Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/429

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INDEX 4i7 Poles, 163, 183 ; see Poland. Polish Succession War, 326. Pompadour, Mme. de, 331. Pompeius, 102-105. Pontus, 65, 93. Port Arthur, 404. Portugal, 195, 223, 242, 270, 282, 363, 364. 378, 379. 3 g 8. Praetorians, in. Prague, 338. Pragmatic Sanction, 327. Principate (Roman), 109. Proconsul, 97, no. Protestants, 248, 264. Provence, 158, 206, 214. Provinces, Roman, 96, 107. Primitive Man, 6. Prussia, 305, 326-329, 331-334. 33 8 , 35i. 353. 36o-3 6 4. 366, 375. 38o, 383- 387 ; see Brandenburg. Prussians, 183. Psammetichus, 25. Ptolemies, 65, 73. Publicani, 97. Pultawa, 308. Punic Wars, 82-87, 95. Punjab, 316, 393. Pydna, 94. Pyramids, 13. Pyrenees Treaty, 284. Pyrrhus, 66, 79. Quebec, 334. Quiberon, 334. Races, 4, 41. Radetzky, 380. Rajputs, 315. Ralegh, 276. Rameses, 19, 20. Ramillies, 300. Ravenna, 130, 142. Ratisbon, 250. Records, 12. Red Indians, 256, 348. Reform Act, 378. Reformation, 210, 212, 234, 238-240, 244-255, 288. Regulus, 83. Renaissance, 205. Rene - , 214. Representation, 202. Responsible Government, 391. Restitution, Edict of, 278. Reunions, the, 295. Revolution : English, 296, 310. February, 379. French, 339, 340, 347-353- Industrial, 371. Revolution : July, 377, 378. Year of, 379. Rhine, 283, 293. Confederation, 365. Rhodes, 249. Richard I., 179, 196. Richelieu, 275, 278, 282, 284. Rights of Man, 339. Rivoli, 354. Robespierre, 349, 352. Rodney, 336. Rollo, 156. Rome, 70-126, 142, 383, 386 ; see Papacy. Romulus", 71. Roon, Albert von, 384. Rosbach, 333. Roses, War of, 223. Rouen, 165. Roumania, 399. Rubicon, 105. Rudolf of Hapsburg, 194, 206. Rurik, 162. Russia, 225, 276, 304, 306, 328, 338, 347. 35i, 355. 360-362, 365, 366, 375, 378, 381, 394. 398, 403-405- Russians, 162, 183. Ryswick, Treaty of, 298. Sabellians, 43, 71, 72, 78. Sadovva, 384. Safavids, 303. St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, 267. St. Helena, 368. St. John, Knights of, 178, 182, 249. St. Lawrence, 329. St. Vincent, 354. Saladin, 179. Salamis, 49. Salic Law, 216. Samnites, 78. Samurai, 396. Saracens, see Islam, Moors, Crusades. Sardanapalus, 25. Sardinia, 302, 353, 380, 382. Sargon, 16. Sassanids, 118. Satrapies, 38. Savonarola, 239. Savoy, 229, 297, 299, 302, 350, 382; see Sardinia. Saxony, 151, 156, 191, 239, 247, 251, 272, 278, 332. Scharnhorst, 364. Schism, the Great, 207, 211. Schleswig, 384, 385. Schmalkald League, 248, 250, 251. Scipios, 86, 95. 2 D