. laOs; ns. 16 April, 1046, Clsra, eldest dan. of John Taylor, Esq. of The Newarke, sad has issue, Pioree-Ptenry, b. 25 July, 1847; 8. 12 Aug. 1847. Sanmerset-Janses, is. 2 Feb. 1049, an officer 14th regt. Henry, C. 11 Oct. ItSO, ou officer 31st regl. Walter-Theobald, b. 11 Feb. 1053. Isabel-tlarriet. Mildred-Anne. 4 Soinernet, b. 1S00. S Thoiuas, b. 1810. 0 William, 5. 5 Aug. 1014; vs. 15 April, 1041, Cotlserino, 2nd dan. of John Walsh, Esq. ; and ,l. in 1d47, leaving by her (who ,t. in 1544) a soil Wslter, 5. 1042. 7 Wallet, 1’. 10 Feb. 1021. I Charlotte. 2 Anne. 3 itarriet, ii. 11 Sept. 1036. Sndtls; and it. 28 Oct. 1830. present vtseonnl. A ‘its—Or, a chief, indcntei, an. Tosrn Jtesisbence—77, South Andley Street. daughters of a viscount, by palent, dated 20 Nov. 1555 800