Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/422

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4io POLITICAL HISTORY Augsburg Peace, 252, 264. Augustus, 107-112. of Saxony, 307, 326. Aurangzib, 321. Aurelius, M., 117. Austerlitz, 361. Australia, 392, 402. Austrasia, 145. Austria, 279, 299-302, 304, 327, 332-4, 338, SS 1 ^, 360, 365. 380-387, 399. Austrian Succession, 326. Avars, 131, 147. Avignon, 209-211. Aztecs, 257. Babar, 287, 320. Babylon, 15 ff., 20-26, 37. Bacon, 288. Bagdad, 164, 184. Bairam, 320. Bajazet, 226. Balban, 318. Balkan Provinces, 398. Baldwin, 177-179. Bannockburn, 222. Barbarossa, Chaireddin, 249. Frederick, 179, 188-191. Barcelona, 194. Barras, 353. Basil 11., 162. Bastille, 348. Bavaria, 207, 275, 298, 327. Bazaine, 386. Beachy Head, 297. Becket, 190, 200. Belgium, 376, 378, 400. Belgrade, 304, 325. Belisarius, 130. Benevento, 192. Bengal, 337. Ben-hadad, 21, 22. Berlin Congress, 399. Decree, 362. Bernadotte, 365. Bernard of Clairvaux, 178. Bismarck, 383, 384. Black Sea, 381. Blenheim, 300. Blucher, 367. Boers, 401. Bohemia, 173, 206, 2T2, 224, 235, 249, 273 ff - . 380. Bohemond, 176. Bomba, 382. Boniface VIII., 208, 211. Borodino, 366. Bosnia, 398. Bourbons, 265, 271, 324, 325, 327, 367. Bouvines, 197. Boxer Rebellion, 403. Boyne, 297. Braganza, House of, 270, 282. Brahmans, 313. Brandenburg, 208, 278, 294, 295, 305 ; see Prussia. Brazil, 241,378, 388. Breitenfeld, 279. Bretigny, 218. Britain, Ancient, 104, 123, 140. Great, 311, 328-338, 351, 355, 358, 363. 371, 378, 381, 395. 404- British Empire, 391-394, 401. Bruce, Robert, 222. Brunswick, Ferdinand of, 333. Buddhism, 315. Bulgaria, 162, 186, 226, 398. Bulgars, 131. Burgundians, 123. Burgundy, 154, 214, 219, 221,229,234. Burmah, 93. B y n g. 33 2 - Byron, 378. Byzantium, 121 ; see Empire, Greek. Cabots, 261. Caesar, Julius, 103-108. Calais, 218, 255. Calcutta, 330. California, 390. Caligula, 113. Calvin, 252. Calvinists, 264, 266, 272, 274, 279. Cambyses, 37. Camillus, 74, 77. Camperdown, 354. Campo Formio, 352. Canaanites, 16. Canada, 281, 329, 334, 337, 391. Cannae, 86. Canute, 199. Cape of Good Hope, 240, 241. Cape Colony, 353, 393. Capet, 155, 157. Caracalla, 117. Carlos, Don, 379. Carlovingians, 153-155, 157. Carlowitz, 304. Carnot, 351, 354. Cartagena, 260. Carthage, 22, 33, 49, 50, 81-87, 95- Casimir, 224. Caste, 313, 315. Castile, 164, 194, 223, 234, 236. Catalonia, 194. Catharine de Medici, 263, 265. of Russia, 334, 338, 347, 351. of Aragon, 254. Catholic Emancipation, 360.