Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/579

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INDEX Goodspeed, T. W. Continued with F. T. Gates, on deficit of 1896, 283; correspondence of, in favor of W. R. Harper as President of new University, 101, 105, 106, no, 113, 115, 125; first meeting of, with W. R. Harper, 99; first to enlist interest of John D. Rockefeller, i; invited to consult with John D. Rockefeller, 47; labors of, in raising first $400,000 of funds, n, 71-97; in first $1,000,- ooo subscription, 185; letter of, to Mr. Rockefeller, proposing W. R. Harper as President of new University, 30; report of, to American Baptist Education Society, on completion of first $1,000,000 subscription, 89; sec- retary of Board of Trustees, 95, 185 et passim; service of, as trustee, 468; suggestion by, of W. R. Harper as President of new University, 105, 113, 115. See also Gates, Frederick T.; Harper, W. R.; Rockefeller, John D.; University of Chicago. Graduate School of Arts and Literature, 368-74. Greek-Letter societies at the University, 253, 45i- Green, A. H., 174. Green Cap, the, 460. Grey, Howard G., service of, as trustee, 468. Gurley, W. F. E., gifts of, 274, 281. Gymnasium, erection of temporary, 259. Hahnemann College, origin of, 12. Hale, George E. : connection of, with first faculty, 317; gift of, 308; part played by, in choice of location for Yerkes Observatory, 308; transfer of, to Mt. Wilson Observatory, 318. Hale, William E., gifts of, 278, 308. Hale, William Gardner: Convocation ora- tor, 263, 416; discussion by, of plan of organization of University, with W. R. Harper, 139; selection of, as Head Professor of Latin, 206. Hall, James Parker, 334. Hamilton, David G., service of, as trus- tee, 468. Harper, R. F., 364, 389. Harper, W. R.: Abbott, Lyman, appre- ciation of, by, 411; academic year an educational experiment of, 141 ; accept- ance by, of presidency of new Univer- sity, 122, 129; activities of, at Morgan Park, 101; administrative abilities of, 102 ; advocacy by, of claims of Chicago as location for Baptist educational institution, 6; affiliations, plans of, for, 137; American Institute of Hebrew, foundation of, 101; American Insti- tute of Sacred Literature, foundation of, by, 101; appeal of, during first year of University, for additional con- tribution from John D. Rockefeller, 267-68; appointed professor of Hebrew at Morgan Park Theological Seminary, 99; appointed trustee of new Univer- sity, 95; attracted by opportunity of organizing a university on new lines, 131-32; biography of, 98; biological laboratory, need of, described by, 302; books by, 410; bulletins issued by, 133; Chautauqua, influence in affairs of, 103; classification of courses and educational experiment by, 141-43; College of Liberal Arts at Yale Uni- versity, principal of, 103; concentra- -tion on few subjects of study the ob- ject of, 152; college spirit and spirit of scholarship, desire of, for, 144; corre- spondence of, on subject of founding university, 45 S., 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 162, 163, 1 68; correspondence of, on subject of opening of university, 245- 46; correspondence of, on subject of presidency of new University, 106, 107, 108, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125; correspondence of, resorted to, as basis of this history, i ; correspondence schools of, 100, 104; crisis of 1893, reference to, by, 275; death of, 409-11; deficits, cautioned against by John D. Rockefeller and F. T. Gates, 177-78; Divinity School, president of, 360; edu- cational institution, establishment of, urged on John D. Rockefeller by, 3; educational plan of new University, statement by, regarding, 130; educa- tional plan of, vindicated by experience of later years, 157; election of, as president of new University, 96; expan- sion, plans of, for, in face of financial difficulties, 276; extension movement, plans of, for, 137; faculty, selection of, by, 123, 195, 454-555 graduate work, official utterance of, concerning, 255; Granville Academy, principal of, 98; Green, Andrew H., conference with, concerning endowment of Ogden Graduate School of Science, 174; He- brew, called to chair of, at Baptist