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ther with his great men, had lately promiſed to aſſiſt him with a great force. Coming, therefore, to Wincheſter, he turned his juſticiary and chancellor, that were lately inſtituted by the parliament, out of their offices, and created bene placito new ones. Which, when the barons heard, they haſtened with a great power towards Wincheſter: of which, John Mansel having timely notice, went privately down to the King, and ſufficiently informed him of his danger, and fetched him haſtily back again to the Tower of London.

There the King kept his next Chriſtmas[1] with the Queen and his counſellors: at which time it was greatly laboured, both by the biſhops of England and the prelates of France, to make peace betwixt the King and barons, and it came to this iſſue: That the King and the peers ſhould ſubmit themſelves to the determination of the King of France, both as to the proviſions of Oxford, and the ſpoils and damages which had been done on both ſides.

Accordingly the King of France calls a parliament at Amiens, and there ſolemnly gives ſen-

  1. A. D. 1263. R. 47.
