Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/29

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Begawai (see gawai), to give a feast. Aku begawai taun tu. I give a feast this year.

Begedi, to hate, dislike. Iya begedi meda aku. He hates to look at me.

Begegar (see gegar), to shiver, shake.

Begelih or begelis (see gelih or gelis}, to race on foot.

Begelinak, oily, fatty, growing thickly together (as seedlings).

Begelut (see gelut}, mixed up.

Begembar (see gembar}, united, two to­ gether, double, parallel, agreeing. Dua be­gembar tali nya. That string has two strands united. Snapang aku begembar dua. My gun is double-barrelled. Jako sida begembar. Their speech agrees.

Begempong (see gempong}, summed up, having different points (as in an argument), to come together, unite. Jako aku begempong. My statement has its different points. Sida Bugau nyau begempong di endor siti. The Bu­gau have united at one place.

Begenara, in great numbers (as the stars or an enemy). Begenara bintang di langit. Plenty of stars in the heavens. Begenara munsoh dtpeda kami. We saw a great number of the enemy.

Begenarau, to have stripes as a tiger or python.

Begeng or bingking, boils, or ulcers which usually break out on children’s heads.

Begenilong, deep (of water).

Begenura, scattered about. Begenura utai di bilik. Things are scattered about in the room.

Begepal, to be all together, in a lump. Sida dudok begepal Samoa. They sat together.

Begeremai, very sharp (of a weapon), nervous (of a person).

Begerempong (see gerempong}, to tie to­gether, united together. Leboh begerempong, leboh betugong- When we unite together, when we assemble.

Begerenyam, very sharp (as a knife’s blade).

Begetar (see gegetar), to shiver, shake. Iya chelap lain begetar. He is cold and shivers.

Begigit (see gigit}, to adhere to firmly.

Begiling (see giling}, to rush on in con­fusion, scramble.

Begitang (see gitang'), to be suspended, put oft, adjourned. Jako agi begitang. Sen­tence is put off. Bechara agi begitang. The case is adjourned.

Begrit ngeli, to grind the teeth. Iya sukat ringat begrit ngeli. Whenever he is angry he grinds his teeth.

Begrot (see gro}, scratching.

Beguai (see guai), to hasten, be in a hurry. Iya beguai bejako. Pie hastens to speak.

Begulanggalu, to go to and fro’, here and there. Anang bangat begulanggalu. Do not go to and fro’.

Begulin, a pillow with ends embroidered with gold thread.

Bejali (sw pejali), to lend. Iya bejali ka aku sa ringgit. He lent me a dollar.

Bejampong or jejampong (see beburong), one of the Dyak omen birds. Kami pulai ninga bejampong. We turned back on hear­ing the bejampong.

Bejap (see jap}, to argue, answer back.

Bejelan (see jelari}, to be regular, be far between. Aku makai enda bejelan. I take my meals irregularly. Bejelan iya ngosong aku. He calls upon me seldom.

Bejeleh, or bejeloh, a mixing of different races or colours. Bejeleh mensia ngadap Ra­jah. People of different races came before the King.

Bejeloh, see bejeleh.

Bejentang (see jentang}, to stretch out (ofstring only).

Bejit, the black long-tailed monkey (Semnopithecus j'emoralis).

Bejuak, to have colic. Endu bejuak di malam. My daughter had the colic last night.

Bejungkeh, to walk on tip-toe (as a per­son suffering from tebu).

Bejuntah, to be of unequal lengths.

Bekaban, (see kaban}, to keep together in a body, flock or herd together. Sida beka­ ban ngasu. They hunted in a body.

Bekachapak, to splash water with the hands.

Bekain jala or bebentai tali (see bentai}, to wear string tied round the waist signifying deep mourning (of women only).

Bekal (v. f. mekal; bebekal}, s. provision, supplies, v. to provide for. Sida ti ngeta nyau ambis bekal. Those who went upon the gutta expedition have run short of provisions.

Bekampi, mixed up.

Bekana (see kanal}, to intone a fable.

Bekapok (see kapok}, covered with mould. Nyau bekapok asi ti diempa orang ti kayau anak. Those that made a raid ate cooked rice that was mouldy.

Bekasi (yz&pekasi}, to sneeze.

Bekau (bebekau}, a foot print, spoor, ves­tige, remains. Aram kitai nyidi bekau rusa. Come let us follow the deer’s spoor. Nya be­kau langkau umai kami taun siti kamari. Those are the remains of our farm hut of last year.

Bekebesut, to come out pell-mell.

Bekebrai, to drop down like rain, tears, or flowers at intervals. Bungai bekebrai ninggang batang. The flowers drop down on the trunks of the felled trees.

Bekechebok, the sound made by anything dropping into the water.

Bekeohimbong, to beat the water for amusement as women and children do when bathing.

Bekedangkul, to walk in Indian file.

Bekedanja, to be running to and fro’.

Bekedebar, shatter.

Bekedegir, to stand and look (of a num­ber of persons). Anang kita sarnoa bekedegir dia. Don’t all stand looking there.

Bekedempai, scattered.

Bekedengong, to have many large holes.

Bekedengut, to murmur, squeak like young pigs.