Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/275

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. cry.i 2. 'riioniiis (WKMi-lii.rNHKi.i,). of IiuT Bluiuloll, J.V. and D.L., high sheriff ]8r)2, .?. by will to the estate of his kinsman, the late Cliarles Knhert BuNHELL, of Ince Blundcll, and assumed in consequence, the additional sur- name of Bl.'^NDEi.L ; m. 6th November, 1839, Teresa Mary Eleanor, youngest daughter of William Miehael Tliomas "VAroiIAN, of Comtlleld, and had issue, (1) Charles Josejih, of Ince Bhmdell, co. Lancaster, J. P., h. 23rd December, 1844; educated at .Stonyhurst and Ch. Ch. Oxford ; m. 1-ith May, 18S4, Charlotte Cathe- rine Marcia, daugliter of Hon. Charles Pierrepoint D'Arey La>'E Fox, brother of Sac'kville George, Loed CoNTERS, and has issue, (a) Richard, I. 1S87. (4) Lewis, b. 1889. (n) Marv Teresa. (//) Alice Marv. (2) Henry Joseph, J. 25th July, 1818, private secretary to Sir Frederick Weld, during the terms of his governorship of Western Australia and Tasmania, and stibsequently member of the Qtieensland Legislative As- semblv, 1879-85. (3) Herbert Joseph, b. 7th Janiuiry, 1S52. (4) Edward 'Ihomas Joseph, i. 4th November, 1856, a priest, O.S.B. (5) Alfred Joseph, *. 20th Ai>ril, 1860, a priest, O.S.B. (1) Mary Elizabeth Frances, a nun, r/. 1872. (2) Teresa Mary Anne. (3) Alice Mary, )«. 14th November, 1SG6, Simon, Loed Lov.4t, who d. 6th Sept ember, 1887, leaving itsue. (4) Edith Mary Catherine, a nun. (5) Winifred Marv, )«. 6th June, 18S2, Eobert Edward Walmesley, of Parkstone, CO. Dorset. (6) Annette Mary, m. 22nd April, 1879, George Sackville Frederick Lane F"ox, eldest son of George Lane Fox, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire, and has issiu^. (7) Clare Mary Monica, m. ycHh October,' 1894, Captain Edmund Harrington Molt- XErx-SEEL, of the Liverpool Regiment (8th King's), eldest son of Edmund Ri hard Thomas Molvneux- Seel, of lluvton Hey, co. Lan^asliire. Mr. Thomas Weld-Blundell, </. 3rd January, 1887.

'. Joseph, of the Lodge, Lymington,

Hants, J.P., b. lOlh June, 1815 ; )«. 21st November, 1848, Flora MacDonnell, fourth daugliter of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bart., of Rudding Park, co. York, and has issue, (1) Wilfred Joseph, b. 2Hth September, 1819. (2) Henry. (3) John. (4) Joseph Edward. (1) Clare. (2) Emily, m. John Covrntev, of Burgate House, Hants. (3) Elizabeth. (4) Flora. (5) Monica, a nun. 1. Mary, m. 1.5th February, l?fiO, Lieutenant-Colonel John Francis Vavgha.v, of Courtfield, co. Monmouth, J. P. and D.L., and cL 7th December, 1880, having Inid two children, who rf. in infanej'. 2. Mary Anne, d. itinii. IV. John, b. 15th June, 1780, a priest, deceased. V. William, b. 31st August, 1781 ; rf. 19th October, 1782. vr. Humph BET, of Chideock, Dorset, of whom presently. VII. James, 4. 3Uth April, 178.5 ; m. loth July, 1S12, Juliana Anne, daughter of Robert Edward, tenth ]..ord Petkb, and had issue, 1. Henry. 2. Francis, a priest. 3. Philip, d. 18 16. 1. Anna ^laria. 2. Catherine. 3. Agnes, a nun. 4. Cliarlotte. Tin. George, of Leagrim Park, co. Lancaster, b. 28th September. 1786 ; m. Maria, daughter of John Seari.e, of London, aud d. 31st March, ISGti, having had issue, 1. John, of Leagrim Park, J. P. and D.L., m. 1846. Eleanor, daughter of Nicholas Selby, and has issue. 2. George. 22nd Regiment, d. in India, November, 1844. 3. Arthur. 4. Alfred (Rev.l S.J. 5. Walter. 1. Eunns. 2. Georgiana. 3. Maria Theresa. ■I. Louisa. IX. Francis, A. 30th September, 1787; rf. January, 1788. I. Juliana, d. unm. II. Mary Theresa, a nun of the Order of St. Francis Sales. III. Catherine Winifri'd, m. tlcloher,