Page:A History of the Australian Ballot System in the United States.djvu/95

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Writs issued to supply vacancies only on warrant of the President and Speaker

22. All writs directed to be caused to be issued by the President or Speaker, for the purpose of electing a Member to fill any seat in the Legislative Council or House of Assembly, vacant by the death, resignation, acceptance of office, or other incapacity of any Member, shall be issued by the Governor only, upon the receipt from the President or Speaker of the said Legislative Council or House of Assembly respectively, of a notification of such vacancy.

Form of writs

23. All writs to be issued for the election of Members of the said Parliament under this Act shall be framed in any manner and form which may be necessary and sufficient for carrying the provisions hereof into effect.

Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer for Legislative Council, to give notice of writs, &c.

24. Upon the receipt of any writ for the election of Members to serve in the said Legislative Council, the Returning Officer shall endorse thereon the day of receiving the same, and shall, within two days from the receipt thereof, forward a copy thereof to the Deputy Returning Officer for each division of his district; and every Deputy Returning Officer shall, upon the receipt of such copy, endorse thereon the day of receiving the same, and shall, within seven days from the receipt of such copy, give the like notices, and forward the same by post, together with a copy of the electoral roll for the said division to the same places as are hereinafter directed and prescribed with regard to writs for the election of Members to serve in the House of Assembly.

Returning Officer for House of Assembly to give notice of day of nomination and of election

25. Upon the receipt of any writ for the election of Members to serve in the House of Assembly, the Returning Officer shall endorse thereon the day of receiving the same, and shall, within seven days from the receipt thereof, give notice thereof and of the day of nomination and of taking votes fixed therein, and of the chief voting place and other voting places, if any, for taking the votes at such elections, and shall forward such notice by post, together with a copy of the electoral roll, to the places of meeting of every Corporation or District Council within the electoral district, and also to every Police Station in any such district beyond the limits of the Corporations or District Councils.

Booths may be erected or hired for taking votes

26. At every election the Returning Officer, if it shall appear to him expedient for taking votes at such election, may cause booths to be erected, or rooms to be hired and used as such booths, at the several polling places of his district or division mentioned in Schedule B, hereto annexed, and the same shall be so divided and allotted into compartments as to the Returning Officer shall seem most convenient, and shall, before the day fixed for taking of votes, if