Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/950

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D11 prophets, Zc 7 12 Ne 9 s0 , cf., of future prophetic gift, Jo 3 12 . c. imparting warlike energy, and executive and administrative power : (1) to D-iCD't?, D^BnD, Dy^D, of ancient Isr.: HW Wtt by** Ju 3 10 ii 29 , cf/6 34 13- 6 14 619 15 11 1 s ii 6 i6 ls -"; bo also DhDD nn Uyy_ nny". 1JJ IS32 15 ; (2) resting upon Messianic king: Is 11 222 ; upon servant of'*, 42 1 . d. late, as endowing men with various gifts : technical skill Ex 31 3 35" (P); understanding Jb 3 2 8 (|| ^ np?% poured out by divine wisdom Pr i 23 . e. as energy of life : D?Sn »JB*bj? flBmO D'nS? ATI Gn i 2 (P); 'Jnjv ^S TOT Jb 33' (|| •"& Wfi); as vital power, opp. ~W%: I831 3 ; in cherubic chariot: Ez i 12 , cf. v 20 - 21 10 17 ; reviving Israel Ez 39 w Zc 12 10 Is 44 3 . f. =ancient angel of the presence and later Shekina : iBHiJ '"> Is 63 io.n_/, «, V H ( = V3B IJg^D v 9 ), cf. '•<*- 106 33 ; so also ^"ji? /-| f 5 1 " (in national prayer), cf. Ne 9 20 ^ 143 10 ; proph. of restoration conceive of the divine spirit as standing in their midst and about to fulfil all divine promises : ,r flT D?3ta? ITJDjJ Hg 2 5 , Zc 4 6 ; this conception cul- minates in TVTi — divine Presence, and as such omnipresent, jr 139" (|| l^? ', cf- v 8 ). PTH n.m. Je48 - U soent, odour (prop. breath) ;— abs. Ct 2 13 + , usu. cstr. Gn 8 21 + ; sf. inn Je 4 8 n Cti 12 , Wn Ex 5 21 ;— 1. *cera«, odour, of plants and fields Gn 2 7 27 (JE) Ct I 12 2 3 4 11 7 14 Ho 14 7 , of ointments Ct i 3 4 10 , of pers. and garments Gn 2 7 s7 - 27 ( JE) Ct 4 11 7 9 , of water Jbi4 9 ; fig. of influence, reputation Ex 5" (J) Je48". 2. term, techn., niTJ rn odour of soothing (to God), tranquillizing odour (of ascending sacrifices, v. niV3) Gn 8 21 (J), elsewh. Ez 6 13 16 19 20 2841 and P : Ex 2 g wibM Lvi 9 + 16 t. Lv, Nu i5 3 + 17 t. Nu. tDTl] v1j - denom. Hiph.(?), smell, per- ceive odour; — Impf. 3 ms. nnj Jb 39 s6 , m* iS26 ,9 -f2t.; ni>l Gn8 21 ; 3 mpUin'T ^115^ fjjpj Dt 4 s9 , etc.; 7w/. cstr. nnn Ex 30 38 ', etc.;— smell, c. ace. Gn 8 21 27 s7 (JE), 1 S 26 19 ; abs. Dt4 28 + H5 6 ; metaph. kw innna j u 16 9 , pnj nonpp Jb 39 s the horse scenteth battle; c. 3 Ex 30 38 Lv 26 s1 (both P) ; metaph. = delight in Am 5 21 Is 1 1 3 (prob. dittogr. Br MP202 ). t n*n vb. be wide, spacious (NH id., extend (intrans.), WJ t^We «;>ace; Ar. ' jj 6e wta« (between thighs), and deriv.; cf. perhaps Eth. dltD: make open, open (der. spec; Di 293 ); Aram, Of] 6e wide (usu. fig. as Heb.), «,», „.o» 6« wide, enlarged); — Qal Pf. 3 ms.'n, sq. ^ pers. 1 S 1 6 a fig. there was enlargement, relief, for Saul ; Impf. 3 ms. y niT Jb32 20 that </*ere may 6e relief for me. Pu. P<. pi. W^TO Je22 14 spacious (of rooms ; || ni"TO )T3). TlTH n.m. 1. space, interval Gn 32 17 (E; T? 1 < • • P?). 2. respite, relief, Est 4". trim - ) n.f. respite, relief ;— abs. '"I Ex 8" (J); sf. Vinp. La 3 56 (EwLbhr Bu Comm - Vim* my outcry ; then del. T'V'!?' & s gloss); rd. nnVW also for MT Wjj; ,/, 66 12 (v. sub Wl). rrn v. rm. tt : t D1T vb. be high, exalted, rise (OHeb., Ph., OAram., Palm., all in; Sab. in D ,- i epith. dei et regis Fell ZMG1,v(I900 >- 25f - also in Mordtm ,b " I(I876) - 36 SabDenkm N °- "■ >• ' ; Ar. J, be high, dial, of Oman (Jayakar""'- 813 ' 875 ) and Zanzibar (p r a z *G*""w«».™) ; Eth. in deriv.; Aram. D"i, «o» (very often in der. spec, and deriv.)); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. DT Dt8 14 + ; 3 fs. ."ten iS2'+; nosni Zc 14 10 v. Dtn ; 3 p l. «n Pr 30 13 V 131 1 , »3 Jb 22 12 (Baer Gi ; Ges i* 1 ); Impf. WV l8 3 o 18 + , juss. DT Nu 2 4 7 , DTI Ho 1 3 6 Ez 1 o 4 [&5I Ex 1 6 20 v. D»n] ; 3 mpl. pDT Ig 49 " f etc.; Imv. ms. nipri | 2 i 4 + ; Inf. cstr. Dn Dt 17 20 Ez io 16 , rns jut* [Bae conj. DT3], s f. DDil Ez io 17 (Ges' 72 '"); Pt. D"J Is 6' + , pl. D"tn 2 13 +, cstr. 11 !?! ro 33 , etc.;— 1. a. be high, lit. rock (in fig.) i/c6i 3 (fO comp.); 6e («<:«  ow) high, *HPj Jb 22 12 (of stars), esp. pt., = adj., in gen. Is 2 12 (+Hp), of mts. v" Dt 12 2 , hill Ez6 13 20 28 34 6 , throne IS6 1 , trees=tall 2 13 Ez I7 22 , cf. (in fig.) Isio 33 (Wrtpn Vgn) ; human stature Dt I 28 (ft? comp.), 2 102 ' 9 2 ; D'D") f 7s 69 AetgrAte (of heaven; || H?); 0*9"} of inhab. of heavens Jb 2 1 22 . b. esp.of' Kto DT Is57 15 , cf. + 1 3 8 6 , + D^yn-^|-by 99 2 , Dfi II3 2. be raised, uplifted: a. of highway IS49 11 (made high, put in order); voice, Dt27 14 (pt. = adj.) uplifted, b. fig. : of hand, symbol of might, Dt 32", + ^5? pers. Mi 5 s ; of Isr. in Exodus nDT T t 3 Ex 14 8 Nu 33 3 (both P); of V 8 hand Is 26«  f 89 14 (|| ftri); fig. of presumption Nu 15 30 (P); no-j yhj of might Jb 38 15 ; of eyes, fig. of arro- gance Pr6 ,7 3 o 13 ^i3i 1 (|| *^> PI33), so 18 28 , but IJ 2 S 2 z 28 of pers. ; of heart, fig. of reckless elation, Ho 13 6 Dt 8 14 Ez 31 10 (^333, || Rn33 HDipS) Dn 1 1", + |P pers. Dt 1 7 20 ; of horn' fig*