Page:A History of the Australian Ballot System in the United States.djvu/96

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there be a contest, cause to be furnished, for the use of each booth, a copy of that portion of the electoral roll containing the names of persons entitled to vote at such voting place of the district or division, and shall under his hand certify such copy to be a true copy.

Returning Officer to preside and appoint deputies to preside at the voting places

27. The Returning Officer of each electoral district shall preside at the election within his district or division, and may appoint a deputy to act for him and take the votes at each voting place: Provided that such deputy be appointed by writing under the hand of the said Returning Officer.

Adjournment of nomination or of voting in case of riot

28. Where the proceedings at any election shall be interrupted or obstructed by any riot or open violence, whether such proceedings shall consist of the nomination of candidates or of the taking the votes, the Returning Officer, or the deputy of any Returning Officer, shall not for such cause terminate the business of such nomination, nor finally close the voting, but shall adjourn the nomination or the taking the votes at the particular voting place at which such interruption or obstruction shall have happened, until the following day, and if necessary shall further adjourn, such nomination or voting, as the case may be, until such interruption or obstruction shall have ceased, when the Returning Officer or his deputy shall again proceed with the business of the nomination or with the taking the votes, as the case may be, at the place at which the same respectively may have been interrupted or obstructed; and the day on which the business of the nomination shall have been concluded shall be deemed to have been the day fixed for the election, and the commencement of the voting shall be regulated accordingly; and any day whereon the voting shall have been so adjourned, shall not as to such place be reckoned the day of taking of votes at such election, within the meaning hereof: and whenever the voting shall have been so adjourned by any deputy of any Returning Officer, such deputy shall forthwith give notice of such adjournment to the Returning Officer, who shall not finally declare the state of the voting, or make Proclamation of the Member chosen, until the voting so adjourned at such place shall have been finally closed, and the boxes containing the votes delivered or transmitted to such Returning Officer.

Candidates not to canvass personally or attend election meetings

29. It shall not be lawful for any candidate for election as a Member of the said Legislative Council or House of Assembly to solicit personally the vote of any elector, or to attend any meeting of electors convened or held for electoral purposes, if such meeting be held within three days of the day appointed for the nomination of candidates for any electoral district, nor until after the poll is taken for the said district; and the attendance of any candidate at any such meeting, or his personal solicitation of the vote of any elector, shall have the same effect as the acts of bribery and corruption hereinafter mentioned.