Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/99

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1W 0 U MOUNT1’sIO RItES. M0UNTR0RRES, VISCOUNT (Sir Hervey do Montmorency), if, limo, in 1797, and was a. by his half-brother, and Baron Mountmorres, of Castlemorrea, PeoAN000-Hcnvcv, 6. 1 Sept. 17Sf, as 3rd vioconnt, who en. Kilkenny, in the peerage of Ireland ; and a no. 24 April, 1794, Atuo, dos1, of Joocph Reads, Raq. of Baronet of the came part of the United Kingdom Caotlc Koylo, and by her (svho d. 21 July, 1823) had iosue, in holy orders, dean of Achonry; 8. 20 Aug. 1796; Olravesv, preaont viscount. s. his father, 23 March, 1833; cc. 5 July, 1531, Maria-Looioa, so. In Jan. 1826, to William Slabon, Log., and Sarah, dan. of William Shaw, Eap. of Temple Hill, Joltsna, so. in 1810, to humphrey Slichcli, Log. and has surviving issue, 1. Wn.rian-Raowa, 6.21 April, 1832; as. 12 Nov. 1862, lIarnet, of the family of Muarnsn,acoov, sO. itt 1831. 2nd dan. of the late George Broadriels, Naq. ef Hasapball Gs’cotioaa—Baronet, 28 Slareh, 1631; Baron, 4 May, 1756; Statibs, and granddau. of Sir R. Fletcher, Part., and Vioeaont, 29 June, 1763. has had Hervey-Raymond, 6. 26 March, and if. 2 June, Arsos—Arg., a cress, go., between four eagles, dioplayed, so. 1865, and Victoria-lie Slontmerency. ,r. Francis-Raymond, banister-at-law, 6. 6 May, 1815 sa. Ssipportero—sro angels, ppr,, hair and wings, or, vested, arg. 1 June, 1665, Elizabeth-Heater, youngest dan. of the late Metfo—Dioo ayde. Lieut,-Col. J.-Echlin Mathews, of White Abbey, cc. Antrim. ii,. Albert-Bonchard, capt. RItA., 6. 18 Sfaech, 1640. iv. At’thnr-Hill-Trevoc, 6. 19 Feb. 1846. i. Victoria. es. Sarah-Anna, as. 7 Oct. 1868, to Richard B. Pennefaiher, MULGRAVE, EAnL OF, atcNOBMANBY, MARQUESS OF. Lao. ILcllczfgc. This family claims to deduce ito descent from a common ancestor with the great house of Montmoreney, in France; a branch of which is said to have come into England with Wet.aaaM THc Coaouxaoa, and to have obtained a grant in the principality of Wales in enpport of which precomed deccent (which appears in Aotcnnat.s.’s Peerope qf Irdoad. LD. 1789) the late Col. Heresy Slocreo, otherwise Montmorency, wrote a genealogical memoir. Hcavnc Stuaors, Lag., settled at Castle Slorres, co. Etlkeuny, and having served under four governments, had the goad fortune to obtain grants from oach. lie was a captain of horse in CaoseweLa.’s regiment, and served in troloud with the usurper. In the reign of Cnanmra It., ho represented the borough of Kssoektopher, oo. Kilkonny, in parliament; and dying at upwarda of 80, was a. by his oldeot son (by his 3rd wife, Frances, 3rd dan. of Pierce Butler, of Harrowmount, MUNCLSTIfR BARON (Sir Josslyn Pennington), in and sister of Edward, 2nd Viacount Golinoy), Faaacso Slosaneo, Eaq. of Caotlemurreo, who so. Catharine, the pcerago of Iroland, and a Baronet of Great dan. and heir of Sir William Evans, Bart. of Kilkreen, Co. Britain, late oapt. Rifle Brigade, 8. 