Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/176

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556 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Adelaide, h. 1867, m. 1888, Eev. T. Young, M.A. m. John Cruger Murray (ReT.), formerly rector of Walton and "West on, b. 21st February, 1825, >«. 6th July, 1852, Harriet Georgina Maria, daughter of Rev. Frederick Manners-Sutton. IT. George Herbert Murray, Major- General Madras Staff Co"rps, b. '4th September, 1826, m. 12th February, 1813, Emily, youngest daughter of Kolcrt Hakd, and cl. 10th December, 1887, having by her (who d. 18th August, 1894) had issue, 1. Charles Edward, b. 31st January, ]S51, m. October, 1S80, Fanny, daughter of Eev. A. Fennell. 2. John Percy, h. 6th June, 1853. 1. Emma, m. 8th October, 1867, Major Charles Bateman Pbust, of Tenby, J.P., late GOth Rides, and has issue. 2. Clara Emily Stewart, m. 5th October, 1889, Owen Armstrong, of 32, Elgin, Dublin, and d. 3id September, 1894. 3. Maud, m. 21th December, 1881, Major Charles Maximilian Thomas Western, Rojiil Artillery, A. A. G., India, and has issue. 4. Alice Elizabeth, m. 15th April, 1882, Major Gilbert Frederick Allan Norton, E.A., and has issue. V. Hugh Percy Murray, of New Zea- land, the subject of this memoir. I. Emma AthoU Murray, d. 19th Decem- ber, 1843. jPnmilj) of ^niiski). Egbert Aynsley, of West Sh.aftoe, m. a daughter of Fenwick of Little Hai-le, and had a son and heir, William Aynsley, of West Shaftoe, who m. Dorothy, daughter of Guy Delaval, of Horton, and had two sons, I. Guy, of West Shaftoe, who m. Grace, daughter of William Shaftoe, of liaviiigton, and was father of William Aynsley, who m. Marian, daughter"of Thomas Swinburne, of Capheaton, and had issue, William, who d. s. p. in 1615. Marian, who compounded with Gwen Aynsley for her right of inheritance. She m. Wil- liam Tempest, of Thornly, CO. Durham. II. Gawen, of whom we treat. The younger son, Gawen Aynsley, the heir male of his house, was living in 1615. He »«. Isabella, daughter of Gawen EuTnERFOKD, of Eoch- ester, and had, inter alios, a son, Gawen Aynsi.ey, styled " of Aynsley Hall " in 1628, the father of, Gawen Aynsley, of Harnham, who m. in 1663, Margaret, daughter of Bartholomew Atkinson, and had issue, I. Bartholomew, who d. num. in 1669, in the lifetime of his father. II. Gawen, his heir. I. JFargaret, m. a A'aughan. II. Jane, d. unm. III. Elizabeth. Mr. Aynsley is described as of " Little Barle" in his will, which was proved 13lh October, 1671, in which he directs his body to be buried in Hartburn Church. His eldest surviving son, Gawen Aynsley, b. in 1669, had, by his father's will. Little Harle, Harelaw, Harn- Arms — Quarterly, first and fourth, gules three mullets of s x points azure, for Aynsley chief an aunulcl arg. nt, within a double trcssur ham, and the mortgage of a house in New- castle. He VI. iirst, Jane, daughter of William Ogle, of Causey Park, and had by her an only daughter, Jane, who m. John Thieeliceld, of Trittington, and dying in 1743, left a daughter, Mary, m. 1764, George Mitfoed, and was mother of, Alicia Mitford, devisee of her great-uncle. This lady m. Lord Charles Murray, as before stated. Mr. Aynsley >«. secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Fenwick, of Stanton, aud relict of William Fenwick, of By well, by whom he had no issue. He m. thirdly, Mary, daughter of Nicholas Ridley, of Newcastle and Heaton, and by her had issue, I. Nicholas, who predeceased his father. II. Gawen, the heir. III. John, b. 1712, in holy orders, M.A. and Fellow uf Univei-sity College, Oxford, and chaplain to Lord Talbot. He d. unm. 1744. IV. W^illiam,6. 1715, who rf. chief justice of Jersey, 1758. '• ^Jr*"' . Ibothrf. ««™. II. Margaret, J III. Mary, ni. John Reed, of Chepchase. Mr. Aynsley "rf. 1750, aged 80, having been for sixty years in the commission of the peace. His eldest son and heir, Gawen Aynsley, of Little Harle Tower, CO. Northumberland, Ijaptised in 1710, was high sheriff for Northumberland in 1749, an active magistrate, and many years chairman of the Quarter Sessions of the county. He d. in 1792, leaving no issue by his wife, Alicia, daughter of James Ibbertson, of Leeds, when lie devised his estates to his great-niece, -iLiciA IJ iTFORD, the wifeof Lord Charles Murray. on a bend ermine, between two quatrefoils or

second and third, azure, tliicc mullets and in-

e Uurv counter Uory or, for Murray.