Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/428

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4 i6 POLITICAL HISTORY National Convention, 350. National Guard, 348. Nationalism, 364, 376, 382, 398. Navarino, 378. Navarre, 194. Nebuchadnezzar, 21, 26. Nelson, 355, 361. Nero, 113. Netherlands, 262, 266-269 ; (Spanish), 283, 292, 302 ; (Austrian), 302 ; see Belgium and Holland. Neustria, 145. Neutrality, Armed, 358. New England, 281. Newfoundland, 240. New South Wales, 392. New Zealand, 392. Nice, 382. Nicholas, Tsar, 378. Nile, 3, 8, 355. Nineveh, 18. Nimeguen, 295. Nomads, 7. Normandy, 151. Normans, 161, 200. North German Federation, 385. Northmen, 150, 156, 240. Norway, 225. Nova Scotia, 281, 302, 329. Numantia, 95. Numidia, 95, 99. Nuremburg, 250. Occam, William of, 210. Octavius, see Augustus. Odoacer, 123, 129. Oldenburgs, 237. Oligarchy, 32. Omar, 134. Ommayads, 135, 142, 163. Orange, William of, I., 266, 268. 11., 281. in., 281, 293-299, 310. Orleans (Regent), 325. Othman, 135. Otho, 113. Ottokar, 206. Ottos, 151, 156-159- Ottomans, 205, 226; see Turks. Oudenarde, 301. Pacific Ocean, 256. Palaeologi, 226. Palatinate, 272, 274. Palestine, 165 ; see Hebrews, Crusades. Panama, 260. Panipat, 320. Papacy, 142, 143,146, 151, 158-161,175, 188-192, 204, 208-212, 238240, 296. Paris, 348, 353, 368, 386. Parliament, 201, 202, 255, 281, 378. Parma, Alexander of, 262, 268, 269, 271. Parthia, 65, 103, 105, 114. Partition Treaties, 298. Passaro, 325. Passarowitz, 305. Passau, 252. Patricians, 72, 75. Paul (Pope) ii., 251. Paul (Tsar) 1., 355, 358. Pavia, 246. Peasants' War, 247. Peloponnesian War, 56-58. Peninsular War, 363, 364. Pepin, 146. Pergamus, 65, 93. Pericles, 55, 57. Perseus, 94. Persia, 36-39, 118, 131, 134, 302, 394. Persian War, 47-49, 54 ; see Alexander the Great. Persians, 28. Peru, 257, 259, 260. Peter the Great, 304, 306-309. Peter the Hermit, 174. Peterborough, Lord, 301. Peterwardein, 304. Pharnaces, 105. Pharsalia, 105. Philip (Burgundy) II., 233, 236. Philip (France) Augustus, 179, 196. IV., 209, 216. v., 216. vi., 216. Philip (Macedon) II., 60, 61. v., 93. Philip (Spain) II., 251, 255, 262, 263, 266-271. v., 299, 302. Philippi, 108. Philippines, 403. Philistines, 19. Phoenicians, 22, 63 ; see Carthage. Piedmont, 353. Pisa, Council of, 21 1. Pisistratus, 36. Pitt, William, I., 332, 334. 11., 348, 360, 361. Pius v. , 264. Pius IX., 380. Pizarro, 259, 260. Plataea, 49, 57. Plebs, 72, 75. Podiebrad, George, 213. Poictiers, 218. Poland, 224, 276, 304, 317, 326, 338, 35i. 353- 363. ^75- 378.