Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/949

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rm rm «■$; Is26 18 (Di, e); Dspash eta Dsrm (rv breath) Is 33" (Du, 3 c). e. vain, empty thing : £0 D 1 " 1 Jb f my life is wind ; rm nyn 15 2 ; Dd*?C? ,n ™ P*" 1 Is 4 1 29 ; 0" TO"! striving for wind *Ec I M 2 1117 - 26 4" 6 9 ; cf. I« 4 16 5 15 - t3. spirit, as that which breathes quickly m animation or agitation = temper, disposition (76 t.; so, distinctively, as compared with E'SS and 33?) : a. spirit, animation, vivacity, vigour: pin niy na n;n s6 iKio 6 =2Ch9 4 ; yrvn nrn» n-;p 1 k 21 5 ; 'nn 'nni Gn 45 s (E); irm ami Ju'i5 19 1 S30 12 . b. courage : "1 TO D3 rM j6 Joss'; DT3J '"> "*?! ^76"; °HVO ^ "i? 3 ?,! Isi 9 3 ; 'rm eitsynn ,/, 77 4 142 4 143 4 ; nDjj si 1 ? '1 TO Jos 2"; W&JB ^??3> tf'K "> Pr 18". O. temper, esp. aw^«r: "131 T? n VT B*" 1 Ju 9 a J *? nnii nnsn 8 s ; irm? btfo Pr 16 32 , cf. 25 s1 29" Jb 1 5 ,3 ; T 'WTI^J VWn Zc 6 8 ; Ec 7 9 1 o 4 . d. impa- tience or patience: tJTI "ISp Ex6 9 (P) impatience, hastiness of temper, cf. (of *») Mi 2 7 ; nrmxp Pri4 M (||D:ss in*$); »}0? nn wpjrn Jb32 19 (Du breath; Di Bu diw'ne *ptri<, cf. v 8 ); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb:21:4; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi:2:7; '1 17? Ec 7 8 . e. spirit, disposition, as troubled, bitter, or discontented; (l)nn dyERl (Ai«) spirt was troubled Gn4i 8 (E) Dn 2 3 , cf. v"; rm nib Gn 26 35 (P) bitterness of spirit; "1 raWg Is 54 6 , cf. Ez 3 14 Jb 6 4 . f. as crushed : nnrpi 0rr$9 Ez 2 1 12 , cf. Is 6 1 3 Pr 1 5 413 1 7 a 1 8 14 V' 1 43 7 . g. dispositional various kinds, oii. unaccountable and uncontrollable impulse : nwTIK *vyn 1 Ch 5 M - 26 2Ch2i 16 3 6 w Ezri 1 - 5 Je5i" Hg> 1414 ; ^n rmi3|n(i)3 2 Ki9 7 =Is37 7 ; Nui4 24 (J; v. D? 4 b), Mai 2 1516 - 16 Dt 2 30 ; nK3i? rm jealous dis- position Nu5 ,414 - 30 (P); D^Yrrn Ho4 12 5 4 ; nil D'jny Is 19"; b^? O 51 " 1 28 s ; cn'^s nn neta srw i3(administrative)Gn4i 38 (E); Won 0<N n'mp. Pr 1 7 s7 . h. prophetic spirit : "fta e"K_ y^in; ia nn Nu 27 19 (P; or g, as Gn 41 38 ); tnjB nri ye"?K-^y 2K2 15 , cf. v 9 ; nDTin nn sp t yi< 0/ rfeep sleep (ecstatic, cf. Gn2 21 15 12 , but Di al. g, as Is I9 14 ) Is 29 10 ; Mi 2"; n?CBn tfn Zc i3 2 (of lying proph.), cf. Ez 13 3 . t4. spirit of the living, breathing being, dwelling in the "'K/a of men and animals, || E>D3 (25 t.): a. gift and creation of God: irjjf D"1K 0n T^ ZC12 1 ; "SK? ni^K Pin Jb 27 s , cf. Is 42 s . b. God pre- serves it: Wl "T^Tn^P Jbio 12 , cf. 12 10 ; -i£a ^ab nhnn vptj Nui6 22 2 7 16 (P); nirm jah Pr 1 6 s . c. it is therefore God's spirit : Gn 6 s (J; v. PI ad fin.), d. it departs at death: i^78 3 ' (Dr a wind that passeth away 2 e); Wl «n Is 38" (Di principle of life), + 