Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/88

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the bull freely, yet he was no match for him. Almost before he knew it, the older dog had him by the throat and was slowly shutting off his wind. Struggle as he would, he could not free himself.

His eyes bulged and his breath came in wheezy gasps.

"Wow, wow," he had not imagined a dog-fight was a serious thing like this. He had always considered it a, rather strenuous rough and tumble that usually ended amicably.

Soon the world began to grow dark, and he slumped down in a limp heap.

Just in the nick of time, when the victor had almost choked the last spark of life out of him, a humane man came to the rescue with a pinch of snuff, which he blew into the nostrils of the bulldog. This caused him to loose his hold and sneeze violently,