Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/55

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15l'l!Kl-;'S COI.i'MAI, (;i-:.TliV 4;?7 He );(. socoudly, lllh Nov( iiiIht, lh;58, ^lar^nrch Jlauger, diiiif^litur of .)(iso])h C'om.inhs, of the Island of (luerii.scy, and widow of the hitc Thomas Niri.sK, of the Island of Barbados. ILinrnac. Samuel Fortk.h nicaiberof theSomerset- sliire fiiuiily "who were settled there chn-ing the U'tli :iiid ITtli eeuturies, went to Barba- dos about llie .year llJfiO, and by Ursula, his first wife, who d. in Barbados in 17U0, be had issue, I. Samitki., of whom presently, II. Fnineis, b. 1672, m. W. Coli.ymoiie, and rf. 171H. I. Tbomasin, b. IflSO, »«. Colonel William Leslie, and bad issiu II. Ursula, h. JIJSO, m. 1( 90, Captain Jobn Todd, and bad issue. He m. secondly, ]ilizabetb, daugbter of Kichard FsT-niCKE, but ly ber, who </. 1739, be bad no issue. His eldest son, Sajitel Forte, a member of the House of Assembly, J. P. and Lieutenant Colonel of the St. Jobn's Keginient of Militia, h. Id'So, m. first, Anne, seeond daugbter of Kicbard FsTWiCKE, of Ibe Island of Barbados, and by Her, who d. in 1720, bad issue, I. Samuel, b. 1704, m. Merey, daughter of James Fastmond, and d.s.p. 1715. II. Ricbard, b. J707, d. n. p. 17(;;i. III. CnELSTOrHER, of wbom presently. IV. Tliomas, b. 1714. I. Elizabeth, »«. 1720, F. Gretton. II. Annie, rf. 1736. HI. Ursula, m. 1733, Samuel Le.'ilie. IV. Merey. V. Thfraasine. Colcnel Forte m. secondly, 1721, Elizabeth, daugbter of E. Gretton, and by ber bad a !0n, who rf. in Baibados, 1728. His third son, Cheistopher Forte, m. Thomasine, daughter of Colonel William Leslie, a member of the Couneil of the Island of Bar- bados, and by her (wbo rf. 1759) had issue, I. Samuel, Colonel of Militia, and mem- ber of the House of -Assembly, «(. first, Hesidences — Malvern, Barbados ; and 14, 1"63, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Leslie, member of the Couneil of Bur- bado.s, and seeondiy, ICIizabelb, daughter of SArXDKiis, and dying 1S09, left no i.ssue. II. William,™. 1707, Ihirgarct, daughter of Henry Le.slie, member of the Council of Barbados, and left issue, whose descendants are now liv rg in Demerara. III. Curi.stopiier, of whom pr.-si i lly. I. Anne Estwicke. II. EUzabeth. Mr. Forte, rf. 1753. His third son, Christopher Forte, m. 27th October, 1764. Elizabeth, dauglder of Kalph Wi'KKES, President of the Council of (he Island of Barbados, and had issue, I. Samuel, b. 17S6, m. 1787, Jane, daughter of Nihlett, and rf. 1839, leaving descendants who arc living in Cape Colony. II. Nathaniel Weekes, of whom presently. III. Christopher, rf. s. ji. 1830. Mr, Forte and his wife were killed in the hurricane of 1780. Tbeir second son, Nathaniel Weekes Forte, Speaker of the House of Assembly, J. P., and Colonel of the Militia, b. 29th August, 1767, m. 21st; November, 18(1, Jane, daugbter of George Adamson, of the Island of Barbados, and had issue, I. Samuel Eastmond, b. 1S02, rf. 1816. II. Nathaniel, of Barbados, the subject of this memoir. I. Anne, rf. 1805. II. Caroline Leslie, b. 1805, November, ] 8S9. III. Anna Christopihera, b. 1807. IV. Nathan. v. Amelia. Mr. F^orte rf. 12th September, 1836. The Par.igon, Clifton, Bristol, England. P- 7th 53cnni<5tciun» I^OBERT DENXISTOUN, of Invei-lea, co. Petevborongh, Q.C., County ) Judge of Peterborough, one of the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada, /). at Caiiiis Kskeii, Scotland, l;3tli January, 1815 ; in. 24th Utcember, 181^9, Ma.wvell, daughter of Major Hamii,to.n', of the 7f)th High- landers, and has issue, I. James Frederick Donnistoun, Q.C., of Castlcknock, co. Peterborough, ?/. at Petei borough, Ontario, "iGth October, Jfcll; m. 20th Janrary.