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Nālanda, university, 92, 101, 199; excavations, 92; pavilions, 92, 96

Nandi, the bull, shrine dedicated to, 80

Nandi-pada, the sign, 32

Nanha, portrait, 206

Narām Sin, stele of, 60

Nārasimha, the man-lion, 167

Nārāyana, the Eternal Spirit, 43, 74 n, 162, 166, 171, 188; relief of, 166

Narbadā river, 118

Nāsik, rock-cut monasteries, 48, 91

Nātārāja, Lord of the Dance, 176; image, 179, 183; symbol, 182

Nelumbium speciosum, 43 n

Nepal, 189, 190

Nineveh, 59

Norwich Cathedral, 49

Nūr-Jahān, Empress, 136; design of tombs, 131, 136, 137

Nūr Mahall, Empress, 131

Nymphæa cœrulea, 42

Ocean, churning the, legend, 168-70, 172

Orissa, 64, 158

Paez, 126

Painting, principles of the art of, 195

Palace, an Indian, plan of, 97, 101

Palitāna, 71.

Panch Kōsi Road, Benares, 45

Panch Mahall, five-storied pavilion, 93, 135

Panchratna, or "five-jewelled" temple, 63, 143

Pāndava, war-chiefs, training, 199

Panduah, 123

Panjab, the first Aryan settlements, 160

Pārasnath, 71

Parasu-Rama, a Brahman warrior king, 168

Pārījāta, the tree, 169

Pari-Nirvāna, the Ocean of Eternity, 4, 34

Paris, Musée Cernuschi in, 201

Parvati, the Universal Mother, 82, 84, 184, 188; shrine, 81; legend of, 191; painting, 202

Pātaliputra, 92 n; palace, 41, 97

Pathān architecture, 109; style, 112

Patna, 92 n

Pattadakal, temple at, 78, 79

Persepolis, 40; "bell-shaped" capital of, 5, 44, 45, 62

Persepolitan or lotus pillars, 50

Persia, foundation of the Empire, 4; craftsmen, art of, 107; colour effects, 107, 113; method of constructing domes, 115 n, 147; mosques, façades, 113

Perso-Greek masons, 4

Peshawar, Kanishka's stūpa at, 123

Pillar, with "bell-shaped" capital, 40; shafts, 50; varieties of, 45

Pishāchas, or demons, 53

Pitrimedha, or the sacrifice for ancestors, 14

Pradakshinā, or circumambulatory rite, 15

Prahlāda, 167

Prajnā-pāramitā, Supreme Wisdom, 43, 163

Pramānam, measurement, scale and proportion, 195

Prambānam, 161

Purānas, the, 165 n, 168, 191

Purohita, or chaplain, 8

Ra, the sun-god of Heliopolis, 6 n

Rāgas, systems of, 211

Rāg-malas, melody-pictures, 211

Rāhu, the eclipse-dragon, 54

Raigarh State, 195

Rāja Bir Singh Deva, treachery, 100

Rāja Sīrī-Sābakani, 28

Rāja Surāj-Mall, garden-palace at Dīg, 102-4

Rājagriha, 3, 92 n

Rājarāja I, Emperor, 85

Rajendra Lai Mitrā, 156 n

Rājmahal, 71, 124

Rajputana, buildings, 100

Rām Rāj, Rājā, of Vijayanagar, 125; palace, 126; killed, 126

Rām Rāz, Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, 45

Rāma, the ideal Indian king, 168, 172, 210

Rāmanūja, 76, 87, 88

Rāmāyana, the, 5, 26, 160

Rangpur, 124

Rānpur, temple at, 69, 120

Rao, T. A., Gopinath, Elements of Hindu Iconography, 163 n, 188

Rāshtrakuta dynasty, 79

Ratnāsura, the demon, 184

Rāvana, the demon-king, 172; legend 82

Rembrandt, interest in Indian painting, 210

Renaissance architecture, 130