Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/578

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5 10 A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Felsenthal, E. B.: assistance of, in early campaign for funds, 87; member of first Board of Trustees, 95. Field, Marshall: donation of land for site, and subscription by, 83 ff., 93; gifts by, 274, 281; subscription of $100,000 by, 183; transaction with Board of Trustees, enlarging site of University, 169-70. First year in history of University, 242-72. Football: play begun on opening day of University, 257; policy of University toward, 380; record of University in, 380; results of games, 258, 380, 430. Foster, Nancy S., contributions by, 184, 274, 281. " Founded by John D . Rockefeller." See Rockefeller, John D. Freshman Class: first organization of, 257; name not officially recognized, 247- Freund, Ernst, 334. Funds, campaigns for. See Baptist churches, etc.; Board of Trustees; Gates, F. T.; Goodspeed, T. W.; Rockefeller, John D.; Standard, the; University of Chicago, etc. Gallup, Mrs. B. E., gifts by, 281. Games, records of, at University, 380. Garrett Biblical Institute, opening of, 13. Gates, Frederick T.: address of, before annual meeting of American Baptist Education Society, May 18, 1889, 66; biography of, 41; convinced of need of Baptist educational institution in Chicago, 5; correspondence of , on sub- ject of founding of University, 52, 54, 55 1 57> 59! debt and deficit, urging of John D. Rockefeller's views on Univer- sity officials by, 286; declaration of, that establishment of a college and not of a university was contemplated, 159; deficit of 1896, representative of John D. Rockefeller in discussion of, 285; efforts of, to secure acceptance of presidency of new University by W. R. Harper, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 128; first discussion with John D. Rockefeller regarding contribution, 9; historical review by, of steps taken in founding University, 474 ff.; labors of, in raising first $400,000 of funds, 71-97; made secretary of American Baptist Education Society, 4, 41-42; plan of new University discussed by, with W. R. Harper, 121; plans of, to raise $400,000 on which gift of John D. Rockefeller was conditioned, n; pledges secured by, in 1900, to make good the conditional $2,000,000 sub- scription of John D. Rockefeller, 282; recommendation by, of W. R. Harper as President of new University, 106; relations of, with John D. Rockefeller, 55; removal of, to Chicago, for finan- cial campaign, 71; report of, on nego- tiations with W. R. Harper at Yale University, in; report of, on students for opening year, 192; report of, to American Baptist Education Society, of completion of first $1,000,000 sub- scription, 88 ff.; report of, to John D. Rockefeller, on financial prospects of University in January, 1892, 179-80; Rush Medical College, affiliation of, with University, opinion of, concern- ing, 332; service of, as trustee, 468; solicitation of $1,000,000 from John D. Rockefeller by, in 1890, 161-63; sug- gested as member of triple headship of new University, 112; support of Baptist denomination in favor of Chicago won by, at meeting of Execu- tive Board of American Baptist Edu- cation Society, in 1888, 6; urged by W. R. Harper to push work for Uni- versity, 51; visit of, to John D. Rocke- feller in 1889, 8; in 1891, 177. See also Goodspeed, T.W.; Harper, W.R.; Rockefeller, John D. General Administrative Board. See Uni- versity of Chicago. Geology, Journal of, establishment of, 319. See also University Press. Gifts to University. See Buildings of University ; Contributors to University. Glee Club, 257, 261. Goodman, Edward: indebtedness, of author to, acknowledged, xi; member of first Board of Trustees, 95; service of, as trustee, 468. Goodrich, Judge Grant, on faculty of School of Law at Old University, 14. Goodspeed, George S., 364; correspond- ence of, 49; presentation of Haskell Oriental Museum by, on behalf of donor, 299. Goodspeed, T. W.: activities of, in pro- curing endowment for Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 24; appointed corresponding and financial secretary to co-operate with F. T. Gates in rais- ing first $400,000, 71; conference of,