Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/140

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tence for the King of England againſt the barons; “Whereby the ſtatutes of Oxford, proviſions, ordinances, and obligations, were wholly annulled, with this exception: that by that ſentence he did in no wiſe intend to derogate at all from the antient charter of John, King of England, which he granted to his parliament, or whole realm[1].” Which very exception compelled the earl of Leiceſter, and all that had their ſenſes exerciſed, to continue in their reſolution of holding firmly the ſtatutes of Oxford; for they were founded upon that charter.

Presently after this, they all came home that had been preſent at the French parliament; the King of England, the Queen, Boniface, archbiſhop of Canterbury, Peter of Hereford, and John Manset, who ceaſed not plotting and deviſing all the miſchief they could againſt the barons. From that time things grew worſe and worſe; for many great men left the earl of Leiceſter and his righteous cauſe, and went off perjured. Henry, ſon to the King of the Romans, he having received the honour of Tickhel, which was given him by the prince, came to the earl,

  1. Univerſitati conceſſæ.
