Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/89

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and in that instant Pierre's rescuer dragged him from the bull's jaws. Then he had a boy bring out a pail of water which he threw over the Airedale, that soon sat up and blinked. In five minutes' time he was as good as new, but he had found out all he wanted to know about dog-fights for that day.

"But, Papa," protested one of the boys, "he came into our yard and pitched into Tige."

"He's nothing but a puppy," replied the man. "And he is such a beauty I could not let Tige kill him. He will know better next time."

Pierre saw that the man was a friend, so he went over to him and licked his hand, as a token of friendship and gratitude.

Then it was that the man noted the