Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/135

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BURKl-: S COLONIAL GKNTRY. 515 ineiit. of Tnsm:in!:i in (he apprul (o the Privy Council in ilio case (A' tlio Tasnimiini Main Liiie liallway Company v. the Queen. ih- retired I'roni offii'c Aiij^iist, 1892, and was re-appointed Slarcb, 1<S1'8. 1. in mac. This family was settled in Fifeshirc, Scol-, for many <;enoralions. Anujikw Clauk, (lie grandfather of the ]nTsi'iit lion. Andrew Inglis Clark, )». .Tanct I'kabs, !uid had a son, ALK.VANDBit Clakk, of Uoharl, Tasmania, i. in Kingliorii, Fifeshire, .Scothmd, 1st May, 1809 ; eniignitetl to Tasmania ; m. 1S32, Ann Inglis (whose family was settled in Fifesliire for many generations), and by her (who rf. in Hobart," Tasmania, 11th May, 18S2) has issue, John, m. Mary Ann CliACKEii, and has issue a daughter. James, m. Mary . n Joux-sox, but has no issue. llenry. ANniiKW Inglis (Hon.), the siil)ject of this memoir. Ann, m. Samuel Orr Mimm, and has issue a son and a daughter. Agnes, m. Duncan Barelay McLarkn, and has issue seven sons and two daughters. Janet. Residence — Eosebanli, Hobart, Tasmania. 9iml)trst. HON. JOSCELINE GEORGE HERBERT AMHERST, of Holmesdale, Darlington, Western An.stralia, J. P., and late member of the Legisla- live Council of that colony, barrister-at-law, of the Inner Temple, h. 7th June, 1S46 ; private Secretary to the Governor of Fiji, June, 1881, to Septembei-, 1883; and to Sir P. Napier Grooine, Govei'iior of Western Australia, from March, 1885, to January, 1889. Hincagc. The name of Amherst, or, as it was variously spelt in ancient documents, Amhfrst, Hamiierst, Hemeherst, or Emherst, is takeu from a place called Amherst or Han:ierst, which lieth in Pem- burv parish, near Tunbridgc, in the county of Kent. The first of the name that appears on record is Gilbert de Hk-mmeiiebst, who is placed on the Pipe Koll of the loth Henet 111, A.D. 1230. The next is Eoger de nnsiEHiTBST, who is mentioned in a deed of which a copy is preserved in the College of Arras, London, and placed u])on the pedigree of the family of Amlierst, attested by Camden. His descendant, Walter, who is mentioned in the above deed, appears upon the Sui>sidy Koll, 1st Edward III, 1327, as Waltcrus de Emherst; also on the i-oll of 12th Edward III, 1338, again in the 14th Edward 111, as Walterus de Handu'rst, in loth Edward III, as Walter de Handierst; again in the 21st Edwaud III, 13-17, as Wtilierus de Emherst, and in the second moiety of the roll as Walterus de llernherjt; in the next year, 22nd ICdwakd III, 131-8, the name of •lolianila Hammherst, most probably his w idow, appears, as his name does not occur upon thai or any subsequent roll. In the 25th Edw.hd III, 1351, appears the name of Johannes de Amherst; in the i"oll also appears Galfridus Jndd and Robertas Bouregge. With these families it appears the Amhersts afterwards intermarried ; and the lands called Juddy's lands are handed down by many of the early wills, and descended to the East Farleigh branch. In the next year, 1352, aj)pear John Amherst and William Amherst in connection with the heirs of Galfridus Judd and Ivoberb Houregge. In the -tSth Edward III, 1372, appears Isabell Amherst, most probably widow of John and mother of William Amherst. The names of the payers of the subsidies are not entered iipon the suliscqueut rolls, the amount for each district only being given. The pedigree alluded to as attested by Cam- den, begins with John Amherst, of Amherst, in the })arish of I*endjury, near Tuubridge, Kent (most probably the sou of 'illiam and grandson of John), who was living in the 22nd KicuAKD II, 130!t, and left a son and heir, Tho.mas, whose son ami heir, Tuo.mas, appears upon I'ceortI in 1-133 as one of the chief persons in the district ; he d. I'lOO, possessed, as appears by his will, dated llot), of much land in Pembury. Capell, and Iladio, and of Juddy's lands in Judeley 2 L 2