Page:A Letter on the Subject of the Cause (1797).djvu/13

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To all to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, I, James Watt, of Glaſgow, in Scotland, Merchant, ſend greeting.

Whereas, His Moſt Excellent Majeſty King George the Third, by his Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Great-Britain, bearing date the Fifth Day of January, in the Ninth Year of His ſaid Majeſty’s Reign, did give and grant unto me the ſaid James Watt, His Special Licence, Full Power, Sole Privilege, and Authority, That I the ſaid James Watt, my Executors, Adminiſtrators, and Aſſigns, ſhould, and lawfully might, during the Term of Years therein expreſſed, uſe, exerciſe, and vend, throughout that Part of His Majeſty’s Kingdom of Great-Britain called England, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and alſo in His Majeſty’s Colonies and Plantations abroad, my new-invented Method of leſſening the Conſumption of Steam and Fuel in Fire Engines: In which ſaid recited Letters Patent is contained a Proviſo, obliging me the ſaid James Watt, by writing under my Hand
