Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/70

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54 A NewSwVfy Chap* DC

of the new Viceroy of Mexico. Thus two days onely w< abode in St.JobndcVlhua, and fo departed.

Chap. IX.

Of our Journey from St. John de Ulhua to Mexico ; and of the mofh remarkable Towns and Village* in the way.

UPon the 14 day of September we left the Town anc Port of Sr. John de Vlhua, entring into the Road tc CMexico^ which we found the firft three or four leagues t;c be very fandy, as wide and open ss is our Road from Lon don to St. Albans. The firft Indians we met with, was ai the old Vera Crux y a Town ieated by the Sea fide, which th< Spaniards that firft conquered that Countrey , thought t< have made their chief Harbour; But afterwards, by reafoi of the frnall fhelter they found in it for their Ships againf the Notch Winds, they left it, and removed to St. John d Zllhsta. Here we began to difcover the power of the Prieft and Friers over the poor Indians ^ and their fubjeclion and obedience unro them. The Prior of Sc. John de Vlhua had writ a Letter unto them the day before of our pafiing thai way ? charging them to meet us in the way, and to welcome us into thofe parts; which was by the poor Indians gallantly performed 5 for two miles before we came to the Town, there met us on Horie back ibme twenty of the chief of the Town, preientingumo every one of usa Nofegay of Flowers; who rid before us a Bow* (hot, till we met with more company on foot, to wir, the Trumpeters, the Waits ; (who found- ed pleafantly all the way before us) the Officers of che Church, fuch as here we call Church- wardens, though more in number, according to the many Sodalities or Confrater- nities of Saints whom they fcrve : Thefe likewife prefented to each of usa Nofe-gay. Next met us the Singing-men and JBoyj, all the Querifters, who fofcly and leifurely walked
