Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/431

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INDEX 419 Trafalgar, 361. Trajan, 114. Transylvania, 277, 303. Transvaal, 393, 401. Trasimene, 86. Trebia, 85. Trebizond, 183. Trent, Council of, 252. Tribes (Roman), 75. Tribunate, 75, 99, no. Triple Alliance, 293. Troy, 29. Tudors, 235. Tughlaks, 319. Turenne, 284, 294. Turks, 151, 165, 205 ; in Europe, 226, 248, 249, 277, 3°3-3°5> 3*7. 3 2 °. 376, 377. 381, 398, 399- Tuscany, 327. Twelve Tables, 76. Tyrants, 32. Tyre, 22, 63. Ulm, 361. Union, Great Britain, 311. Union of South Africa, 402. United Provinces, 269 ; see Holland. United States, see America. Urartu, 21. Urban IL, 175. Ushant, 352. Utrecht, Peace of, 302. Union of, 268. Vandals, 122, 123, 130, 140. Veii, 74. Vendee, 352. Venice, 183, 189, 204, 215, 246, 354. 382, 383. 385- Verdun, 154. Vervins, 272. Vespasian, 113. Victor Emmanuel, 380, 382, 383. Vienna, 249, 304, 361. Congress, 366, 375. Vikings, 150. Villafranca, 382. Virginia, 270, 281. Visconti, 214, 236. Vitellius, 113. Vittoria, 364. Volsci, 73. Voyages, 240-242, 261. Wagram, 365. Wallenstein, 277-279. Walpole, 325, 326. Wandewash, 331, 334. Warsaw, 362. Washington, George, 336. Waterloo, 367. Wellington, 363, 365-367. Wenzel, 207, 212. Westphalia, 362. Peace of, 279, 281. White Mountain, 275. William (Emperor) 1., 383. (England) I., 199. III., 281, 293-299, 310. (Orange) 1. , 266, 268. 11., 281. in., 281, 293-299, 310. Witan, 201. Witt, John de, 281, 294. Wolfe, 324, 353. Wolsey, 237. Worms, Concordat of, 188. Diet of, 247. Wycliffe, 210, 212, 253. Xenophon, 59. Xerxes, 47-49. 303, Yesdigerd, 130. I Zacharias (Pope), 146. Zama, 86. Zenta, 304. i Zisca, 212. Zollverein, 385. Zulus, 401. I Zwingli, 248.