Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/389

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 765 II. John William, h. l.«t July, 1861. in. Donald, of Quoonsland, Austrnliii II. Frances Cathcrino JFcKenzie, //. Ist h. Novombor, 1857. 1 III. Ji-B9ip, h. 17th July, 1859. IV. Af^ncs, 4. 17th AufiusI, 1805. Sth Optolioi-, 18G3. Mary Henrietta Lonisii Maeliinnon, I,. I'jth August, 1854; m. 23rtl Jan- 1 V. Bethiii iiary, 1878, Silas a. Tangyk. i 1867. 1} ex id en re — Tiinuvorth Station, ITuglienden, Queenslaml Marion, li. 10th August, C!)amljcr^, CiHARLES ROLAND CHAMBERS, J. P., of Middlcmount, Richmond J District, Cape Colony, h. Lst Novonibor, 18G3 ; m. 22nd A])!-!!, 1891, Mabel Ruby, second daughter of John Charles Worsley Montagu {sea that famUij. p. 809. and Burke's Peenigt; M.xchestei!, D.), by bis wife, Mary, daughter of John S. Distin, of Tafelburg Hall, Cape Colony, and has is.sue, Charles Ferris Montagu, /). '27th March, 1892. Iluuagc. This family is presumed to descend from the ancient line of Ciumber or Chambers, of Cleadon in eo. Durham, England. William Chambers, baptised at Mont- wearniouth, 30th July, 1(547, said to be son of Robert CiiAMBERS,of Cleadon (.5Cf the pedigree in Sprtees' Durham), m. Margaret, daughter of William Tomlinson, of Gateshead, and had a son. Richard Chambers, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, nierehant, and of Warden Law, co. Durham (,/«»"e v.roris) ; baptised 21st No- vember, 1675 ; m. Eleanor, youngest daugh- ter and co-heiress of John Beckwitii, of Newcastle, gent., of the every ancient family of BECKWiTHof Clint, etc., in co. York, and had issue. I. Robert, of whom presently. II. Richard, who m. and left issue. I. Eleanor, m. (us his first wife) John Hare, of Newcastle, gent. II. Mary, w. Tlionias DixoN, of New- castle (who m. secondly, Anne, daugh- ter of Colonel William Gardner, 11th Dragoons, and sister of first Ijord Gardner), III. Elizabeth, m. DoDD. IV. Judith, m. 30th December, 1746, Richard Wetheeell, of Durham, brother of the Dean of Hereford, and uncle of Sir Charles Wethebell, Attorney - General {see Bfrke's Landed GcH^r;/, Wetherell, of Fash- 7. Isabel, m. Bilton. Mr. Richard Chambers d. 1750. His eldest son, Robert Chambers, of Overgreys (or Overgrass) and Wardenlaw, m. Anne, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Richard Metcalfe, of Overgreys, and Dorothy, his wife, daughter of Mathew Cdrey, by Hannah his wife, daughter of Thomas EwBAXK, who was son of Toby Ewbank, of Staindrop, by Mary Geey, his wife, of the house of Grey, of Chillingham {see Burke's lioi/al Descents), and has issue, three sons and one daughter, I. Robert (Sir), Knt., chief justice of Bengal, m. Sth March, 1774, Frances, only daughter of Joseph Wiltox, of Snaresbrook, and d. 9th May, 1803, leaving by her, who d. 15th April, 1839, a son, Robert Joseph, of Beech Hill, Essex, b. 16th July, 1779, bar- rister-at-law, and for many years a police magistrate in London, m. 23rd July, 1805, Eliza, only daughter and heiress of Natlianie) Polhill, of Howberrv Park, co. Bedford, and d. 10th 'jlay, 1843, having by her (who d. 3rd April, 1858) had issue, 1. Robert ColUns, h. 12th August, 1806, d. s. p. 21st October, 1842, r. p. 2. James Polhill, /-. 3rd March, 1809, d. s.jJ. 3rd September, 1831, r.2'- 3. George Wilton, of Clough House, CO. York, J. P. for M'est Riding, York, D.L., and one of the Chaivmen of Quarter Session.s, barrister-at- law, b. 21th January, 1812, m. 10th June, 184U, Anne, eldest daughter of William WoRTHiNGlON, of Brock- hurst Hall, Northwich, J.P. CO. Chester, and has issue, (1) Charles Wilton, b. 21st February, 1842. (2) Robert George, b. 17th July, 1840, J.P. AVest Riding. (3) Ernest William, b. 15th October, 1847, )». 17th July, 1877, Mary,