Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/274

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C5^ BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. III. Frances, ni. — Maetin, of co. Buck- ingham. IV. Margaret, m. William Bowteb, of Oenliam Court, Bucka. Sir Jolin Weld d. 1622, aud was s. hy his eldest son, Humphrey Weld, of Holdwell, co. Herts; was Uovernor of Portland Castle, and pur- chased. IGil, from the Howard family, the manor of Luhvorth, and divers other ex- tensive estates in Dorset. He m. Clave, youngest daughter of Thomas, Lord Aeitn- DELL OF Wardoue, by whom he had an only daughter, Mary, m. Nicholas Taaffe, Earl of (j'arliiigford. Mr. Weld d. about the year 168+, and was buried in King Henry VH's chapel, Westminster. His nepliew, W ILLIAM Weld, of Lnlworth, s. to his estates, and 7ii. 1672, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Kichard Shiheburn, of Stonyhurst, co. Lancaster, by whom he had issue, I. John, d. young. II. Humphrey, his heir. I. IVfary, m. Nicholas Fairfax, nephew of Lord Fairfai', and after his decease m. Sir Francis Hungate, Bart. ; by the latter she had an only daughter, Mary Hungate, m. Sir Edward GrAS- coigne, of Parlington. Mr. W. Weld d. 1698, aud was s. by his only surviving son, Humphrey Weld, of Lulworth Castle, m. 17ul, Margaret, only daughter of Sir James SiMEOS, Bart., of Ciiilworth, and left issue, I. Edward, his lieir. II. Tlioinas, who assumfd the surname of Simeon. He iii. Mary, daughter of Thomas FitzHerbekt, of Swinnerton, by whom (who </. 1767) he had an only daughter, Mary Simeon, who took the veil at Bruges, Flanders. I. Mary, m. 1728, Edward Horsley WiDDRiNGTON, of Felton, Northum- berland, by whom (who d. 1749) she had an only daugliter, Elizabeth Margaret Widdringttm. heiress of her father, m. Thomas Eiddell, of Swin- burne C'aslle, Northumberland. II. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1791. Mr. Humphrey Weld d. 1722, and was .t. by liis son, FIdwaed Weld, of Lulworth Castle, i. 1705 ; m. first, 1727, Catherine Elizabeth, daugh-tcr of Vv'alter, Lord Aston, of Forfar, but by her had no issue. He m. secondly, 1740, Mary Theresa, daugliter of John Vauohan, of Courtfield, by whom (wlio d. 1751) he had four sons and one daughter, M ry, who became 'a poor Clare," at Aire, in .rtois. He d. 8th Hecember, 1761, and was 5. by his eldest son. Edward Weld, of Lulworth, h. 1741 ; in. first, 17li3, Juliana, daughter of Kobert, Lord Petrb ; and secondly, 1775, Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Walter Smythe, of Brambridge, co. Hants, but had no issue. He d. 1775, and liis widow m. Thomas FiTZ- HBEBEET, of Swiniicrton, whom she survived. Mr. Weld was s. by his only surviving brother, Thomas Weld, of Lulworth Castle, b. 24th August, 1750, who founded the Catholic College at Stonyhurst. He m. 1772, Mary, eldest daughter of Sir John Stanley Massey Stanley, Bart., of Hooton, and by her (who d. 1st August, 1838) had issue, I. Thomas, of Luhvorth Castle, b. 22nd January, 1773 ; m. 1796, Luey, daughter of Hon. Thomas Clifford, second son of Hugli, third Baron Clifl'ord, and by her, who d. 1815, had an only chiUl, Mary Lucy, m. 1818, Hugli Charles, Lord Clifford, of Chudleigh, and d. May, 1831, leaving issue. After the decease of his wife, Mr. Weld took holy orders, was pro- moted to a bishopric in the Roman Catholic church, and was created a Cardinal, 1829. His Eminence was the first En;:li8hman who had a seat in the Conclave since the pontificate of Clement IX. Cardinal Weld d. 10th April, 1837, and was s. by his brother. Josejih. II. Edward, h. 18th December, 1775, d. young. III. Joseph, of Lulworth Castle, b. 27th January, 1777 ; m. 23rd November, 1802, Hon. Elizabeth Charlotte Stour- TON, fourth daughter of Charles Philip, sixteenth Lord Stoueton, and d. 191 h October, 1863, having by her (who d. 16th January, 1864) had issue, 1. Edward Joseph, of Lulworth Castle, J. P. and D.L. who served as liigh sheriff of that countv, b. 8th June, 1806; »h. 9th August, 1838, Ellen Caroline, eldest daughter of Sir Bourchier Palk Wrey', Bart., of Tawstock Court, Devon, and d. 8th December, 1877, having by her (who d. 13tli October, If: 60) had issue, (1 ) Edward Bourchier, rf.young. (2) Eeginald Joseph, of Lul- worlh Castle, Dorset, b. 24th May, 1812. (3) Shireburn Joseph, b. 17th December, 1844. (4) Humphrey Joseph, b. 1854. (1) Caroline Filumena, w. 21st August, 18C2, Henry Silveb- TOP, of Minister Acres, Northumberland, who d. 3rd December. 1887, leaving issue. (2) Mary Teresa, m. 5th May, 1870, Sir William Vavasour, Bart., of Hazlewood Castle, CO. York, and has issue. (3) Florence Mary, m. 23rd Jamiai-y, 1872, Edward Talbot WoLSELEY, next brother of Sir Charles WoLSELEY,Bart.,of Wolseley, CO. Stafford, and has issue. (4) Agnes Frances. (5) Constance Elizabeth. (6) Eleanor Ma;7, a nun.