Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/421

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INDEX Abbasides, 135, 142, 164. Abdur Rahman, 142, 162. Aboukir, 355, 359. Abraham, 16. Abu Bekr, 134. Acadia, 281, 302, 329. Achaean League, 67. Acre, 180, 355. Actium, 108. Aegos Potami, 58. Aetolian League, 67. Aequi, 73. Aetius, 123. Afghanistan, 393, 404. Afghans, 317. Africa, partition of, 400. South, 93, 401 ; and see Cape Colony. Agesilaus, 59. Agincourt, 219. Agrippa, 108, 112. Aix-la-Chapelle, 329. Akbar, 287, 320. Akhenaten, 19. Akkadians, 4. Alaric, 122. Albania, 226. Alberoni, 324. Albigenses, 197, 210. Alboin, 130. Albuquerque, 242. Alexander the Great, 62-66. 1. (Tsar), 359, 360, 362, 365, 375- ill. (Pope), 189, 200. vi. (Pope), 234, 238, 241. Alexius, 174, 176. Alfonso the Noble, 195. the Wise, 193, 194. Alfred, 198. Ah, 133. 135- Alps, 85. Alsace, 283, 285, 386. Altamsh, 318. Alva, 266, 267. Alyattes, 34. Amalric, 178. Amenhotep, 18. America, 256-261. Colonies in, 329, 334-336- War of Independence, 335, 336. United States of, 335, 389-391 396, 402. S. and Central, 378, 388, 389. Amiens, Peace of, 359. Angevins, 196, 202. Anne, Queen, 310. Anglo-Japanese Treaty, 404. Antalcidas, Peace of, 59. Antigonus, 66. Antioch, 176. Antiochus, 66. Antonines, 115. Antonius, M. , 107, to8. Arabi, 399. Arabia, 132. Aragon, 164, 194, 213, 223, 234, 236. Aramaeans, 18, 20, 21. Arbela, 63. Areola, 354. Argos, 34. Arians, 122. Aristides, 54. Aristocracy, 32. Armada, 269. Armed Neutrality, 358. Armenia, 21. Arminius, 113. Arnulf, 155, 156. Arsacides, 93. Artemisium, 48. Aryans, 4, 5, 24, 27 ff., 41. Ashurbanipal, 24. Ashurnasirpal, 23. Asia Minor, 29, 93, 94. Asoka, 89, 316. Asshur, 16. Assyria, 18, 20-26. Atahualpa, 259. Athens, 35, 46-61, 89. Attalus, 95. Attila, 123. Augsburg Confession, 248. Interim, 251. 409