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Rig-Veda, hymns of the, 13, 37, 165, 178

Rome, Pantheon at, 127

Rudra, "the Roarer," 13, 75

Rūpa-bheda, distinction of forms and appearances, 195, 199

Sabha-mandapam, or assembly-hall, 70

Sādā-nritta, Dance of Dissolution, 179

Sadāsiva-mūrti, 163 n

Sadriçyam, likeness or resemblance, 195

Sahserām, 113, 133

Saiva sect, 18; in Southern India, 52, 58, 87; cult, 72, 77, 173, 179, 184; temples, 73, 76, 77, 78, 88, 89, 183; form, 74; kalasha of the dome, 76; sculpture, 174, 175; portrait statuettes of the teachers, 184, 185

Saiva-Siddhāntins, teaching, 163 n

Sākyas, Prince of the, 4

Samarkand, 136, 145

Samman Burj or Jasmine Tower, 137

Samudragupta, Emperor, 155

Sānchī, 19, 21; stūpa at, 22, 27; procession paths, 27; vedikā or sacrificial railing, 28; toranas, 28; gateways, 29-32, 147; sign of Taurus the Bull, 32; panels, 33; figure of a wood-nymph, 36; characteristics of the sculpture, 38; pillar with "bell-shaped" capital, 40; representation of the lotus flower, 42; shrine at, 116 n; torso, 157, 161; reliefs of, 199

Sandhyā-nritta, dance, 179

Sangha, or Assembly-hall, 46, 90; character of the ritual of relic worship, 48; members, 151

Sangharāma, or abode of the Sangha, 90

Sankarāchārya, 88

Sapta-Matris, the seven mothers of Creation, shrine to, 81

Saracenic architecture, 106

Sarasvati, goddess of speech, 83, 162

Sarnath, statue of Buddha, 155, 157

Sat-chit-ānandam, 187 n

Sathapatha Brahmana, 56

Sattvam-rajas-tāmas, 187 n

Satuni, King of Lulaba, 60

Satya-Nārāyana, cult, 119 n

Scandinavia, custom of seeing the sun dance, 177

Sculpture, art of, 151

Sennacherib, Palace of, 59

Serpent, symbol of the, 75

Sēsha, 170

Shah Jahān, 101, 128, 135; audience hall, 96; monument of the Taj Mahall, 137-43; a strict Sunni, 139; destruction of Hindu temples, 140; mosque, the Jāmi Masjid, 143; portrait, 207

Shahdara, tomb at, 137

Sharkī dynasty, 119

Shatrunjaya, hills of, 71

Shēr Shah, mosque, 113; tomb, 114, 116, 133, 138; administration, 114

Shiah sect, 108, 126, 204

Shraddha, rites, 6, 15, 18, 25, 32, 56

Siddhartha, Prince, 28, 202

Sigirīya, frescoes, 155, 203

Sikandra, tomb at, 134

Sikhara temple, 57; construction, 9, 58, 60; introduced into India, 60; form, 61; shape, 62

Sīlabhadra, the Abbot, 93

Silpa-Sāstras, the, 7, 57, 86, 110, 128, 162, 179, 195 n

Sind, Arab conquest of, 111

Sitā, rescue of, 172

Siva, Lord of Death, 7 n, 18, 61 n, 72, 87, 175; temple, 7 n, 162, 173, 187; shape of the pillar, 7 n, 45; Lord of Kailāsa, 68; bull, Nandi, 80; trident, 80; image of, 82, 166; legends, 82, 175, 180; Lord of the Universe, 84; moon-lotus, 95; Nilakantha, 169, 171; emblems, 173; place of his abode, 174; bronze figure, 175; sakti, 176; tāmasic aspect, 183, 189; five-headed form of, 188; painting of, 202

Sivas, the Anatolian vilayet, 10

Smith, Dr. Vincent, 89; Akbar the Great Mogul, 145; History of Fine Art in India and Ceylon, 36, 132 n

Smriti, 191, 200

Sruti, 191, 200

Step-wells of Gujerat, 121

Studio Magazine, 212

Stūpa, the, or King's monument, 4, 14, 56; the vedikā, 14, 17; suchi, 14; medhī, 15; temporary structures, 15; dome construction, 17, 22, 108, 115; symbol of Buddhism, 19; craftsmanship, 21; harmīkā, 22; at Sānchī, 27; transformed into a temple, 54

Stupa-house, 56; structure, 47; number of, 47; series of rock-cut, 47; at Ajantā, 51

Suchi, or cross-bar of the rail,