Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/69

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Chap.VIIf, ©/^Weft-Indies: 55

when they would fall upon our heads. We had that ni^hc enough of St. JohndeVlhu*, and little reft, though feafted as well at Supper as at Dinner by our vain boafting Prior, who before wewent to bed, had cau fed all our feet to be waihed, that now in eafier beds than for above two months together the flraic and narrow Cabins of the Ship had allow- ed us, our ileep might be more, qtiier, and more nourifhing to our bodies ; but the whiftling Wind?, and tottering Cham- bers, which made our Bedsuneafie Cradles to us, caufed us to flie from our reft at midnight, and with our bare(chough wailied) feet, to fcek the dirty Yard for fafer fhelcer. In the morning the Fryers of the Cloifter> who were acquainted ¡

with thofe Winds and Storms* laughed at our fearfúlnefs; aííuring us, that they never flcpt betrer , than when their Beds were rocked with fuch like blafts. But that nights Af- irightment made us weary already of our good and kind En- tertainment : We defired to remove from the Sea- fide ; which our Superiour Calvo yielded to, not for our fears fake fo much, as for his fear, left with eating too much of the Fruicsof that Country, and drinking after them too greedily of the Wa- ters (which caufeth dangerous Fluxes, and hafteneth deach to thofe that newly come from Spain to thofe parts J we fhould fall fick , and die there, as hundreds did after our departure, for want of temperance in the uie of thofe Fruits, which before they had never feen or eaten. Thirty Mules were ready for us, which had been brought a purpofe from Mexico^ and had waited for us in St. John de Vlhua, fix days before ever the Fleet arrived» Calvo that day bu- fied himfelf a fhip-board, in fending to flhore our Chefb, and fuch provifion as had been left of Wines, and Bisket, Gam- mons of Bacon, and falted Beef; whereof there was fome ftore, befides a dozen Hens, and three Sheep 5 which was much wondered at, that fo much fhould be left, after fo long a Voyage. In the mean time we vifited our Friends, and took our leaves of them in, the forenoon ; and after Dinner feats were prepared for us in the Cathedral Church to fit and fee a Comedy afled, which had been on purpofe ftudied and prepared by the ToA?n, for the Entertainment

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