Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/430

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4i8 POLITICAL HISTORY Scotland, 173, 199, 203, 222, 244, 264, 270, 279, 311. Scythians, 6, 24, 37. Sebastopol, 381. Sedan, 386. Seleucidae, 65. Selim, 248. Seljuk Turks, 165, 174, 205. Semites, 4, 5, 13, 15, 41. Sempach, 221. Senate, 77, 80, 97, no. Sennacherib, 20, 24. September Massacres, 350. Serfdom, 169, 497. Sertorius, 102. Servia, 216, 398. Sesostris, see Rameses. Seven Weeks' War, 384. Seven Years' War, 326, 331-334. Severus, 117. Sforzas, 214. Shah Jehan, 321. Shalmaneser, 22. Sher Shah, 320. Shiites, 134. Shimonoseki, 403. Shishak, 20. Shoguns, 396. Sicily, 33. 48, 49. 73> 79- 82, 96, 173, 191-193, 213, 383. Sicilian Expedition, 58. Vespers, 213. Sieves, 356. Sigismund (Emperor), 207, 212, 226. (Poland), 276. Sikhs, 393. Silesia, 328, 329. Sindh, 393. Sivaji, 321. Slaves, 35, 55, 74, 126, 260, 390, 393. Slavs, 6, 131, 162. Skanderbeg, 226. Sobieski, John, 304. Social War, 100. Socialists, 379. Socii, 77, 81, 100. Solferino, 382. Solomon, 20. Solon, 35. Soudan, 99. Spain, 83, 95, 135, 163, 194, 204, 223, 234, 236, 255, 262, 266-270, 282,284, 295, 298-302, 328, 363, 364, 376, 378, 379. 385. 402. Spanish Succession, 298-302, 326. Sparta, 34, 46-61, 67, 75. Spartacus, 103. Spires, 248. Stanislaus Leczinski, 308, 325, 326. States General, 340, 348. Steam, 371. Stein, 364. Stilicho, 122. Strafford, 280. Stralsund, 278. Suleiman, 249. Sulla, 100-102. Sully, 272. Sumerians, 4, 15. Sunnites, 134. Suvarov, 356. Sweden, 237, 276, 278, 279, 293, 305, 307. 365- Swiss, 221. Switzerland, 248, 252, 282, 356. Syracuse, 58, 82. Syria, 21, 22, 355. Taipings, 395. Taj Mahal, 321. Talleyrand, 375. Tamerlane, 226, 319. Tancred, 177. Taoism, 395. Tarentum, 79. Tarquin, 72. Tartars, see Mongols. Taxation (Roman), 96. Tell el-Amarna letters, 18, 20. Templars, 178, 182, 216. Terror, Reign of, 348-351. Teutones, 100. Teutonic Knights, 184, 224, 225. Teutons, 6, 100, 113, 117, 123, 139. Thapsus, 106. Thebes, 59. Themistocles, 47, 54. Theoderic, 129. Theodosius, 121. Thermidor, 352. Thermopylae, 48. Thirty Years' War, 274-279. Thothmes in. , 15. Thracians, 33. Thucydides, 56. Tiberias, battle of, 179. Tiberius, in, 112. Tiglath-Pileser, 23. Tilly, 277. Tilsit, 362. Timur, 226. Titus, 113. Toltecs, 257. Torres Vedras, 365. Totila, 130. Toulon, 352. Toulouse, 197. Tours, 146.