146 4 ; esp. I04 wao Jb 17 1 34 14 (cf. v"), Is 57" Ec 8 88 (wind Wild); rmn ^.fni? n* Vf% Ec ri 5 , cf. 3 21 ; over ag. njn? "irti D'n^Kn - ^ aitw rmri I2 7 ; »nn Ti?SS ^JTa ^ 3 i«. "e. disembodied being (dub., Di Du breath of wind): 'SB^y rjWJ 'PD! Jb4 15 . tS. «ptn'< as seat of emotion =^33: a. desire (poss. 3 g), Is 26" (|j B*B3). b. sorrow, trouble (prob. 3 e), Jb 7" (|| S5>33). — 1 S i 15 v. nS'iJ. f6. occasionally (and late) = seat or organ of mental acts, (Symbol missingHebrew characters), or synon. with it: (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex:28:3 Dt:34:9 (both P; prob. 3 g); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is:29:24 ,cf. Jb:20:3 (Hi Bu Vu wind of Job's words), ψ:77:7 ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) Sym (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Jer troubled disposition); (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Is:40:13; come into mind Ez:11:5, 20:32 (cf. (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Is:65:17 Je:31 6+); 1Ch:28:12. †7. rarely of the will ; also =3.?: [133 rm ^51" (=|ia3 3^>57 8 - 8 4.); nans rm v 14 ; ^rm nznjEx 35 21 (P;"cf. 3 ? 3H3 T Ex 35 5 - 22 (P) jOjjA t8. nvi esp. of moral character; also = 3.3; nc'in nn Ez n 19 18 31 36 26 ; 'rm v 27 Is 59 21 ('rm, II 1^; but prob. prophetic spirit 9 b) ; c^-jn a.? Ezi8 31 36 26 ; nn nas i S 66 2 ; rm 'Nai ^ 34 19 (cf. IW«nJ 3? is 57 15 );' nn naun? i s 65 14 (cf. 3f); n-OE>3 nn ,/, 5 i» (|| -ot?j a ?( c f. a? na^j 34" i s 6 1 ') ; ^32' Pru 13 i6 I8 ^78 8 Ec 7 8 (cf. 3? na? p r 16 5 ); nn bsf p r 16 19 29 s3 Is57 is ; D , ??K i 0" v 15 (cf. 3 f). t9. spirit of God (94 t. ; not D or Je or any Deut. writer; conception of its activity in inspiring prophecy prob. discredited from abuse by false prophets, v. S033, X33): a. as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy, Nu n "•*•»•*>■» (J), 1 S io« 10 (cf. v 6 ), 19 2023 ; as inciting to deeds of frenzy, in the ecstatic state ; hence conceived as nyi D'rpX '">

S I6 16 • 15 • 1 ^=' , rw? njn " y u =nyn '» *i nbs 
8 10 (other narrative) =ny-l * *l i 9 »; 'k't 16 s3 

= ny-in rm v 23 , cf. rmn 1 k 2 2 ,l ="»i?B' 1 v 2223 = 2 T C T hI8 20 • 21 • 22 =" , nn'iK22 M =2 Ch i8 a ; cf. also (in earlier prophets) nnn t5"N, i.e. one possessed by the spirit in the ecstatic state, || >Pa|n Ho 9 7 ; "• nn Mi 3 8 (|| flfc) is prob. gloss (We Now); Wl ^ IS30 1 ; rm dealing with Ezek.: Ez 2 3 3 121424 8 3 1 1 1524 (Co gloss), 37 1 43 s (all implying ecstatic state of vision), cf. Elijah 1 K 18 12 2 K 2 16 . b. spirit as impelling proph. to utter instruction or warning(higher and later conception) : transition prob. Nu 24' 2 S 23 s 1CI112 18 ; elsewhere in Ch. : 2Chi5 l 20 14 24 20 ; distinctly in Is 2 , 48 16 , cf. 61 1 ; so of ancient