Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/54

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■i3f. BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Benjamin Heath, a mori'lumt of Exetei', b, ltS72, was also warden of the Weavers Cor- poration. He had issue, I. Be.vjamin, of whom presently. II. Thomas, mayor of Exeter 1738 and 1749, left an eldest son, John, who was made a .judge of the Court of Common Pleas 1780. The eldest son, Benjamin Heath, D.C.L., for some years town clerk of Exeter, was a well-known classical scholar in liis day, and in 1752 the University of Oxford conferred upon liim, the honorary degree of D.C.L. in recognition of his classical attainments and the literary value of his work on the great tragic jjoets. He had issue, I. Beniamin, headmaster of Harrow, 1771 to 1785. II. Geoege, of whom we treat, III. Another son, the father uf Baron Heatli, the first Consul-G-eneral for the kingdom of Italy. The second son, Eev. Geoege Heatu, 1),!)., headm.aster of 1776, Mary Keen, and d. 20th February, 1822, having had with other issue, I. John (fourth son), fellow of King's College, and a distinguished linguist. II. Chakles (youngest son), of whom we treat. The youngest son. Ret. CHARtES Heath, vicar of Hanworth, CO. Norfolk, rector of Gunton and Suflield, in the same county, rural dean, and J. P., m. 17th December, 1822, Marianne Potnter (who d. 5th April, 1870), and d. 15th February, 18G4, having had issue, I. Charles Harbord (Rev.), M.A. (Camb.), )«. 2Sth April, 1853, Mary Anne, eldest daughter of John Tonge, of Starborough Castle, co. Surrey, and has issue, 1. Charles Ernest, major. Army Service Corps, b. 20th September, 1854. 1. Helen Margaret, m. Perceval Wilson. II. Geoege Poynteb, the subject of this meuioir. I. Georgiami Susan. II. Frances Maria. Eton and canon of Windsor, ;«. 6th August, Arms — Fer chevron sa. and or in chief tiro mullets pierced, of the last, and in base a heathcock of the first, combed and wattled gu. Crest — A heathcock's head erased sa., combed and wattled gii., holding in the beak a mullet pierced or. Motto — Franc et loyal. Mesidenoes — Hanworth, Brisbane, Queensland ; 10, Barkston Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. Club — Grosvenor, in London. dfoitc. NATHANIEL FORTE, of Barbados, formerly a member of Her Maje.stj's Council of the Island of Barbados, Lieutenant- Colonel of the St. Thomas Regiment of Militia, h. 15th July, 1816, m. first, 13th October, 1840, Arabella Chavasse, daughter of John Millakd, formerly' of the Indian Navy, and by her (who d. 3rd April, 1851) had issue, I. Nathaniel, late Cajjtain 9th and 52nd Regiments, h. 19th August, I84I, ■?((. 28th August, 1866, Edith Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Nurse, M.D., of the Island of Barbados, and has had issue, 1. Herbert Augustus Nourse, lieutenant 15th Regiment, 6. 14th December, 1868. 2. Nathaniel, h. 14th July, 1872. 3. Philip Leslie, h. 3rd May, 1876. 1. Ethel Margaret, m. December, 1893, H. H. Co.t. II. Cockburn, Major (retired) late 77th Regiment, 6. 11th December, 1642. III. Bryan, h. 26th March, 1844, d. 7th November, 1870. iv. Joseph, h. 27th March, 1847. I, Sophia Jaue. II, Frances Arabella, III, Arabella Chavasse,