25 Deo. 1834; Kilkenny, by his wife, Jane, dan and cc - heir of tho Ron, a. hia brother as Stlo baron, and 9th barnnot, 13th K. Coote, son of Charles, 1st Earl of Stonntratb, and had Juno, 1862; no. 9 April, 1863, Constance, 2sad dan. issue, 1. Lbcavrx, his successor. em. William-Evans, 31.1’. for Kilitenny, created a Baronet, 24 April, t738, m. 1st, Margaret, don, and heir of Joaiah Ifaydoch, Eoq. of Beauliek, and had issue, I Hoydock-Evano, who o. his father as 2nd barunef, m. This family traces ito pedigree to JsnecL nc Pcoexezee, Frances-Gorges, dan. of William Gore, Esq. of Barrow- a person of note and affluence long antecedent to tho mount; bet d. op. in 1776. 1 SIssy, m. to Clayton Hayley, Log. of Gowran. Sir William-Evans Slorres Ca. lndly, Stary-Joliana, dan. and present day in posaaooiosa of hie noble descendants. co-heir of William Ryvce, Esq. of Uppcrssood (oaf co-heir WTLL;Aat PENN;NCTON, Esq of Slnucaater (lineally descended also with her cousin, Mary Ryoes, wife of the Rev. William Candler, DLI., of Castlecumer, cu. Eilkeeeny, of Sir ltielsaa-d servant of HEaaY VI., to whom that unfortunate monarch. Ryvos, Eat., a baron of the Exchequer), by whom he had, presented a curiously-wrought glaoe cup, (which in aaid William - Evans- Ryvos de Slontmorency, 3rd and last still to ho prooervcd), with a prayer that the family should baeonot. ul. Redmond, king’s counsot, father of Lodge-Evans Slorres, ever prosper, and never want a naclc heir as long as they created Lord Froorforl tIe ilfenfoaoresacy, in 1800. Mr. Idorrea was o. at his decease by his eldest son, Hxaverr Mossnre, Eoq. of Caotlomos’roo, who wan elevated Joaren, his heir. to tIne pooragc of Ireland, I Slay, 1736, as Boross illeuafsaon’eo, Elizabeth, so. lot, to John Archer, Eeq. of Oxcnholme; of Goof leaoarreo; and advanced, 29 June, 1763, to the dignity Margaret. of VeacouNT Mounrsennnno. His lordship so, lot, Letitia, Sir William dying in 1730, woo o. by his son, 4th dan. of Hrabozon, lot Earl of Boaoborough, by whom he Sin Joonpeo, lIP. for the co. of Cumberland, who as. the had, Heavzr-REoMooeo’, his ouceesooc. Lotitia, so. tat, to Arthur-Hill Trevor, only eon of Arthur, and bad ioauo, 801 1W U N Viscosmt Domiganeson; and 2ndly, to the MarqucssofAntrhn; and ,f,in 186 1. Sarah, so. in 1770, to the Rev. Jocpla Pratt, of Cabra Casile, cc. Covan. He so, 2ndly, Mary, dau. of William Wall, Eoq. of Coolnamucky Caotle, co. Watorford, and relict of John Baldwin, Eoq. of Cnrralanty, King’s to., by whom be had, FaAacts-ltcavrT, socrosoor to his brother. William-Mary, ‘a Miss Anne Clarke, and was drowned to 1809, learing a don. Hia lordohip d. in 1776, and was a. by his aldeot oon, Hr.avav-llnnut,teo ftod vioco,tnt, svho inherited Gte ancient l’aninotey of the family at the doecaoe of Sir Nicholas Morrso, the fib baronet, in 1795. Hin lordship Anne, si. in 1d07. is dec. Ills lordship, who aooumod, by royal lioonce, the oasrnamo Crest—A peacock, in ilo pride. 15cr. MOUNTSTUART, BARON, ace BUTE, MARQUESS OF. MU N CASTER. of Edmund L’Eotrango, Esq., and niece of John, 7th Earl of Sonrboa’ongh. RIllrztgc. Conqueat, who resided npon the estates and manor of Penitonc, en. Lancaster, which proporty continune to the from Sir John do Fcnnington, Knt., an attsched should retain the cup unbroken), was created a Baronet 21 June, 1676. Sir William see. Isabel, eldest dan, of John Stapleton, Keg. and had issue, and 2ndly, to Thomas Strickland, Eaq. of Sioergh. Hon. Slargarct Lowther, dan. of John, Visceunt Lonodale; 3T