Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/136

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.MS 15URKES COLONIAL GENTRY. (Amlievsty's Lano, which is still a, road in Penibiirv pai'isti, is incutiouotl iu the will of Thomas' Rayne, of Capell, 30th April, 14ii)). By Sarah, his wife, who survived him, he left, with three daughters, Isabel, Julian and Agues, a son and successor, Thomas, whose will is dated 1489, and who, by Isabel, his wife, left two sons, William, who appears to have d. s. p., and Thomas Amherst, of Amherst, who s. to the estates ; not 21 in 1489, as appeal's from the will of his father. By his wife, a sister of Thomas Boubegge, the eider, of Capell, he left four sons, viz., I. John, of whom jireseutly. II. jS'icholas, who s. to the property of Judd's in Judeley, and d. there a very aged man. (Will dated 1599, proved 1600.) He left by Johanna, his wife, with other issue, a son, George Amhurst (name so spelt), B.A., vicar of Yalding, Kent. He d. in ti.e life- time of his father, and left by Margaret, nee Eagles, his wife, with other issue, a son and successor, Nicholas Amheest, the ancestor of William Amherst (Tysscn Amherst), Baron Amherst of Hacknet, co. Mid- dlesex, M.P. for West Norfolk, 1880-85, and for South-West Norfolk, 1885-92, J.P. for Norfolk (high sheriff, 1866), and J.P. and D.L. for Middlesex (avc Burke's Peeraije). III. William of Pembury (will dated 1560), who, by Julyan his wife, left issue. IV. Richard, of Headeorn (will dated 1590), in. and left issue. The eldest son, John Amherst, of Amherst, living 1560, m. Parnell Ratnes, and dying in 1578, left, inter alios, a son and heir, Richard Amuekst, of Amherst, who m. Margaret RixoN, and left three sons, viz., I. Richard, of Bayhall, Kent, serjeant-at- law, and Serjeant to Queen Klizabeth, whose male line ended with his grand- son, Charles Amherst, who d. unm. 1705. II. William, left Mary, M. John CliAMrs, of Tuubridge. III. jEFTEEr, of whom presently. The youngest son. The Bev. Jeffrey Amherst, rector of Horsniondeu, in Kent, m. Joan, daugliter of John Barni en, gentleman, and had with one daughter, three sons, viz., I. Arthur, M.JJ., d. 2nd July, 1678, aged 63. leaving Jeffery. of Fish Hall, Tun- bridge ; William; and two daughters. II. Richard, d. before his father, leaving a son and daughter. HI. John, of whom presently. The youngest son, John Amherst, barrister-at-law, and one of the benchers of Gray's Inn, m. thrice, but had issue by his fii-st wife (Margaret, daughter of Jeffery Kirby, alderman of London) only. He d. in 1091, and was «. by his only surviving Bon, Jeffery Amherst, barrister-at-law, and benelier of G.-ay's Inn, the first of the family seated at Rivcrii-ad, Kent. Herf. 1713, leav- ing by Elizabeth, his first wife, daughter of Henry Yate, of Warnham, an only surviving son, Jeffert Amherst, of Riverhoad, barrister- at-law, and a beneher of Gray's Inn, who m. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Kerrill, of Hadlow, eo. Kent, and had issue, I. Saekville, d. unm. in 1763. II. Jeffery, created Lord Amherst. III. John, admiral of the Blue, fZ. «. P. 1778. IV. William, lieutenant-general in the army, aide-de-camp to the king, lieutenant-governor of Portsmouth, governor of St. John's, Newfoundland, and adjutant-general of His Majesty's forces, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Patterson, and d. in 1781, leaving, William Pitt, of whom presently. Elizahetli i' ranees, m. to John Hale, and d. in 1826. I. Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. John Thomas, d. in 1779. This lady was celebrated for her poetic talents. II. Margaret, d. unm. in 1785. The second son, Jeffery Amherst, having acquired high military reputation as commander in-chief of the British army m North America, from 1758 to 1761, was made a Knight of the Bath in 1761, and elevated to the peerage 20th May, 1776, as Baron Amherst, of Holmesdale, co. Kent. His lordship was con- stituted in 1778 commander-in-ehief of His Majesty's land forces in Great Britain ; and he was created, 30th August, 1788, Baron Amherst, of Montreal, co. Kent, with remainder to his nephew, William Pitt Amherst. He m. first, Jane, only daughter of Thomas Dalison, of Hamptons, in Kent ; and secondly, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of General the Hon. George Cary, but had no issue. Lord Amherst received a field-marshal's baton in 1796. He d. 3rd August, 1797, aged 81, when the first barony expired, but tlic second devolved, according to the limitation of the patent, upon his nephew, William Pitt Amherst, second baron, h. 14th January, 1773, who was at one time ambassador to China, and subsequently governor-general of India, and who was created Viscount Holmesdale and Earl Amherst,, 2nd December, 1826. He m. firstly, 24tii July, 1800, Sarah, relict of Other Hickman, fifth Earl of Plymouth, and daughter and co-heir of Andrew, Lord Archer, by whom (who d. 27th May, 1838) he had issue, I. Jeffery, h. 19th August, 1802; d. unm. at Barrackpore, 2nd August, 1826. II. William Pitt, second carl. III. Frederick Campbell, h. 10th March, 1807 ; d. unm. 12th October, 1829. I. Sarah Elizabeth Pitt, m. in 1842, to the lal e Sir John Hay Williams, of