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Thomas Boyd, m. iil All Fiiints' Cluircb, 1 St. Kiida, Decombor, 1891, John A. Gurner, ' second son of the late Henry T. Gurner, crown solicitor, of Princes Street, St. Kilda. j Err.T (p. GOl).— In first, line of lineage for "Mr. Burt m. a Miss Musgrave," read "Thomas Burt, m. Catherine, daughter of William Musgrave, of Montserrat, West Indies (see p. 811). Calvert (p. 53).— Ethel Watson, only daughter of John Jackson Caltert, m. at Sydney, New South Wales, 2fith July, 1892, her cousin german, Reginald Houblon Cal- Tcrt, eldest son of the late Major Calvert, of Owlstone Croft, Cambridge. CocKurBN - Campbell (p^ 108).— Sir Thomas Cockburu-Campbell, Bart., rf. 27th September, 1892. Camprell (p. 48).— Frederick Campbell, of Yarralumla, was b. in the colony of New South Wales. lie sailed for England in his ninth year, and was educated at Grosvenor College, Bath, and the Cholniley School, Highgate. He is a justice of peace for the colonv of New South Wales. Frederick Campbell m. secondly, at Sydney, 25th April. 18S9, Christina, youngest daugh- ter of John Macphee, of Lochaber, who was descended from the Macpliees (formerly called Macduffies), of the Isle of Colonsay, and by her has issue, Charles Bruce, b. 29th March, 1890. The Hon. Eobert Campbell, grandfather of Frederick Campbell, was the third (not the second) son of his father. His eldest brother was William, from whom are descended the Campbells, late of Buscot, Favingdon, co. Berks; and the second brother was John, a merchant of Calcutta, who (?. nniii. The progenitor of the Campbells of Dun- troon, from whon Frederick Campbell is descended, viz., Duxcan Campbell, desig- nated "Sliochd Dhonochy Mor," v.c. Great Diuican's offspring, lived in the early part of the fifteenth century. His sou, Duncan Campbell, of Duutroon, and his immediate descendants, we learn from the Origines Parochiales Scoiice, vol. ii, p. 93, occupied prominent positions of trust under their chieftain Argyll. In the year 1-148, one of the stewards of Ardskoduiche, under Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochow, was '• DrxCAN YoxG Campbell of Duntrone " (Argyll Charters). In 1511, " DoxALD Campbell of Downtron," was one of the local bailies of Archibald, Earl of Argyll (Argyll Charters), and again in 1531, "John Campbell of Duntrewn," was one of several to whose arbitration all disputes between Archibald, Earl of Argyll, and Duncan Campbell, of Glcnorchv, were submitted by the parties (Breadalbane Charters). In the BoUs of the Landlords (Register at Taymouth), attached to two Acts of the Scottish Parliament, dated 1587 and 1594, w ill be found with his chieftain Archibald, seventh Earl of Argyll, and eleven other ancient famdics of the name, "JouN Campbell, Laii'd of Duntrunc." His grand- son was Duncan Campbell, the first Laird of Ashficld, a favourite captain of Archibald, eighth Earl and first Marquess of Argyll. He d. in 1680, and from him Frederick Campbell is lineally desjended. ClAREE (p. 18). — Sir W. J. Clarke's arms were granted to hira and his descendants, 1st December, 18S2. Cooper (p. 54). — Sir Daniel Cooper's arms and crest were granted to him and his descendants, 8th December, 1857. Supporters as follows were exemplified to him and the heirs male of his body upon whom the dig- nity of a baronet shall descend, 2nd April, ' 1889, viz.. On either side a female figure ppr., vested arg., the dexter supporting with the exterior hand a passion cross also Plir., flowing therefrom a streamer az., and holding in the sinister hand a star of eight points or ; the sinister holding in the dexter hand a like star, and resting the exterior hand on an anchor ppr. Cotton (p. 76).— The Hon. George With- erage Cotton, rf. January, 1893. Dangab (p. 21).— The Hon. Henry Carey Dangar, should be described as The Hon. Henry Carey Dangar, of Grantham, Sydney, and of Neotsfleld, Singleton (not The Grove, Camden), New South Wales. He is M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. His daughters are as follows, viz., i. Mabel, deceased ; II. Lucy Beatrice ; III. Elinor ; iv. Ruth ; v. Nora; TI. Muriel Ethel; vir. Dorothy Maria. The Hon. H. C. Dangar's brother, Fred- erick Holkham Dangar, should be described as formerly of " Greenknowc," not " Grun- knowe." His daughter Ada. m. Matthew Hervey, of Beavor House, Hammersmith, London, and his son Harry is in the 13th Hussars. Dbakin (p. 270).— The Hon. Alfred Dea- kin's elder daughter is named " Ivy," not "Joy." Diceet (p. 382). — A. R. Dickev, second son of Hon. R. B. Dickey, Q.C., 'is a Q.C., and a member of the Canadian Parliament. Dickson (p. 166).— R. W. Dickson, ,n. secondly, 10th October, 1891, Anne Mary, daughter of Rev. S. Russell-Davies, vicar of St. Stephen's. Lewisham, Kent, and widow of Colonel K. M. Borthwick, Cameron High- landers, and had a daughter, b. at his resi- dence, Goodrest, South Yarra, 12th October, 1892. Dixon (p. 242). — Marmaduke Dixon's younger daughter, Catherine Amelia Mary Elizabeth, in. at St. James's, Cast, Canter- bury, New Zealand, 24th February, 1892, Percy Hawkins .Tohnsou, fourth son of M. Warton Johnson, of Claridge House, Seven- oaks, CO. Kent, England. DousON (p. 32).— The Hon. Sir William Lambert Dobsou's half-brother, the Hou. Alfred Dobson, in. 17th September, 1801, Alice Kauisav, voungcst sui'vivuig daughter of