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and Seal, to cauſe a particular Deſcription of the Nature of the ſaid Invention to be enrolled in His Majeſty’s High Court of Chancery, within Four Calendar Months after the Date of the ſaid recited Letters Patent; and the Statute in that behalf made, Relation being thereunto reſpectively had, may more at large appear, Now Know Ye, that in compliance with the ſaid Proviſo, and in Purſuance of the ſaid Statute, I, the ſaid James Wart, do hereby declare, that the following is a particular Deſcription of the Nature of my ſaid Invention, and of the manner in which the ſame is to be performed, (that is to ſay) my Method of leſſening the Conſumption of Steam, and conſequently Fuel, in Fire Engines, conſiſts of the following principles.

First, That Veſſel in which the powers of Steam are to be employed to work the Engine, which is called the Cylinder in common Fire Engines, and which I call the Steam Veſſel, muſt, during the whole Time the Engine is at work, be kept as hot as the Steam that enters it; firſt, by incloſing it in a Caſe of Wood, or any other Materials that tranſmit heat ſlowly; ſecondly, by ſurrounding it with Steam or other heated Bodies; and thirdly,
